Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 372 Unique player living area

"Are you sure this is here?"

In the third large-scale dungeon, Wang Linchi arrived and sneaked in very smoothly. The game system did not hinder him at all. From this, it seemed that the battle between him and the hospital had reached this point.

"This is here. The dean said that you will be satisfied." The Shadow of Gluttony no longer concealed it, but disclosed it directly.

"But I didn't sense any data about the Evil of Error." After Wang Linchi entered, he found that this dungeon was very stable. There was no Evil of Error in the area. NPCs were living very well, and players didn't have to worry about it. Will be attacked by the evil of error.

Many of the players from the two dungeons that he had destroyed before were thrown into this dungeon.

It doesn't mean that players can mess around here. Compared to players in other dungeons, this large dungeon is more like a living area. All players here will be arranged to solve the original mistakes in each dungeon.

The evil evils in large-scale dungeons are all guided and created by the game system. They are domestic animals that are being domesticated by the game system. However, other evil evils born from the world are not extinct yet and are imprisoned in the dungeon. Here, players need to solve it.

Then we can't let those players who are breeding and dealing with the evil of man-made errors deal with the evil of original errors. This kind of behavior is tantamount to killing the goose that lays the eggs.

So this creates a living area to solve these hidden dangers.

"All the dungeons are connected here. As long as you open it, boss, then..." Shadow of Gluttony explained.

But before the other party finished speaking, Wang Linchi interrupted directly: "Then the game system will turn around and kill me immediately."

Because there is no sin of error, this copy of the living area is completely under the control of the game system. If he really dares to do this, the game system will probably turn around and kill him.

"Your dean is at a disadvantage and you want me to help attract hatred, right?" How could Wang Linchi not know what the other person was thinking.

He couldn't bear the beating anymore. Just then, Wang Linchi came out. If he didn't cheat him, it would be a big loss.

Wang Linchi directly took revenge on this matter. After he reached the ninth level of the Golden Core, he went to the hospital to flatter the dean and then swallowed up all the mistakes made in the hospital.

The Shadow of Gluttony didn't dare to speak and simply shrank into a ball.

This matter is indeed too obvious, but he has to do it, not because he wants to, but because he is in control. If he doesn't do it, the end will be very miserable.

"Don't say anything? It seems you acquiesced." Wang Linchi saw this and did not pursue him: "In this case, I think the dean should have a charter. I can't let me open one channel after another. .”

"Then I won't do it. The risks and benefits are not matched at all."

It's not that it can't be done. The advantage of this matter is whether you can grasp all the mistakes in the copies at once.

If it could, the benefits would be huge.

Once the evil evil of the corresponding error enters this living area copy, it will immediately form a entanglement with the rules. At that time, the game system will also put a trap on it, and it will not dare to reach out at all, which can effectively isolate the power of the game system.

By then, not to mention the Nine-turn Golden Elixir, the resources needed to break through the limit will be enough. When the time comes, there is no need to go to the hospital and you can just fight and kill.

However, there is a problem in the middle, and that is how to transfer the mistakes in all copies of China Unicom to form a rules entanglement before the game system takes action against him.

If it fails or the time is slow, then Wang Linchi can only blow up the copy of life with tears in his eyes. But in this way, not only does he fail to get the benefits, but he also absorbs the hatred of the game system.

This is simply a huge loss.

And what about the hospital director? Regardless of whether Wang Linchi succeeds or not, it is a win for him.

If it succeeds, even if the game system does not turn around to hunt Wang Linchi, it will weaken the power of the game system.

It would be better if Wang Linchi failed. The game system would definitely not fight with the hospital director and would only come back to cause trouble for Wang Linchi.

Therefore, Wang Linchi faces more risks than benefits. Without additional help, there is a high probability that he will lose everything. He will give up this move and switch to a large copy.

For Wang Linchi, it is not necessary to stick to this area, there are other areas to choose from.

"The dean has already arranged it. It only requires a little trick from you and our internal response to accomplish this easily." The Shadow of Gluttony said.

Of course, it is impossible for the dean to really let Wang Linchi do this. Anyone with any brains will not agree with his plan, so he must give enough sincerity and help.

Otherwise, no matter what he says, others will not be able to do anything, and not everyone is a patient in his hospital and will be controlled by him.

"I thought your dean was Long Aotian. He wanted me to sacrifice my life for him as soon as the tiger's body shook." Wang Linchi mocked: "What are you going to do next?"

Wang Linchi was sarcastic, but in fact he was very solemn in his heart. It was really unusual to be able to plant a spy under the nose of the game system.

You can be unforgiving with your words, whether it is disdain or ridicule, it can be used as a weapon to attack the other person's mentality and emotions, but if you really think so, there is something wrong with your brain.

The Shadow of Gluttony pretended not to have heard the previous sentence and jumped directly to the back: "I will bring the people to see you, the boss."

"Yes, it saved me a lot of trouble." How could Wang Linchi go find the people who were inserted in person?

Not to mention that the Shadow of Gluttony would not speak out. Even if he was asked to go, he would not go. He still has his own things to do.

Just take a look at the plan proposed by the director of the hospital. Don't really believe it. Wang Linchi had to leave several escape routes for himself to avoid getting into trouble.

Wang Linchi didn't know how much the other party's calculations were, but he didn't need to know. As long as he was strong enough, anything the other party did would be just a stepping stone, rather than a fatal danger to him.

"How much time will it take?" Wang Linchi asked casually.

"I will bring the person to you tonight, boss. If I don't come back, then the follow-up plan can only be carried out by you, boss." The Shadow of Gluttony understood that this matter was not that simple.

It seems that they just want to find this internal agent, and even have the information provided by the dean as support, but they don’t look at where this is. It is one of the key protection areas of the game system. If one is not careful, he or the dean will be exposed. Couldn't delay the game system.

Then the outcome is self-evident.

"I didn't expect you to be very dedicated to your duties. Don't worry, if you don't come back tomorrow morning, I will burn incense for you." Wang Linchi didn't seem to care at all. In fact, as long as this guy didn't come back at dawn, Wang Linchi would As soon as he came to Linchi, he ran away without waiting until morning.

As for the Shadow of Gluttony, maybe he will be delayed on the road and come back later?

What happened to Wang Linchi? Why did he transfer the risk to him? He would not bear the responsibility if the Shadow of Gluttony did not work well. We were not in the same camp. We were only cooperating on a temporary basis.

Wang Linchi has always treated the Shadow of Gluttony and even the hospital as food, without any sympathy or empathy at all.

The Shadow of Gluttony ignored Wang Linchi's tone. He was not worried that Wang Linchi would kill him or torture him now.

When he was worthless before, the other party would do whatever he wanted to him. Now that he is worth something, he will definitely not act recklessly, and at least he will give the dean behind him a little bit of slack.

"Okay, I will be back as soon as possible." The Shadow of Gluttony used something or an ability, and its body began to squirm, and it soon disguised itself as a player.

Maybe they all have some player abilities.

After all, the game system and the hospital have been entangled for so long, and both sides can more or less obtain the rules formed by part of the other's mistakes.

Patients in the hospital can lurk in various dungeons in the game, and many of the players under the game system may have already lurked in the hospital.

The two are entangled and infiltrated with each other, and it depends on who is the winner in the end.

Wang Linchi is more optimistic about the game system. If the hospital is really so strong, it won't need Wang Linchi to stab it.

"This kid is a bit hidden, but he is indeed a talented person. If he were not controlled by the hospital, he would have accomplished something long ago." Wang Linchi could naturally see that the shadow of gluttony was involuntarily.

But he didn't care. As long as he could do things, he didn't care about these things. Anyway, if he didn't damage his own interests, the worst he could do was not chew a bite the next time Wang Linchi ate, so that he could go easier.

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