Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 360 Big mansion, a whole family

"Ancient painting style again? The game system seems to be deliberately suppressing people's wisdom?" Wang Linchi frowned. When he came to this large dungeon, he also saw various modern buildings and facilities being deliberately changed on the road, and various types of The copy also seems to have turned into an ancient mode.

As for how to interfere with the evil of mistakes, Wang Linchi is not sure yet, but it is certain that with the current strength of the game system, it cannot interfere with the evil of mistakes. How can it not interfere with its environment? Indirectly promote the change of the sin of error, and then change it bit by bit, and it will naturally become what it wants.

"Do you know anything about this large dungeon?" Wang Linchi straightened the Shadow of Gluttony before asking.

The Shadow of Gluttony quickly recovered and hurriedly said: "Let me understand. He was thrown in as a BOSS by the game system at that time. He was probably a strange type, and there were mistakes everywhere."

"There are a large number of players and NPCs as foils here. It's not like a small dungeon. Most of the time it's filled with players and mistakes."

"And there seems to be some general trend going on, just like the game system is simulating the real world." The Shadow of Gluttony said quickly.

When Wang Linchi heard this, he was also thinking in his mind, simulating the real world?

The game system wants to seize the world, and then allow yourself to live a second life and save the world at the same time?

"That's nonsense. I think I want to extract costs more efficiently, so as to artificially create errors and let this ranch enter a virtuous cycle." Wang Linchi threw away the idea of ​​saving the world with the game system without hesitation. Later, before it was erroneous, it was true, but now it is simply impossible.

The real possibility is to create some kind of means to escape from the world. After the world comes to a halt, you can leave this world and go to other worlds as soon as possible.

With the three skills of Abyss, Wang Linchi didn't think that the other party was capable of this.

But the premise is that the world stops and dies. Otherwise, the game system will be unable to leave even if it wants to. Although it is powerful, it is still essentially a rule. Even if it is a wrong rule, it cannot escape from the world.

So it was more like he was preparing, just like Wang Linchi, to leave with all his family property as soon as the world came to a halt.

The large-scale dungeon is a pasture experiment, which allows the game system to create its own mistakes when it continues to parasitize in other worlds after leaving this world.

Needless to say, it’s really well thought out.

"Big brother, what should we do next?" Shadow of Gluttony asked cautiously.

"Next, of course it's time to eat. I'm a little hungry." Wang Linchi looked at the shadow of Gluttony, as if he was thinking about where to start his mouth.

"The boss is right. We are as good as steel. If we don't eat even one meal, we will get hungry! I just saw a family not far away. Let's just go and order something to eat." The shadow of Gluttony couldn't help but get excited, and was shocked by someone. Treating it as food, he was naturally afraid.

As soon as he said these words, Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile jokingly: "How do you know there is a house not far away? Why can't I see it?"

"..." Gluttony Shadow couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Looking at Wang Linchi's somewhat dangerous demeanor, he felt that if he couldn't give a good explanation, he might die.

"Because I have been here once before, so I remember." At this time, the Shadow of Gluttony could only bite the bullet and speak, even though he had no such thing as a scalp.

"Okay, I'll just trust you once. If there's no one in front of me, I'll have to eat you when I'm hungry." Wang Linchi immediately changed his expression and said cheerfully.

These words naturally frightened the Shadow of Gluttony. The Sin of Error is not a good thing in the first place. Even if the Shadow of Gluttony has a brain, he can't be too shameless. He still knows the virtues of this thing. , if he was stronger than Wang Linchi, he would have swallowed Wang Linchi in one gulp, how could he look so timid.

Therefore, you should teach this Shadow of Gluttony a lesson from time to time and let him know that your uncle will always be your uncle.

Otherwise, what if Wang Linchi suddenly stabbed Wang Linchi in the back.

Although it may not break the defense, it is still a hidden danger and must be suppressed to death. It is best to toss the opponent into the shape of Wang Linchi.

Carrying the Shadow of Gluttony along the way, not only did he not reach any inhabited area, but he also went further and further into the countryside, which made Wang Linchi feel a little dizzy.

Fortunately, this guy didn't lie, there was indeed a family.

"It's a bunch of mistakes, good guy. I don't know if it's the result of artificial interference from the game system or if it's already so consistent."

Wang Linchi looked at the luxurious mansion standing abruptly in the wilderness.

"Let's try some logic. Whoever builds such a big house in the middle of the city instead of building it in the wilderness is obviously problematic." Wang Linchi complained.

Needless to say, it is indeed quite strange.

Bang bang bang~

Wang Linchi immediately slapped the door with accurate force, breaking the door into pieces without even a single slap.

"Open the door, I'm back." Wang Linchi slammed the door with a loud bang.


The door opened. Wang Linchi was caught off guard and slapped a servant who opened the door. The force suddenly increased and the servant's head was smashed into pieces.

"Ah, I'm really sorry, I didn't notice it just now." Wang Linchi quickly helped up the servant who fell to the ground. This was an excellent and excellent evil, and its head quickly recovered.

However, because Wang Linchi acted too violently, he directly triggered the opponent's killing rules and rushed towards Wang Linchi, with his mouth open and filled with all kinds of strange sharp teeth.

The figure of the Holy Lord appeared and struck the head of this evil creature with one punch, sucking it dry in an instant.

"Isn't...he...dead?" The Shadow of Gluttony stuttered a little, but he saw the Holy Lord blowing himself up with his own eyes.

"Are you confused? When did the Holy Lord die?" Wang Linchi said jokingly.

"Just now, I watched him...explode." The Shadow of Gluttony spoke softer and quieter, and finally said, "It's true that I am old and confused."

He realized why he had gone through so much trouble and still hadn't learned a lesson. He should respond to whatever Wang Linchi said, and he asked stupidly.

"How can you be an old fool? I obviously saw it wrong." Wang Linchi said angrily.

This made the Shadow of Gluttony regret it, and he was planning to torment him again.

Otherwise, we can say so.

On the other side, the Holy Lord has already entered the mansion, and a large number of evil sins are pouring in.

Under normal circumstances, when facing the Sin of Wrong, one needs to circumvent and utilize the other party's killing rules. Otherwise, whether it triggers, violates or destroys its killing rules, it will trigger the Sin of Wrong's endless attacks.

The players must not be able to hold it anymore. Basically, as long as it is triggered, they are dead.

As for the evils of two rules triggering each other, it means that the rules are entangled. In the entire dungeon, all the evils of errors are actually entangled together. It is just that there is no winner or a tie, so the players need help.

The outcome is naturally a matter of one party being compatible with the other, while a tie means everyone is at a loss.

"The direct entrance has a higher conversion rate." Wang Linchi felt the spiritual power pouring into his body and asked the Holy Master to kill. It was indeed convenient, but the utilization rate was much lower.

There will be some loss in the middle, about one-tenth, otherwise, why would Wang Linchi eat it himself.

He also thought about feeding it to Dragon Soul and Holy Lord, but he couldn't feed it. The main reason was that Dragon Soul and Holy Lord couldn't digest it and it could only absorb it.

Therefore, there is no way to turn the evil of mistakes into spiritual power.

"By the way, do you have any suggestions?" Wang Linchi asked after letting go of the gluttonous shadow that he had crumpled into a ball.

"No...nothing to say, boss, you are right." The Shadow of Gluttony's voice was filled with pain. When Wang Linchi kneaded him, he not only used pure brute force, but also used a thinking force field to make him Enough pain.

It's pure torture, no fancy ideas.

"Yes, you have finally gotten rid of your habit of boasting." Wang Linchi was very satisfied with Gluttony's Shadow's answer. It didn't matter what the answer was, the main reason was that the other party gave in.

The Holy Lord's killings became more and more horrifying, and the whole mansion was shaking, as if the murder rules of the mansion were triggered.

Whether it is the ground, the walls, or the attic, it is covered with bloody lines. If you look closely, these lines are a group of stacked death characters.

"Turn it on high?" Wang Linchi felt that this mansion must be of epic quality, and then thought of one thing: "Speaking of which, why are most architectural mistakes of higher quality?"

Among the epics he encountered, the Night Inn, the Human Skin Inn, and such a mansion were all epic.

"Could it be that the construction type has an advantage?"

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