Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 332 Provocation, surface invaders

After the two giants of the Muyan tribe, Sui and Wu, asked the two tribes, the answer they got was of course no. They didn't do it in the first place, so how could they admit it? What's more, there was no enmity between the two tribes, so it was impossible for them to miss each other. He went to kill the giant of the other tribe for no reason.

After getting the answer, the two giants naturally went back.

After they left, Wang Linchi first dissected the elemental giant from the Yapu tribe, and then returned to the Heizhuo tribe to dissect the elemental giant. As soon as the two tragedies happened, just like the Muyan tribe, they immediately launched a call.

It's just that the way of summoning is not like the Muyan tribe using drums, but in different ways, one is similar to a bell, and the other is a horn.

Obviously each tribe has a completely different way.

Of course, the circumstances of the discussion were also different. For example, the finger was pointed directly at the Muyan tribe. The main reason was that it was too coincidental. Not long after you left on the front foot, they died on the back foot.

What's more important is that someone died on your side, and it seems like you were deliberately seeking revenge.

Therefore, the giants of the two tribes were discussing how to take revenge on the Muyan tribe.

Wang Linchi was also stunned for a moment, and this was indeed careless.

But it had nothing to do with him, because Wang Linchi got what he wanted.

The only drawback of the Burning Elemental Bloodline Potion and the Waterfall Elemental Bloodline Potion is that there is something wrong with these two things.

It seems to be a variant.

Just like the rock element of the Muyan tribe, it is a variant of the earth element, the burning element is a variant of the fire element, and the waterfall element is a variant of the water element.

In terms of living habits, they are also different from Mu Yan. These two elements do not live in a house. The burning element lives in a cave, and the waterfall element lives in a pond under a waterfall.

However, one thing is the same, and that is the object of sacrifice. The object of their sacrifice is also the god. After Wang Linchi made in-depth inquiries, he found that the descriptions of the gods were slightly different. For example, the appearance of the gods was more like their own elemental image. , generally not much different.

This made Wang Linchi's speculation go one step further.

"The compatibility is limited. The burning element and the waterfall element are incompatible with water and fire. The rock element and the burning element are not close together. The water element will corrode the rock element."

When trying to synthesize blood, Wang Linchi discovered a lot of problems, which made his head spin.

There is basically no possibility for the three elements to coexist peacefully, let alone merge into one bloodline.

These are only three types. What can be known so far is that the elements of the elemental giant are basically variants of the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind.

There are as many giant tribes as there are elemental variants.

Therefore, if you want to reverse the bloodline potion that is closest to the source, you must at least collect the bloodline of all elemental giants.

However, Wang Linchi didn't know how many varieties of elemental giants there were, and how many tribes there were.

The underground world is indeed smaller than the surface world, but it is not that easy to gather all the elemental giants.

"I don't know if it's too late." Wang Linchi looked at the progress of the entry "Reincarnation" in his Soul Seed: Destiny and Destiny. He was no longer searching for a new world, but anchoring.

It means that the required world has been found, but the coordinates have not been completely determined, and it will take time.

In the stage of reincarnation residual seal, there is also this process, but it is not shown that they are all stuffed into the same process. It was only after Wang Linchi became part of the soul seed and destiny destiny that he distinguished it.

It is estimated that it should be done within a month at most.

However, Wang Linchi said it was too late. Naturally, it was not that he was leaving, but that the evil of the mistake was coming.

Although the underground world is like two different worlds from the surface world, ever since a hole was opened in the location of Wanxuan City, a thousand-mile embankment has been destroyed in an ant nest.

What's more, even if the evil of error does not invade the underground world, as the entire world comes to a halt, the underground world will not be spared.

It is true that the sword of the previous dynasty cannot kill the officials of this dynasty, but if the whole world is gone, there will be no dynasty left.

"From the Heizhuo Tribe and the Yapu Tribe, we can know that there are five other tribes around."

"It would be nice if there was a map, but judging from the current situation, neither Muyan, Heizhuo, or Yapu are considered big tribes."

Wang Linchi had obtained some information from the Heizhuo tribe before.

Of course, tribes do not have such a bloody hierarchy. You can be promoted to a big tribe with any amount of population and strength. There is no level such as a half-step peak big tribe or a perfect small tribe.

As long as the other party has a large population, a wide hunting range and no shortage of food and drink, then it is a big tribe.

Wouldn't it be a bit ridiculous to divide these levels with a group of primitive people? They don't even have levels in their own extraordinary system, let alone tribal divisions.

The main thing is that the resources are allocated enough and there is no survival problem, otherwise there will definitely be a fight.

"Get out of this world, you humble ant!"

Just when Wang Linchi was about to look for other giant tribes, an invisible pressure broke out.

The target was not Wang Linchi, but it affected him.

Looking up again, an outline appeared in the sky. The outline was slightly shapeless, and it was completely impossible to determine what shape it was.

"It just affected me and almost broke my starlight shield. This strength is really terrifying." Wang Linchi looked solemn.

He was thinking about what would happen if it were him who faced this pressure head on.

"It will severely damage my mental strength, and it will take at least a second to recover." Wang Linchi immediately came to the conclusion that he could not effectively resist, thanks to his strong recovery ability.

"In terms of size, the opponent can't compare to me, but their quality is far superior to mine."

"The other party's pressure is not just mental, but multifaceted."

"But the second time can only cause me minor injuries at most." The Dragon Soul Holy Lord in Wang Linchi can help him adapt to this situation as quickly as possible.

When he thought of this, he became more and more worried. There was a conflict between the will existing in the underground world and the evil of error. This will may be a god, or it may be a powerful existence among the elemental giants.

It is true that elemental giants have low IQs, but this is not an absolute thing. There will always be one or two outliers.

After waiting for three minutes, there was no movement after the roar. Wang Linchi thought a fight was about to start, but in the end, he disappeared quietly.

"It's a pity that we couldn't start a fight." Wang Linchi was a little regretful about this.

If a fight really breaks out, Wang Linchi can go over and get some benefits.

"It doesn't matter if I can't fight, I can be more stable."

Naturally, Wang Linchi would not force anything like this. If I gain it, I will lose my life.

"But speaking of which, could it be Ye Tian?"

He felt that there were only four people who could enjoy this treatment. Apart from the three mistakes of the game system, corrupted players, and the resistance, the only one was Ye Tian.

"No, there is some kind of terrifying power underground." Ye Tian's figure collapsed little by little.

On the other side of him, Linghu Sen was in the same situation, and the two of them faced the pressure head-on.

However, this kind of harm is not a threat to the two of them at all.

Ye Tian has taken control of the fallen player, the evil of error. Now he has completely transformed from a human into an evil of error. He is the true form of the fallen player, and he controls a large number of players who betray the game system.

The same is true for Linghu Sen. After the mistake of the NPC resistance took shape, as the leader of the resistance, he naturally led the mistake of the resistance.

Both of them retained their egos, and relied on their strong will to suppress the evil instincts, and further joined forces.

The fallen players and the NPC rebels had already had a fight with the game system before, and the result was self-evident. They both lost. Fortunately, they retreated in time without leaving any clue to the game system.

It was precisely because of this failure that the two evil evils of similar forces formed an alliance.

After the failure, I also learned from the pain. Instead of continuing to rush forward without thinking, I wanted to find other ways out.

In fact, it was not that there was nothing gained. After Ye Tian and Linghu Sen joined forces, they directly separated Wanxuan City from the control of the game system and turned it into their own territory to accommodate the fallen players and NPC resistance. military.

Then, the entrance to this underground world came into their sight. Even the game system wanted to snatch things, which meant that there must be something they valued.

'It's not that there is no way, I do know one...' The Destiny Demon God said this in Ye Tian's mind at the right time.

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