Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 354 The big mushroom was picked up

In the three underground floors, a dreamlike purple light is constantly floating, a large number of mycelium is attached to the wall, and the magic mushrooms are shining with fluorescence.

"You're here." Zi Guang's old voice rang.

Wang Linchi noticed something different.

The purple light before looked like a vain and weak old man, but now he is full of vitality and full of sinews.

"Are you connected to the colony?" Wang Linchi asked.

He didn't know what a colony was, but it should be some kind of network or a source of power. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a big change.

"Don't mention this, I'm ready to leave." Ziguang did not answer Wang Linchi's question, but said goodbye, which made Wang Linchi a little confused: "Let me look at the time, there are still ten minutes."

"So fast?" Wang Linchi was a little surprised, but also a little envious. It was different having a backstage. Even if the world was destroyed, someone would come to pick it up.

"Thank you for helping me. Before I leave, I will treat this as a thank you gift." Zi Guang said.

"Thanks to me? You borrowed my luck?" Wang Linchi couldn't understand. He had never helped the other party. He didn't always want to kill the other party.

Of course, he can't be killed now. Although the other party didn't give a direct answer, Wang Linchi can be sure that his strength has recovered and is no longer affected by the number of phantom mushrooms. The lowest estimate is... the same level as that goblin.

"Almost, almost." Ziguang answered vaguely, and then the ground began to shake, and a stone shining with a strange light cracked from the ground.

The stone is not big, only about the size of a palm.

"This thing is the brain of the god. I used it as nourishment to multiply the offspring and mushrooms. It is of no use if I keep it, so I give it to you." As Ziguang spoke, the stone flew towards Wang Linchi.

"Why don't you just give me such a precious thing?" Wang Linchi was confused. He didn't know the function of the God's brain, but it was definitely unusual to be involved with the giant beast of the God.

"Precious is precious, but it is of no use to me. It is like a piece of gold. It is not as valuable to me as a dead branch."

"If I wasn't starving to death, I definitely wouldn't use this thing as nutrition. You know the taste, how torture it is for a mushroom."

The purple light is a bitter taste. He is a fungus. After long-term changes, his brain has long been transformed into substances similar to oil and natural gas. If he hadn't been able to digest it, he would have died long ago.

"Oh, how do you use this thing?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

This is just a stone, and it seems to be a natural treasure, but Wang Linchi has no way to use it.

Purple light can digest it, but he can't.

"Grind it into powder, use it with the blood of the gods you extracted from the barbarians to make raw materials, and use magic to enchant it." Ziguang seemed to know his plan.

Wang Linchi didn't care which channel the other party knew from, but was thinking about the feasibility.

"It's a good idea, but I can't grind it into powder." Wang Linchi quickly realized that in Ziguang's hands, this thing might be fine, but in Wang Linchi's hands, this thing couldn't be any harder.

It would be difficult for him to leave traces, let alone grind powder as a material.

It was too difficult for him.

"Well... it makes sense. The scientific name of this thing is the core of the world. It is the core of a world. Even if this core is just a prototype, you really can't break it." Ziguang explained the origin.

When Wang Linchi heard this, he instantly understood why it was a prototype. If it was the brain of the Mother Goddess, it must be the core of the complete world. However, it was just a god, and it was still being conceived. Even the main body had not been fully developed. How could the brain be Development may be complete.

"If you want to destroy something, it can be difficult or difficult."

"If you're not strong enough, you can scrape together materials. If you really can't do it, you can do it by hard work. I'll give you a method. You can try it." Zi Guang thought about it, and it seemed that it was indeed difficult to deal with.

"Dharma? Are you sure that a human can do the magic that you fungi practice?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

There are differences between people. He has crossed species. If the opponent's method is given to him, even if he can practice it, he may not have to practice it like a mushroom.

"It really doesn't work, so I'll give you a World Core research report, but yours is a prototype, so it doesn't have most of the abilities in it, only a small part, and the effect is relatively low." After that, a large number of The fungus began to assemble, and finally condensed into a book.

Wang Linchi took the booklet and flipped through it. The content was indeed very complete.

It should have been selected by Ziguang. Most of the content is related to the prototype of the core of the world. It is estimated that this should be the research of the forces behind the other party. The given book is definitely not the whole book. If it is really given to the whole book, it cannot be just this one. A pamphlet, but a huge volume.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied?" Zi Guang asked.

"It's okay, but why did you give me these?" Wang Linchi still didn't understand.

"Karma, if you help me, I will help you in return." Zi Guang said seriously.

Wang Linchi was quite suspicious: "Are you also a karma type?"

How could it be such a coincidence? A mushroom follows the flow of cause and effect. Judging from its previous performance, it looks like chemical bliss, a biological genre upgraded by taking drugs.

"Yes, otherwise you wouldn't be able to find me. I have deeply integrated my own body and cause and effect. As long as my cause and effect is immortal in this world, I will not die." Ziguang said.

"Why did you say you were going to starve to death before?" Wang Linchi found a loophole.

"There was no cause and effect before. Later, more people in the White Claw Empire ate magic mushrooms, and cause and effect became more common." Zi Guang rounded off his logic very well.

"I see, that makes sense." Wang Linchi did not continue to inquire further.

For him, these are actually not important.

"The time is up. The person to pick me up is here. I will take the first step." Zi Guang looked at the time and then said.

As he spoke, all the purple radiance, clinging hyphae and a large number of magic mushrooms began to shrink continuously, and finally formed a polymer-like existence.

Wang Linchi just wanted to see how this guy could go.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Linchi suddenly noticed that a large number of irregular lines appeared on the ground.

Not just the ground, but the entire three underground levels appeared, as if something had penetrated.


Wang Linchi recognized the crawling patterns as fungal hyphae.

Countless mycelium clung to Zi Guang's body and wrapped it up.

Before Wang Linchi could react, the hyphae began to go back continuously, just like rewinding the tape, and the place where the purple light was originally was empty.

When everything was calm, the three underground floors fell into darkness. Without the magic mushroom to shine, there was naturally no light source.

"This way of leaving is really... unique." Wang Linchi couldn't help but hold back the uniqueness as a description.

Compared to the goblins who left on the shuttle bus, the purple light left quietly. If he hadn't seen it, he might not have been able to notice it.

"Forget it, you got a bargain, there's no need to worry about it." Wang Linchi looked at the World Core prototype and manual in his hand, and he felt that he had made a big profit.

As for giving him things for no reason, Wang Linchi couldn't solve it even if he cared about it.

The purple light that contacted the colony was extremely powerful. If the other party wanted to kill him at that time, he had no ability to resist.

The second is to take away the existence of Ziguang, I am afraid that even the game system will not be able to offend the opponent.

There is a high probability that there will be no problem with the thing. It doesn't look like he wants to attack him, so there is no need to use these dirty tricks.

When faced with someone who could be easily crushed to death by him, he would not waste any time deliberately playing tricks on them. He would simply crush them to death to prevent the other party from coming back.

"With this world core prototype, maybe I can change my elemental growth into world growth?" Wang Linchi saw in the manual that the world core prototype can also grow into a complete world core, and even if used properly If so, a new world can be born using it as the core.

If his book of records contained a world, wouldn't he be invincible?

However, it is necessary to check the activity of the prototype of the World Core. If it is good, Wang Linchi does not plan to make it an ability, but directly integrates it with the Book of Records.

Once the Book of Records is successfully fused, it will be Wang Linchi who fused the core of the world.

After all, the soul form is part of him.

"In this case, it seems that the elemental bloodline and enchantment have to be changed. They are used to increase the size and capacity of the Book of Records. There is an overlap." Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes and thought about the next step. What should be done.

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