Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 361 The era of alliance between players and NPCs

"This large copy is worthy of the word "big". It covers an area of ​​almost an entire province."

After Wang Linchi finished eating at the mansion, he naturally walked along the road. The overall impression given to Wang Linchi was that the place was vast and sparsely populated.

The products of modernization are basically gone. Even Wang Linchi suspects that this large dungeon does not occupy an area of ​​​​the real world like other dungeons. Instead, it is more like a combination of the entangled reverberation technology of the abyss and a similar creation. In the special space of "God-Given World".

This is understandable. In Wang Linchi's eyes, since he needs to take assets with him when running away, there must be a container to hold the assets, and large dungeons are very suitable.

"A one-to-one replica of the world of the Suppressing Magician?" Wang Linchi entered a city called Liancheng. The architectural style was not much different from that in the original Abyss difficulty dungeon. The differences should also be due to regional differences.

There is nothing wrong with the city on the surface. The people living here are players and NPCs. It seems that the players have become accustomed to this ancient life, and every player has a tired face and a hurried look.

According to Wang Linchi's understanding, the players' level mechanism, pet mechanism, mount mechanism and other combat power-related mechanisms have been abolished. The reason is probably that the numerical values ​​​​can no longer deal with the evil of errors, and remaining will only allow the game system to add one out of thin air. Expenditure, so if it can be deleted, it will be deleted naturally.

The equipment and skill mechanisms are still there, but the equipment obtained has gradually changed into rules that can temporarily resist the evil evil killing rules or can detect some clues about the evil evil. It tends to be an auxiliary type, and the equipment attributes are limited, and the skills can be used a certain number of times.

It is equivalent to turning the original RPG game into a puzzle game, and combat is no longer the key.

This makes many players suffer from mental fatigue. Not everyone is good at solving puzzles. Compared with the simplicity and roughness of numerical games, every player is now required to be like the detective protagonist in detective novels and have strong detective skills. , deduction and other abilities, this is simply difficult for others.

Many players simply cannot adapt. They keep dying, their attributes are getting lower and lower, and they are about to be wiped out.

Wang Linchi also pretended to be a player at this time, using the Philosopher's Stone to control the elements, and formed a hard-core character name on his head, so as to make himself look like a player, and there is no need to worry about being discovered unless there is a player Use reconnaissance skills on him.

However, skill counts are very precious and are used to deal with the evil of mistakes. How could they be used on Wang Linchi.

"New player? From which large dungeon were you assigned?" The NPC shopkeeper of the inn glanced at Wang Linchi and could tell he was new at a glance.

"How can you tell that I'm new here?" Wang Linchi asked curiously, but from what he said, it seems that all the players have been placed in the large dungeon, and will also be assigned. , this is a bit strange, isn’t the game system unable to interfere with the copy?

"This is not simple. The inn is just a decoration. Players will be assigned a property when they come in. For example, our NPCs also have their own shops. You are the first one who can stay in the hotel." The innkeeper replied to Wang Linchi.

"What about distribution? After death, you are kicked out of the dungeon and then re-entered into other large dungeons?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"Yes, isn't it different for other large-scale dungeons?" The innkeeper was confused by Wang Linchi.

"I don't know. I was just assigned here and thought it was different." Wang Linchi gave a reason. Judging from the other party's answer, it was obvious that the innkeeper didn't know either.

"Then I don't even know. You were assigned here after all. You experienced it once. You were in the inn when I was born." The innkeeper also smiled.

The game system can create NPCs, so the players in the large dungeon are old players, and the NPCs are new NPCs.

They were probably worried that NPCs from the resistance would get involved.

"Yes, we are all equally hard-working, so are there any taboos in this copy?" Wang Linchi asked boldly, regardless of whether the secret would be revealed.

If the secret is exposed, the most likely thing is to change his appearance and character name. Anyway, this is not difficult for him.

"That's true, but I don't know if it's any different from your last large copy."

"During the day, the world belongs to our NPCs and players. After night, there are bugs everywhere. Even in your own residence, there will be anywhere from one to ten lurking. It depends on the condition of the house you live in. The bigger the house. The more luxury there is, the greater the number of mistakes and the higher the mortality rate.”

"Once you die and your attributes are cleared, you will be thrown to another copy and start over again, and will not be erased."

"Of course, our NPC is basically dead when it dies, but the evil in the NPC shop is better. There is only one. As long as we don't commit suicide, there is a high probability that it will not die."

When the innkeeper said this, he also sighed: "Actually, I am not the first innkeeper, I am already the third. There is a high probability that I will not die, but I will be dead if I am not careful."

"However, the operation of the shop is actually supported by these evil evils. If you want to build equipment that can delay or avoid the evil evils in the blacksmith shop, you need the evil evil in the blacksmith shop to operate. Every time it operates, , may cause the blacksmith’s death.”

"Skill instructors, medicine shops, and even my inn are all the same. I'm a bit luckier. Not many people come to stay in the inn, and I can't afford it."

"Staying once requires a certain attribute. Although the probability of being attacked by the evil evil in the inn will be much smaller, it is still possible. However, if you are a guest, you will not die after being attacked, but will take away a part of your body. Don’t even think about recovering NPCs. Players can recover after they die." The innkeeper said nonchalantly.

"What you said must be secret. Why did you say it so openly?" Wang Linchi looked strange.

"What a secret. The game system is eager for us to speak out and let the players deal with these mistakes, but the players themselves can't protect themselves, so how can they help us."

"You can get a short respite after solving the evil in your house, but soon it will be thrown in again."

"The situation in our NPC shops is even worse. After the solution, a more powerful one will appear without even breathing. But correspondingly, the functions in our shops will also be more powerful." The innkeeper's face was not good-looking, The attitude towards the game system is also very bad.

"Interesting, you are actually dissatisfied with the game system. I remember that NPCs in the past were very respectful to the game system." Wang Linchi became more and more curious.

The innkeeper's face softened a little, and then he said: "The power of the game system cannot interfere with the dungeon. There is only a rules framework that has been established, so our NPCs also gain some freedom."

"Unfortunately, even if it is a framework, we are not able to resist it."

After hearing this, Wang Linchi also suddenly realized that it was true that he could not interfere, but the underlying rules were still created by the game system. How to develop it was not the game rules that had the final say.

"What, are you going to solve the evil in the inn?" The innkeeper quickly restrained his negative emotions and joked, which was considered a joy in the misery.

With the many changes in the game system, players and NPCs have also formed corresponding alliances. Especially without the power of the game system to directly interfere with NPCs, the relationship between the two parties is also very close.

NPCs can help players survive better, and players' handling of mistakes makes NPCs' living environment better.

Mainly because after being deprived of combat-related mechanisms, players have no power and have restrictions on resurrection, so naturally they are no longer as unscrupulous as before.

"Without that kind of ability, I can't even care about it." Wang Linchi responded and asked: "What about the other dungeons? Are there still players being selected as cannon fodder?"

"Yes, why not? People come here every day." The innkeeper has a lot of friends and doesn't have much to do on weekdays, so he naturally knows more: "We call it a large dungeon here, but compared to those small dungeons , the difficulty is much lower, at least the evil sins here have their own selves at night, and sometimes it makes sense."

"It's not like the mistakes in those small dungeons. They have no brains at all and can't even come up with any tricks."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Linchi couldn't help but feel his heart sink. The game system obtained the corresponding errors from the former director of the hospital, and was actually able to mass-produce its own errors. Judging from this situation, the situation is It's getting worse.

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