Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 364 The efficiency of eating is too slow, we need to speed up

"No, this efficiency is too slow."

The sky was slightly brighter, and Wang Linchi's face looked a little unsightly.

From last night to today, he had only eaten half of the city's evil. If he had to eat up the entire large dungeon, when would he get it?

In the large dungeon, this Lian City is not the only one, there are dozens of other cities.

Otherwise, how could he be sure that this copy would allow him to reach the first rank of the Nine-turn Golden Elixir?

It is precisely because there is enough quantity that we can be sure.

The Gluttonous Shadow on the side was uneasy, and this was inefficient. When he watched Wang Linchi take a bite of one of the same kind, he didn't even need to chew.

"So boss, how are you going to improve efficiency..." Shadow of Gluttony asked cautiously.

Wang Linchi also lowered his head and thought, this matter is indeed difficult to deal with. It is easy to say, but not so easy to do.

"All the evils of mistakes are lining up to be sent to my stomach. It doesn't seem to be that easy to deal with it." Wang Linchi was a little distressed.

There really is no good way.

"How about we eat slowly, don't be in a hurry." The Shadow of Gluttony quickly warned.

"No, I don't have time, I'm in a hurry." Wang Linchi looked gloomy, looking at the entire large copy, and the more he looked at it, the more energetic he became.

"I can't deal with the game system, so I can't deal with a copy of yours?" Wang Linchi suddenly realized that if he packed up the entire copy and swallowed all the mistakes in one go, that would be enough.

As for players, NPCs, etc., it can also be solved. He can modify the dungeon barrier and make it into a net.

Wouldn't it be nice to hold everything he needs, filter out what he doesn't need, and just collect it like this?

Especially the copy barrier, this thing can also be used as a strengthening material to strengthen the Holy Lord's protection seal, killing two birds with one stone.

"This is a big project." Wang Linchi's idea is very good, and after finishing it, there is no need to run around for the remaining two large dungeons needed for improvement, he can just show off.

The Shadow of Gluttony seemed even more frightened as he listened to Wang Linchi's muttering to himself, mainly because he didn't know how Wang Linchi was going to deal with the copy.

"Boss, if the copy is gone, we have to face the game system. He is still squatting outside." Shadow of Gluttony was still frightened. He had tried to escape, but was beaten back.

"Oh? How did you know?" Wang Linchi looked at the Shadow of Gluttony jokingly.

This made the Shadow of Gluttony couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. He was so stupid and said something he shouldn't have said again.

"I...I guessed it." Gluttony Shadow had to give a reason at this time. It was good that Wang Linchi believed it, but he was afraid that he wouldn't believe it.

"I'll let you go for now, and we'll make up for it together next time." Wang Linchi has no intention of tormenting the Shadow of Gluttony now. As for saying that whatever the other party does is nothing to do with Shadow? Wang Linchi is not a law enforcer, so he doesn't need evidence at all, or even justifiable reasons, to take action directly.

Not only did these words not make the Shadow of Gluttony secretly relieved, but it made him even more frightened.

This situation must mean that there is a bigger plan, and he must not be able to survive alone.

"Then why do you need me to run errands for the boss?" Shadow of Gluttony said flatteringly.

At this time, no matter what Wang Linchi's plan is, he should leave Wang Linchi's side first. If it really affects him, he will be in doom.

In his eyes, Wang Linchi was like a madman.

"Run errands? Don't tell me, there are some." Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile: "I'll teach you a way. You can activate all the evils of mistakes, so that they can toss during the day instead of freezing."

"Ah?" The Shadow of Gluttony didn't expect such a request at all.

He was just being polite, but Wang Linchi actually assigned him a task, and it was a very fatal task.

The rules in this large-scale dungeon are very clear. During the day, it is the world of humans, and at night, it is the hunting ground of evildoers. To put it bluntly, these are the main rules of this large-scale dungeon, and evildoers must also abide by it.

The Shadow of Gluttony feels that if he really dares to do this, he is afraid that he will be counterattacked by the rules immediately. He may be able to survive by then, but he will be controlled by the large copy again and become a part of the day and night.

There is indeed no power of the game system here, but it is not out of control.

"Sir, sire, dear sire, I can't do this." The Shadow of Gluttony thought that he was so mean-mouthed and running errands, this time his life would be lost.

"It's not like I'm asking you to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire, I'm just asking your fellow humans to sleep less."

"How can they sleep at this age? So you are not doing something bad, but doing a great good thing." Wang Linchi's tone was very unkind, and the figure of the Holy Master gradually emerged.

The Shadow of Gluttony couldn't help but hesitate. This must be a dead end. It's nothing more than dying sooner or dying later.

"I...I will definitely not let down the boss's expectations." What else could the Shadow of Gluttony say at this time, so he could only agree.

"Yes, you are very sensible." Wang Linchi felt that his behavior seemed to be becoming more and more villainous, but when he thought about it again, the Shadow of Gluttony was the real villain. He tortured the villain, so how could he be called a villain? That's called taking advantage of others, which isn't right. It should be punishing evil... It doesn't seem right either.

"Big brother, how should I wake him up?" The Shadow of Gluttony also had no intention of contradicting himself at this time. He felt that Wang Linchi definitely didn't really want to explain things to him, but was just looking for a reason to torture him. It was already very difficult now. That's right, there is still a reason. It was really unreasonable before and there was still a three-point quarrel.

"Well, don't worry, I'll make an alarm clock for you later." Wang Linchi's plan just now, other devices must still be in the new folder, and then continued: "Actually, you don't have to worry, you will offend me by doing this That is to say, there is only a game system, and the same kind of people who are woken up by you and work hard will be grateful to you."

"Don't worry about the game system. Anyway, you have offended me before. Just as you are chasing a sheep, you are chasing a group of sheep. There is not much difference between a hundred hatred levels and a thousand hatred levels."

Wang Linchi directly fed the Shadow of Gluttony with poisonous chicken soup. Although it was a bit unprofessional, it didn't matter, as long as the Shadow of Gluttony knew about it.

Anyway, Wang Linchi was just using him as a scapegoat, so there was no need to think too much about it.

At first glance, the Shadow of Gluttony felt that what Wang Linchi said was quite reasonable, but after thinking about it again, he felt that Wang Linchi was simply deceiving him.

It was clear that the culprit was Wang Linchi himself, but after the main culprit was reversed, he became the biggest unlucky guy.

This time he learned wisely and did not continue to argue with Wang Linchi.

"The boss is right, those lazy dogs need to be treated properly. They can't wake up during the day and can't sleep at night. Such a reverse day and night will definitely hurt the body." The Shadow of Gluttony echoed Wang Linchi's words.

Otherwise, what else can you do? If you dare to have a different opinion from Wang Linchi, Wang Linchi will use force to make him agree.

"Very good, I'll give you two days off. If you're free, you can make a copy and help me see if the game system is still working." Wang Linchi was warning him not to run away and to stay well these two days. If If he makes any rash move, kill him.

But if the Shadow of Gluttony doesn't understand, that's another matter. Wang Linchi doesn't care about that.

"Yes, yes, thank you for the leave, boss." The Shadow of Gluttony breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. If he stayed calm these past two days, he would not be tortured by Wang Linchi.

When he thought of this, he felt a little sad. No matter how you put it, it was his fault. Even the game system couldn't kill him. As a result, in Wang Linchi's hands, his life was worse than that of a dog. After all, Wang Linchi was still very friendly to cats and dogs. Yes, I won't torture him maliciously, so I don't have so many scruples about dealing with him.

"Go ahead and stay where you can to cool off. If you're interested, you'd better get me some snacks." Wang Linchi waved his hand and motioned for him to get lost.

"Promise to complete the mission!" The Shadow of Gluttony ran away in a flash.

Wang Linchi was not worried about not being able to find the other party. He left a mind-wrenching horse version of the Three Corpse Brain Pill on the Shadow of Gluttony. He had not used this thing for a long time, but his skills were not unfamiliar and he was very skilled.

Moreover, this Three Corpse Brain Pill is not a normal version, but a mini version. Its power is not reduced but its presence is extremely low. Even the Shadow of Gluttony did not notice any problem.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to run so fast, so he set a time limit of five days. If he really dared to run, he would definitely be killed.

Unless the Shadow of Gluttony is upgraded to a mythical living soul species, at his epic level, he will definitely not be able to withstand the explosion of the Three Corpse Brain Insect Pill, and it will take him three to five days to recover.

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