Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 365: Take them all in one fell swoop and never hold back


The harsh sound echoed throughout the large secret realm. Under the stimulation of this sound, all the evil evils that had been shut down during the day gradually recovered their functions.

The Shadow of Gluttony was a little desperate. This morning, Wang Linchi, who had disappeared for three days, found him. He gave him a big loudspeaker and told him that he could officially start work after waking up early.

He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but the movement was too big.

And he felt a little weird in the past two days, as if something had been implanted by Wang Linchi. Unfortunately, he didn't dare to ask, but he was sure that it was some kind of control method.

"I don't know what he did in three days." What really bothered him was not that he was assigned this job and some kind of control method on him, but that Wang Linchi was preparing to attack this large copy.

He had also heard a little about how big the large dungeon was. If such a large dungeon were to be destroyed directly, then they would definitely be chased and beaten by the game system.

In the past, it was just a small fight at best, but now it is equivalent to cutting off an arm of the game system.

According to his information, there are currently only thirteen large-scale dungeons under the control of the game system. If one of them is missing, it will not be as simple as Wang Linchi said. Even his accomplice's hatred level can rise to extremely high levels. level.

"Forget it, if there is any problem, just run away as soon as possible."

The Shadow of Gluttony is not optimistic about Wang Linchi at all. This time it seems crazy, but even if Wang Linchi can solve the entire large copy, it will definitely consume a lot of money. When the time comes to face the game system, he will still be able to resist. ?

While he was thinking about it, all the mistakes he had made were restored due to his loudspeaker. This time it was much more exciting than at night.

There are still some restrictions at night, but now it is daytime, and the restrictions on the evil of mistakes have not been activated, which directly causes the entire dungeon to become a group of demons dancing wildly.

'Anyway, I am idle, and he is not here, so I go hunting for some players to eat. ’

An idea suddenly appeared in Gluttony's mind, and when he was about to leave, he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Damn it, this thing can affect my humanity and self!!!" After being beaten and tortured for so many days, the Shadow of Gluttony has already developed the habit of doing nothing if he can't do it, so as not to be beaten by the king. Linchi has a malicious and difficult character.

He doesn't eat players and won't starve to death, so he simply quits.

Therefore, when this idea came up, it was natural to immediately suspect this big speaker.

"What exactly does he want to do..." For a moment, the Shadow of Gluttony did not think clearly about the benefits of doing so to Wang Linchi.

Bewitching all the evil evils to cause chaos, but no matter how chaotic the dungeon is, Wang Linchi cannot eat all the evil evils in one go. His own upper limit is there.

However, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became.

"No, I have to leave this dungeon as soon as possible. Even if I'm facing the game system, I..."

When the Shadow of Gluttony was about to use a trump card he got from the hospital to force himself out of the game copy, he saw a large number of lines appearing in the sky.

Naturally, there is no real sky in the dungeon. The so-called sky is actually the dungeon barrier.

All directions in the world are covered by copy barriers. In the eyes of the Shadow of Gluttony, these so-called lines are more like cracks.

"He, he, he...he is really ready to completely destroy this large copy!!!" Shadow of Gluttony was frightened by this scene.

‘Eat, eat, eat first as a courtesy, we are going to die anyway, why do we care so much! ! ! ’

Another thought came to mind. When the Shadow of Gluttony came back to his senses, he found that he had already moved.

If he hadn't recovered quickly, he might have started instinctively hunting players for food. This would definitely be a big trap.

He understood that Wang Linchi would not do anything meaningless, and this must have his plan.

Forcibly suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, he even ignored Wang Linchi's instructions and frantically wanted to stay away from the harsh sound.

He had just been running for two minutes when he suddenly realized that he was being stupid again. He could run anywhere in the dungeon. The only real thing was to leave the dungeon quickly.

Just when he was about to take action, he discovered that at some point, cracks appeared silently on the ground. These cracks were the same as the lines in the sky. They looked very regular. They were not cracked randomly, but more like they were created intentionally. of.

But now was not the time to think about this. He immediately wanted to leave the dungeon, but after trying several times, he found that he was still in the dungeon.

"It's over. It's sealed inside." The Shadow of Gluttony looked desperate.

It wasn't that it didn't take effect, but that it was blocked. Apparently the dungeon barrier had been changed in some way by Wang Linchi, so he couldn't leave.

"No, I have to save myself. If he gets anxious, how could he let me go." The Shadow of Gluttony still doesn't understand Wang Linchi. He is usually moody, but at this time, he must be even more cruel.

Various thoughts emerged in my mind, but there was no good way to save myself.

As for gathering all the evildoers to resist Wang Linchi, not to mention the lack of time, the other evildoers all have their own intentions, and they will not believe his words at all.

Before seeing the terror of Wang Linchi, how could other people of the same kind believe that a human being could be so powerful, not only completely wiping them out by eating them, but also possessing powerful force comparable to theirs?

This is simply ridiculous. If it were him, he wouldn't believe it if he hadn't experienced it personally.

‘Hurry, it’s too late if you don’t eat! ’ The bewitching voice once again appeared in his mind. This time he was farther away and had a vigilant mentality, so it was not as serious as before. Although he was lost for a moment, he recovered in an instant.

He saw a large number of wrongdoers being bewitched and going crazy on the street. They even couldn't maintain themselves to a certain extent, so it was impossible to assemble. If they really wanted to stop these similar people from eating, they would probably get red eyes. If you attack him directly, he will suffer a big loss.

When the time comes, the two sides are entangled together, let alone separated, just...

"Wait, I figured it out!!!" The Shadow of Gluttony instantly understood Wang Linchi's thoughts.

There are so many sins of mistakes, it is really not that easy to eat them all at once, but if all the sins of mistakes are entangled together, Wang Linchi will not be able to walk away without even picking up the pot.

Thinking of this, he was a little lucky. Fortunately, he was not deceived. Otherwise, if he had been tricked, Wang Linchi would not necessarily take advantage of him, and would only be bored.

"I have experienced this..." The Shadow of Gluttony couldn't help but feel a little bitter. At this time, he could only escape. Try to escape to a place where there are few of his own kind, so as not to lose control.

But before he even took two steps, he noticed that the ground was shaking crazily, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

However, he didn't have time to look at the ground, because the entire sky was also shaking, and the striped road separated from the sky. If you look closely, it looks like a large woven network.

At this time, the Shadow of Gluttony was numb and was hiding in the corner without any thought of resistance.

When the big net shrinks, all the sins of mistakes that were bewitched by the sound are taken away, and because of this action, all the sins of mistakes become entangled deeper and deeper, and there is a vague tendency to merge into one.

He was not bewitched by the Shadow of Gluttony, so he slipped through the net. He was a little lucky at this time.

This big net only captures the bewitched evildoers, and has no impact on other players, NPCs, or even buildings.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be a problem with the copy barrier." The Shadow of Gluttony suddenly realized something. He found that the lines in the sky and the ground had not healed, but were crumbling.

"This...isn't this going to collapse?"

The Shadow of Gluttony became more and more confused. He originally thought that Wang Linchi's goal was his kind, but in the end, there was a problem even with the copy barrier.

Shadow of Gluttony doesn't want to worry about whether something goes wrong with the large dungeon, but if something goes wrong with the dungeon barrier, it means that the power of the game system will seep in, and he won't be able to walk around with anything.

Wang Linchi is strong enough, so he is unscrupulous and not afraid of the game system, but he is not.

"Boss! You have forgotten the most loyal little brother like me!! Don't abandon me!!!" At this time, the Shadow of Gluttony doesn't care about the future anymore. He will go wherever he can live longer. .

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