Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 363: Share the blessings together, friends come with you if you need help!

"Here? Are you sure there are players who can survive?" A skeleton-like Evil of Mistake looked at the Shadow of Gluttony with some confusion and asked. His name is the Broken Heart Skeleton. As long as the heartbeat of the player or NPC is higher or lower, If it is below the average level, his murder rule will be triggered, and he can directly take out the heart and crush it.

He once had a relationship with the Shadow of Gluttony. Today, the Shadow of Gluttony suddenly came to him, saying that he had met a tough guy and wanted to ask him for help.

When it was twenty-eight points, the Shadow of Gluttony only took two, and the remaining eight were given to the Heartbroken Skeleton.

This made the Heartbroken Skeleton a little excited. He didn't dare to touch the NPC. After all, there were more ruthless ones in his shop, so he kept attacking the players. However, as the players died more, even if they were not talented enough, they died too much. Coupled with the collective efforts of everyone, it has become much more difficult to deal with.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" The Shadow of Gluttony pretended not to understand.

"The specifications of this mansion, there are at least seven of the same kind in it. Now that we go in, we can't even catch the scum." The Heartbroken Skeleton was quite speechless. He thought he was a player living in a dilapidated house, but he didn't expect it to be white now. Had a trip.

The stronger the player's ability, the more dilapidated the house they live in.

"Not necessarily, what if this player takes care of all the similar people in the mansion." The Shadow of Gluttony had already started telling lies with his eyes open.

The Heartbroken Skeleton became more and more speechless. If they could deal with seven of the same kind, what was the difference between them going in and delivering food?

No matter what the situation is, you can't go in.

"As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger, as long as we do this..." The Shadow of Gluttony was already thinking about whether to use something strong.

"No, I'm just a player. I'm not rich. I can still get a few bites if I find some unlucky ones." After saying this, the Heartbroken Skeleton turned and left without hesitation.

He's a skeleton, but he's not brainless.

Now he is suspecting that the Shadow of Gluttony may want to lure him into the mansion, and then make him compatible with him, allowing the Shadow of Gluttony to advance to the next level.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to do something so inconsistent or even so intellectual that it defies logic.

"Don't leave, let's discuss it again." Seeing the Heartbroken Skeleton leaving, the Shadow of Gluttony became anxious. No matter what he said, the other party ignored him.

In order to stop himself from being tortured, the Shadow of Gluttony took action without hesitation, and the huge shadow instantly enveloped the entire Heartbroken Skeleton.

"Damn it, how dare you do it, you are not afraid that you and I will get entangled together!!!" The Heartbroken Skeleton was also stunned. He had no idea that the Shadow of Gluttony would suddenly appear.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt, it won't hurt at all." The Shadow of Gluttony murmured to himself.

These words made the Heartbroken Skeleton start to feel horrified. What kind of thing existed in that mansion that could actually cause such a big change in the Shadow of Gluttony? Even at the risk of being compatible and dying, they had to drag him in. .

"Wait, let me go, I will follow you in." The Heartbroken Skeleton shouted.

What he said was of course a lie, in order to make the Shadow of Gluttony let go of him. As long as he got a moment of vulnerability, the Heartbroken Skeleton would run away immediately and never look back.

However, the Shadow of Gluttony didn't listen at all, and just dragged the Heartbroken Skeleton into the yard.

Under the moonlight, he saw a human player. He was a little dismissive at first, but it was like meeting a natural enemy. When he looked more closely, he couldn't help but feel creepy.

He saw the human player munching on a similar creature.

"I thought you ran away." After the other party saw the Shadow of Gluttony, he stuffed an Evil One into his mouth and chewed it with a crunching sound, which made the Heartbroken Skeleton feel that something was wrong with his own bones.

"Big brother, you have found a tough guy. It's up to you to see if it's tough or not." The Shadow of Gluttony said flatteringly, and then vomited out the heart-breaking skeleton that was rolled up in his body.

Wang Linchi swallowed the mistake in his mouth, then stood up and walked over, picked up the broken heart skeleton, and then sneered: "Oh, they are all bones, how can they not be hard?"

"You think I'm a dog? Give me a big bone to chew on, right?" Wang Linchi said, then kicked the Shadow of Gluttony.

The force was so great that it directly kicked the Shadow of Gluttony away and even made a big hole in the wall.

However, because it was just pure brute force, the Shadow of Gluttony recovered in an instant and ran over flatteringly again: "Boss, your kick is really smooth, let me... …”

Of course I can only praise you at this time.

Wang Linchi said he was disgusted, but he just twisted off the head of the broken heart skeleton, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it. The sound of the bones was very loud.

The remaining parts of the Broken Heart Skull were not completely dead yet, and seemed to be able to feel the pain of having their heads smashed, so they kept struggling. As a result, the struggle fell on Wang Linchi, which had no effect at all. Instead, it was broken again by Wang Linchi. I picked up an arm and just chewed it.

"How can you be completely transformed in just one afternoon?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but joke.

He noticed some subtle damage from the Shadow of Gluttony, which was caused by wrong rules, not caused by the Heartbroken Skeleton, but by a higher energy level, such as the game system.

The Shadow of Gluttony is likely to try to leave the large dungeon and escape back to the hospital by himself, after all, it is too dangerous outside.

As a result, as soon as the dungeon came out, I ran into the squatting game system head on.

He immediately received a severe beating. If he hadn't run back quickly, otherwise he would have been caught by the game system again. After being tortured, he would have been thrown into other dungeons and continued to be the BOSS. If he had been more ruthless, he would have been directly Put it into a normal dungeon, and let players directly kill it, and then it will be compatible with the game system.

That's equivalent to losing your life.

Why don't you just come back in despair? He can continue to seek refuge with Wang Linchi.

Although Wang Linchi beat and scolded him, his purpose was to go to the hospital. When he returned to the hospital, the director would definitely not let Wang Linchi go. By then, as long as Wang Linchi died, he would be able to successfully regain his freedom.

The disadvantage was that he had to be patient during this process, and it was precisely because he figured it out that his attitude changed drastically.

"Of course it's because of your otherworldly temperament, boss. I can't help but let me..." The Shadow of Gluttony burst out a series of words of praise from his mouth.

Wang Linchi had goosebumps when he heard this.

This compliment was so disgusting that Wang Linchi couldn't bear it at all.

"Yes, what you say is pleasing to the ears. Except that I don't like it, it's all good." After Wang Linchi stuffed the last mouthful of Heartbroken Skull into his mouth, he gave the Shadow of Gluttony another kick.

Everyone likes to hear compliments, but the words spoken by the Shadow of Gluttony are really not good enough. They are disgusting and greasy, and they are just compliments without any skills at all.

Wang Linchi didn't need to think about it to know that the other party didn't mean what he said. It was disgusting to hear, so he might as well not listen.

"Trick me to get another one back. If I don't see you before dawn, I'll treat you to breakfast." Wang Linchi shouted to him before the Shadow of Gluttony came in again.

"No problem, boss, just look at it!" The Shadow of Gluttony, which had just squirmed in, said in a feverish tone, and then left the mansion as if fleeing.

If it wasn't necessary, the Shadow of Gluttony wouldn't even want to get close to Wang Linchi. He couldn't bear that kind of moodiness.

As for tricking another of the same kind who had made the mistake to feed Wang Linchi before dawn, it was not difficult at all, and the Shadow of Gluttony did not feel any guilt.

The Sins of Mistakes are originally a group of regular beings without any emotions. Even if they have a self, they will not hesitate when it comes to attacking the same kind of people.

This comes from instinctive rejection.

After all, the evil of mistakes is wrong rules. When there is no self, it will be due to its own characteristics and conflicts with each other, not to mention that after having a self, the attack will naturally be more ruthless.

Wang Linchi didn't care about the attitude of the Shadow of Gluttony. If he used force to coerce him, he would naturally not have much loyalty.

"We've finished eating at home, and there seems to be no one next door. How about I take my place?" Wang Linchi felt that distant relatives were not as good as close neighbors. Although no one lived next door to him, the sin of mistakes lived there.

If you don't eat this thing after keeping it for a long time, what should you do if it goes bad?

Adhering to the spirit of helping others, coupled with the saying that people are like iron rice and steel, and they will starve if they don't eat a meal, Wang Linchi turned over very lightly and came to the house on the left.

The two families live next to each other, and the mansions are naturally either rich or expensive, which means that the number of wrongdoings in them is not much different.

"I don't know how many we can eat at night." Wang Linchi caught a stray animal that was approaching, pinched it with his hand, and then opened his mouth to eat it.

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