Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 367: Is the temptation a trap?

Under the leadership of the Holy Lord, we arrived very smoothly after traveling 1,300 kilometers.

In the process of progress, there were naturally obstacles. The game system would release system avatars from time to time. However, Wang Linchi found that each time it was released, it would be weaker than the last time.

Wang Linchi speculated that when it was launched, it consumed the power of the system incarnation itself, and the game system did not further replenish its power.

It may be that he was held back by something else, otherwise, it is unlikely that Wang Linchi would be let go.

The initial suspicion is that it should be the director of the hospital. Ye Tian is still in the underground world at this time and has no ability to succeed.

"It's right here. It doesn't even have protection. It seems that there are indeed more important things." Wang Linchi checked the large copy and found that there was indeed no problem.

"Could it be a trap, deliberately letting us enter it? In fact, it is not a large copy." Shadow of Gluttony said worriedly.

"Eh? This kind of thing is really possible." Wang Linchi also reacted.

Wang Linchi was lucky and could run fast. For a while, the game system was indeed unable to catch Wang Linchi.

So setting up a trap is not impossible.

"In that case, you go in first, and if nothing happens, I'll go in again." Wang Linchi said and stuffed the Shadow of Gluttony inside.

The suggestion you made was of course yours to do, so why not let Wang Linchi do it?

"Wait, boss, what if I can't get out!!!" The Shadow of Gluttony struggled desperately, but there was no way to escape Wang Linchi's behavior and was forced into the large dungeon.

Wang Linchi looked up at the sky. This time, it was calm and there was no more meteorite rain for him. This was not in line with the style of the game system at all.

But now, he is not so afraid of meteorite rain.

"It takes at most three days to complete the first turn of the golden elixir."

The golden elixir in the first round is of normal difficulty, so it takes the longest time. The main limitation on the speed is the digestion ability of the Book of Records.

If he could digest it in an instant, although he would not be able to complete one turn in an instant, he was sure to complete it within an hour.

The surroundings were calm, so Wang Linchi naturally became more and more vigilant.

"Speaking of which, thirteen large dungeons cannot hold all the players, let alone NPCs. So where are the other people?"

How could an area the size of thirteen provinces carry a population of tens of billions?

Even the population density in the large dungeon that Wang Linchi experienced before was not worthy of such a large population.

"It couldn't be that he was eaten..." Such an idea suddenly appeared in Wang Linchi's mind. However, after thinking about it again, it was unlikely. Who would dislike him for having so much money.

In the game system, the value of a player is approximately equal to money, and money can still make money.

So there is no need to kill the goose to obtain the eggs.

If you really want to kill the goose that lays the egg, you won't continue to arrange the number of resurrections for the players.

"Boss, there's nothing wrong inside." The wet Shadow of Gluttony emerged from the entrance of the large copy. The opponent didn't seem to be relaxed when he came out.

"What's going on?" Wang Linchi didn't completely believe what the other party said. What if he was incited to rebel?

As far as Gluttony's Shadow is concerned, if he is caught, he must surrender as soon as possible to save his life. He has done this many times, so whether he is coerced or surrendered, he may be tricked.

"The sea is everywhere, and there are a lot of similar creatures under the sea. Players live on the islands and form teams to resist."

"And it is estimated to be about ten times larger than the previous large copy."

The Shadow of Gluttony answered immediately.

"I understand, you have been the BOSS in this large dungeon again, right." Wang Linchi said with a joking tone in his tone.

"Uh...yes, yes, boss, you are simply a prophet." The Shadow of Gluttony reacted quickly.

"Okay, I'll trust you once, let's go in." Wang Linchi said, raising his feet to leave, and the Shadow of Gluttony entered the large dungeon first.

Wang Linchi stopped immediately.

Don't worry, wait for the reaction of the Shadow of Gluttony to come out again, just in case you really get fooled.

The game system didn't have time to set up last time, but this time there was enough time to trick him.

When the time comes, if you step into the trap, you won't be able to get out.

Three minutes later, the Shadow of Gluttony emerged again.

"Boss, aren't you going in? Then we can change to a large dungeon." The Shadow of Gluttony was very flattering.

"You mean there's danger inside, right?" Wang Linchi said slowly.

"Ah? No." The Shadow of Gluttony was a little confused. There was indeed no danger inside.

"That's good, let's go." Wang Linchi said again.

"The boss is worried that I'm cheating you?" The Shadow of Gluttony also reacted. No wonder he did it again and again, so he immediately expressed his loyalty: "My loyalty to the boss can be learned from the sun and the moon. It is absolutely not true." meeting……"

I don't know where Gluttony Shadow learned this word from. He kept talking for ten minutes and no one repeated it. Wang Linchi felt that this guy was a talent.

"Okay, okay, I understand." Wang Linchi had no choice but to interrupt the other party's words, and then said that you should go first.

The Shadow of Gluttony makes it easy: "I'll clear the way for you, boss!"

Looking at this look, there is no sign that he hates Wang Linchi. The Shadow of Gluttony does a good job at disguising himself, but Wang Linchi doesn't trust him at all.

After the Shadow of Gluttony entered, Wang Linchi also followed him into the large dungeon.

He went in not because he believed in the Shadow of Gluttony, but because he had his own trump card and had no confidence. Testing a thousand times was just a test and could not bring about any substantial changes.

After entering, Wang Linchi missed the target with one kick.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and directly used his own mental power to fly.

"Really on the sea?" Wang Linchi looked at the shadow of Gluttony lying on the sea, and he was drifting with the current.

Judging from the current situation, the opponent does not know how to swim, so it is already very good that he did not sink to the bottom.

"Boss, save...Gululu...I..." When the Shadow of Gluttony opened his mouth, he accidentally sank more than half of it.

Wang Linchi stretched out his hand, fished it out and flicked it, and directly pulled up the Shadow of Gluttony.

‘What the hell is going on with the game system? ’ Wang Linchi didn’t want to understand. He could understand the land, but what was the situation at sea.

‘I’m not planning to pack them all up and leave. ’

'It's just that because the environment is too large, it can only be divided into so many scenes. The thirteen large dungeons are probably just expired information. The number of real large dungeons is estimated to be more. ’

His information came from the Shadow of Gluttony, but what he knew about the Shadow of Gluttony was limited. With the little ability of the Shadow of Gluttony, how could he possibly detect all the information of the game system? If he were the director of the hospital, he might still be able to detect all the information about the game system. possible.

'Um? The director of the hospital? ’

Wang Linchi looked at the Shadow of Gluttony and couldn't help but think of a possibility, that is, the Shadow of Gluttony might not have lost contact with the hospital, otherwise it would be impossible to explain that he could know so much information.

'It would be interesting if that were the case. ’ Wang Linchi doesn’t care whether the other party is taking advantage of him. As long as there is no conflict of interest, Wang Linchi is still very generous.

Of course, if you are generous now, when Wang Linchi is admitted to the hospital later, you will be extremely cautious. Wang Linchi will bite anyone who can move.

Dadu, that is the current Wang Linchi, what does it have to do with the future Wang Linchi.

He is very good at character cutting, and he also knows how to use confusing methods to stand on the moral high ground.


Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Linchi found a huge stone hitting him.

"What the hell?" Wang Linchi was a little confused, but he reacted quickly. He picked up the Shadow of Gluttony in his hand and threw it at it.

"Wait a minute, boss, I..." The Shadow of Gluttony didn't expect it, so it just hit the stone straight up.


The stone was naturally inferior to the Shadow of Gluttony, and was directly smashed into pieces by the Shadow of Gluttony. Wang Linchi's strength was not small, and he even made the Shadow of Gluttony continue to smash in the direction of the stone.

Wang Linchi was not the kind of person who would just dodge and let the other person hit him. Even if he missed, he would still slap the other person in the face with his backhand to let the other person know that he was not someone to be trifled with.

As for whether it was an unintentional disaster, this has never been a problem for Wang Linchi. Retaliation is inherently a private vendetta, and what is righteousness or justice?

"Let's find out what's going on in this dungeon first, and then we'll deal with it all at once." Wang Linchi also had a prerequisite for venting his anger in revenge, that is, he would only do it if it would not harm his own interests.

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