Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 368 Island Tower Defense, Different Environments Form Different Mechanisms

"Island survival plus tower defense, this mode is really interesting."

Wang Linchi walked around. Compared with the previous large-scale dungeon in the town mode, this dungeon has greatly reduced the number of NPCs, and it has also become more intense in terms of fighting and killing.

However, correspondingly, the evil of this large-scale dungeon has no self, and it seems to have greatly weakened the suppression of the rules, and can be defeated by the players.

However, in terms of strength, it has become much stronger.

The player is able to defeat the evil of the rules not because of the player's own strength, but with the help of certain equipment on the island.

"The last copy was the evil of limiting the error, and this copy is the evil of weakening the error."

"This is really an attempt to control all the evils of error for one's own use, and even to directly eliminate dissenters."

Wang Linchi quickly understood these usages. Breeding alone was definitely not enough. If one day, some evil evils really evolved some kind of rule ability that could unite other evil evils, they would overthrow them together. What about the game system.

Therefore, we are not only exploring ways to raise them, but we are also further suppressing the evil and domesticating the wild ones.

As for the player, he can be a sheepdog, and when herding this group of domesticated sheep, he can also provide value to the game system, which is simply eating more than one fish.

"It seems that every large copy has a different survival mode."

"However, the fundamental nature is the same. They are all a transformation of players and the evil of mistakes."

This kind of transformation is actually also found in modern societies, mostly used in agriculture and animal husbandry.

"It's just that my network will have to be changed accordingly." Wang Linchi was a little helpless. The last copy was able to be completed in one go because the mistake this time had no self, and it couldn't be deceived, so it couldn't be positioned.

So it’s probably unrealistic to use a net bag to take it away.

"We can only find another solution..." When Wang Linchi was thinking about how to solve the problem, he heard a rapid alarm sound.

Looking again, I saw a large number of players on the street rushing towards the seaside.

"Quick, quick, the tide is coming, stop it. If you can't stop it, everyone will be floating on the sea." A voice shouted.

The other party saw that Wang Linchi was hesitant, then looked at Wang Linchi's level, and pulled Wang Linchi over: "Hurry up, choose a good position and prepare to fire."

"Oh... okay." Wang Linchi had just reached the door when he was being carried towards the seaside.

This is not the first time that players have encountered this kind of thing. They have become very skilled at it. Each of them has his own turret as a way to resist the evil in the sea.

"Why are you still standing here? Are you out of position?" Another person looked at Wang Linchi and asked again.

"I just came here." Wang Linchi spread his hands. He didn't mean it.

"Find an empty seat where no one is." The other party's expression also softened, but he was also doubtful. He had never heard of players who transferred servers.

On the forum, players don't call it a large copy, but a server.

The gameplay is different from server to server. Some players are unlucky and go to a server that is more difficult to play.

It is said that not long ago, a server crashed due to unknown reasons, so a large number of new players flooded into each server.

Naturally, it is impossible for an NPC to be transferred to another server. It can be destroyed directly.

Wang Linchi quickly found an unoccupied fort location.

The artillery on the turret can be directly controlled and seems to have unlimited ammunition. Just aim at the enemy and fire.

The sea surface in the distance began to roll, and the monsters like sea beasts began to swim towards the island, and the faster they landed on the beach.


The players did not hesitate at all and directly controlled the artillery on the fort to bombard.

In addition to artillery, there are also catapults, giant crossbows and other corresponding siege equipment.

There is no need to worry about players not knowing how to control it. They still have game mechanics, so they only need to be responsible for aiming, and the rest is left to their own game characters and game rules.

Wang Linchi got started quickly, and the artillery hit every wrong creature very accurately.

"Injured?" Wang Linchi discovered some clues.

Many of the Sins of Mistakes who were hit had injuries on their bodies, but none of them died.

At present, the game system has not yet fully formed a killing system. After all, he himself is also a sinner. Even if he has unique conditions, it is not that easy to kill a sinner.

When Wang Linchi was enjoying himself, he saw a familiar thing among a group of wrongdoers.

It was the Shadow of Gluttony who was released by him. Although he could not deceive his friends in this copy, he could still bring back some game from the sea.

However, he came back at the wrong time. As soon as he met, he encountered a large number of attacks.

"It can also hurt the original Evil Evils, but it's just not as powerful as this group of Evil Evils created by the game system's acquired interference."

Although the Shadow of Gluttony was injured, it was not serious, and it was still crawling towards the coast crazily.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi changed the direction of the artillery and pressed the firing button directly.

A large number of shells were sprayed out as if they were free. Each shell hit the Shadow of Gluttony and blew the Shadow of Gluttony at the forefront back into the sea.

When all the players saw this scene, they couldn't help but look sideways at Wang Linchi.

After all, this one-hand operation is indeed excellent.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and fight. Why did you stop?" Wang Linchi turned around and scolded.

The players reacted quickly, and then hurriedly controlled their equipment to continue attacking.

Wang Linchi had fun and gained a lot. After all, for Wang Linchi, in every battle, he could collect corresponding data to help him use the net to fish out all the sins of mistakes as resources.

Otherwise, what would he be doing here if he had nothing to do? He would just have fun and relax.

The battle lasted until the evening, lasting nearly eight hours in total, before all the evil enemies who came to attack were driven back.

The players also looked tired. After all, after eight hours of high-intensity fighting, their spirits were always tense.

After solving the problem, they dispersed. No one came to Wang Linchi to ask questions. Firstly, they were tired, and secondly, they also knew that having such ability was definitely not due to some experience. What can make up for it is talent and hard work.

Practice makes perfect, rather than relying on skills to take shortcuts. Just like being a sharpshooter, talent is important, but practice is also important.

Wang Linchi was not tired. With his strength, this was basically the extent of his warm-up.

After going back, I found a tavern owned by an NPC, went in, ordered a glass of wine, and then started to inquire about the situation with the tavern owner.

"Boss, how often do we attack the city?" Wang Linchi asked.

The boss who was wiping his wine glass looked up at Wang Linchi and replied directly: "It's not fixed. Are you new here?"

"Yes, new here, how many other islands are there besides ours?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"You can just check the forum yourself. I'm just a tavern owner. How could I know this?" The tavern owner was speechless. He was confined to the tavern, so how could he get any information.

The ones with the most information are definitely the players, not the NPCs. They are more of a support staff.

Wang Linchi was also embarrassed. He didn't have a forum function at all. Even if he did, it was just his forum, not the game system's forum.

"Not many people drink?" Wang Linchi was a little confused, how could there be no alcoholic players on this island.

"Not many players come to drink, mainly because the added benefits of being drunk outweigh the losses." The tavern owner explained the reason.

Being drunk will reduce the hit rate, and for players in this large dungeon, their attacks are all based on long-range attacks, so the hit rate is very important.

If it drops to 50% after drinking alcohol, it would be terrible if the sin of mistake attacks the city.

"I see, don't you have the information you have?" Wang Linchi was still a little unwilling.

The tavern owner thought for a moment and then said: "There is indeed one."

"I heard that the Sin of Error does not want to kill us. It seems that there is something in the center of the island that attracts them. After swallowing it, the Sin of Error can give birth to itself."

Wang Linchi couldn't help but be stunned. Is this some kind of experiment again?

"It's a bit like hearsay." On the surface, Wang Linchi definitely couldn't believe it.

"It's just hearsay." The tavern owner smiled. He had no evidence, but he had heard it and couldn't take it seriously.

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