Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 355 Philosopher’s Stone (Mythical Level)

"How are your eyes lately? Why are you blinking all the time?" Ye Tian looked at Wang Linchi curiously.

He had previously said that he was going to the Black Teeth Empire to borrow his tiger skin to search for knowledge, but for some reason he didn't go and stayed at home. He said he had some research and asked the Black Teeth Empire to make a copy and send it to him.

"I was making the Philosopher's Stone, and I overused my eyes when doing the micro carving. As you know, with our conditions, we don't have such good equipment if we want to micro carve." Wang Linchi complained. He combined elemental blood with magic to create A brand new soul phase plug-in, he named it the Philosopher's Stone.

[Philosopher's Stone (Mythical Level)]

[Wisdom Enlightenment: Thinking and Logic Ability +100%]

[Element Mastery: Various elements can be mastered through control, synthesis, arrangement, transformation, etc.]

[Immortality: The Philosopher's Stone cannot be broken, its lifespan has no upper limit and will not age, keeping itself at its peak]

[Secret of spells: All elemental ability effects +100%]

[Source of Bloodline: Stores no more than 100% of one's own mental power, which can be used as subsequent reserve energy]

[Soul Splitting: Consume reserved energy to split into a new Philosopher's Stone]

[Elixir of all things: Taking the Philosopher's Stone can obtain corresponding effects such as recovery, purification, disease relief, and regeneration]

[Equivalent exchange: You can use the Philosopher's Stone to withstand damage, or consume a Philosopher's Stone to replace death]

[Ether Crystal: Can convert the reserve energy in the Philosopher's Stone into any element]

[Immortal Spirit: Suppresses all energies that are inferior to the Philosopher's Stone]

The Philosopher's Stone is a red gemstone about the size of a thumb. It contains a special all-in-one enchantment that combines all enchantments with the transformation of the properties of the four elements, plus the solidification of the blood flowing through the gods. The powerful force formed later.

Of course, many functions of the Philosopher's Stone are actually affected by his strength.

There is also the ability to split the soul, which can create a brand new Philosopher's Stone, which is actually very useful whether it is to cure diseases, save people, or increase strength.

The effect and duration of the created Philosopher's Stone depend on the energy Wang Linchi puts into it. Once its internal energy is exhausted, the created Philosopher's Stone will be automatically destroyed, and its maximum ability will be destroyed. No more than this one on him.

However, there are other uses, such as making 18,000 Philosopher's Stones, which are very useful props whether they are used as recovery items, to withstand damage, as substitutes for death, or directly as bullets.

Element mastery plus ether crystallization, through the arrangement, combination, fission and other effects of the four elements, deuterium elements, tritium elements, etc. can be combined for combination.

That's right, it's a small hydrogen bomb.

He didn't know how powerful it was, since he had never synthesized it before, but it was definitely very effective.

If this small hydrogen bomb explodes, coupled with the suppression effect of the immortal spirit and the increase in the mystery of the spell, an energy void will inevitably be formed, which is the so-called magic-free zone.

"Philosopher's Stone? What is that?" Ye Tian had never heard of it.

"Wait a minute, I'll take one out for you." Wang Linchi said and put his hand into his throat.

He has created three new Philosopher's Stones, but unfortunately the effects cannot be completely superimposed. Abilities such as wisdom enlightenment and elemental mastery can only take effect on one.

"No, why did you take it out from your stomach?" Ye Tian was a little bit embarrassed.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Linchi took out a ruby ​​with gastric juice, wiped it and handed it to Ye Tian.

"Here, I just ate before I came here. I haven't digested much yet. Don't be polite to me." Wang Linchi was very enthusiastic.

During the period of time when the Philosopher's Stone is eaten and digested, his game character can also gain more idle experience. This should be the linkage between the two, the formation between the element mastery entry and the data rule entry. The effect is accelerated by drawing order and chaos as a supplement.

The character's idle experience is naturally very useful to Wang Linchi. Not only can it be used as a supplement to his strength, but the experience points can also be used to improve his own strength.

Even after changing to another world, the game characters can be accelerated to adapt to the rules.

"Don't... it's disgusting." Ye Tian stopped Wang Linchi's enthusiasm.

"This is a good thing to save your life. You really can't see gold inlaid with jade." When Wang Linchi heard this, his face darkened, and he stuffed the Philosopher's Stone back into his stomach again.

"Be gentle, we are guilty of mistakes, but we can't mess around like this, lest we injure our esophagus." Ye Tian also had a headache when he saw Wang Linchi being so rough.

"Don't worry, my esophagus is quite resilient." Wang Linchi said not to worry. He had already harmed himself several times with his own recovery ability. The harm was even greater. Dragon Soul Holy Lord's adaptive evolution had long since The originally fragile parts of his body became extremely tough.

Things like cramping, skinning, deboning, and live beheading were all trivial to Wang Linchi. If he wasn't worried that the environment was too dangerous, he would have taken his brain out for a walk.

It's okay. If the next world is safe, we will deal with the evil beasts again.

After all, it is not that easy to die even if you are passive.

"By the way, what do you want from me?" Wang Linchi asked.

After he completed the Philosopher's Stone, he has been studying the prototype of the World Core. So far, this thing is very active. The only thing left is to figure out how to integrate it into the Book of Records.

There must be a clue, that book is very complete, but the problem is that he is afraid that his record book will explode.

So make the appropriate preparations in advance.

For example, make some room.

After all, there is not even a single seam left in the current Book of Records.

"Something happened. You should have some free time, right?" Ye Tian asked.

When Wang Linchi heard this, he restrained his teasing behavior and asked solemnly: "Have you made a decision?"

"Well, I've made my choice." Ye Tian said calmly.

The choice is naturally to give up the underground world or gather humans, NPCs, elemental giants, lizards and game systems to fight for their lives.

The former still has a chance of winning, but the latter is basically hopeless.

"Are you planning to abandon the underground world?" Wang Linchi continued to ask.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it." Ye Tian lowered his eyelids, with a tone of reluctance. Either the world would perish, or he would give up the underground world to improve his chances of winning.

In the end, Ye Tian still preferred humans. Of course, NPCs and humans currently belong to the same camp, so they cannot be separated. Unlike elemental giants and lizardmen, these two races have their own camp.

"How sure are you?" This time it was Wang Linchi's turn to ask him.

"70% sure!" Ye Tian seemed to have some kind of trump card, so he dared to shout 70%.

"It's so high. It seems that you have made up your mind a long time ago, but you have been preparing these days." Wang Linchi understood in an instant that it should be the support of the Destiny Demon God.

"Then why did you come to me? With my situation, I can't help you much."

In this matter, Wang Linchi is also self-aware and there is really nothing he can do to help.

"Yes, help me stop the game system." Ye Tian said.

"Ah? Me?" Wang Linchi was a little confused. Why did he feel that he had become a running worm, and Ye Tian was a nine-headed worm at this time, asking him to get rid of Tang Monk and his disciples.

If Benbo'erba had this ability, he would first get rid of the Nine-Headed Insect and become the consort himself, instead of being a subordinate of the Nine-Headed Insect.

"There is no need to face the game system, destroy His copy plan, just attract attention temporarily."

"Within one month, whether I succeed or not, you will retreat." Ye Tian was not the kind of person who did not know what to do, so he asked Wang Linchi to attract attention indefinitely, but gave him some time.

"Well... it's okay." Wang Linchi thought for a while, and it was not difficult. As long as he was not allowed to confront the game system head-on, there would be no danger to his life, and he could still eat some of the evil of mistakes, and let him Improve your own strength as soon as possible.

As for the research on the prototype of the World Core, this can be done at the same time without delaying things.

It just so happens that he also dislikes the slow improvement of his strength recently. Taking some supplements can level up faster. After such a long time, the quality of Mistaken Evil must have improved a lot. After eating it, the improvement will inevitably be even greater.

"If you have any needs, just ask. As long as I can handle it, I'll give it to you." Ye Tian naturally couldn't let Wang Linchi go there empty-handed.

"There really is!" Wang Linchi thought. He wanted to get some data about Ye Tian, ​​that is, the data about the sin of error and the savior.

Quality doesn't matter, but since the other party is the savior, this is very important.

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