Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 373 Why don’t you say thank you to the boss for your cultivation?

"A human?" A 'player' wearing gorgeous clothes looked at Wang Linchi with disdain, and his tone was arrogant.

"Put down your arrogance and quickly apologize to the boss." The 'player' who was the incarnation of the Shadow of Gluttony had a dark expression on his face.

He did not expect that the patient lurking into this copy of the living area would actually be arrogant and jealous.

The other person had a paranoid personality disorder before. Even after he became the fault of a mistake, he was arrogant and jealous. He could not see anyone being better than him, and he despised and disdained all people who were not as good as him.

Therefore, when he saw Wang Linchi, he was naturally ill.

"Boss? Huh, it seems that the dean is too old and confused. He actually asked me to cooperate with a human being. I think it is better to kill him back and let me become the dean." A glimmer of arrogance and jealousy flashed in his eyes.

However, it was this behavior that made blue veins pop up on Wang Linchi's forehead.

"Boy, did something flash in your eyes just now?" Wang Linchi stood up with a gloomy tone.

"What?" Arrogant Jealousy didn't react, but in the next moment, he saw Wang Linchi reaching out and pinching his head.

"How dare you touch me..."


Before Arrogant Jealousy could finish speaking, his head was crushed by Wang Linchi.

However, he did not die directly, but the disguise broke and turned into a strange shadow similar to a human-faced snake. In color and shape, it is somewhat similar to the Shadow of Gluttony, except that the Shadow of Gluttony is more like a ball of shadow sludge. , has no corresponding form.

The human-faced snake shed out of the 'player' and immediately activated its own killing rules, preparing to directly kill Wang Linchi.

However, before the killing rules of arrogance and jealousy could be activated, a clawed hand grabbed his head.

As a bodyguard, the Holy Lord appeared immediately.

"You kid has no eyesight at all." Wang Linchi said and took out a Philosopher's Stone.

"Wait, boss, it's not necessary, it's really not necessary." The Shadow of Gluttony stopped Wang Linchi in a panic: "If this explodes, we will be exposed."

Wang Linchi, however, waved his hand and gave Gluttony Shadow a big dick: "Get out of here, this kid is so arrogant, shame on him, I have to let him know today, what is life worse than death."

Big picture? Don't say that Wang Linchi doesn't have an overall view of the situation. The current overall situation is also the overall situation of the hospital director. What does it have to do with Wang Linchi? The worst he can do is quit the dungeon and find another scourge.

The hospital director must have other plans, otherwise he would arrange for the sin of arrogance and jealousy to come?

The other party must know the character of arrogance and jealousy, so why would they send it here to deliberately disgust Wang Linchi? This shows that Wang Linchi is only part of the other party's plan, and they even want to deal with Wang Linchi together.

And I also want to see Wang Linchi's attitude. If he can bear it, he will definitely continue to target him. If he can't bear to eat it in one bite, it may be more satisfying to the other party. There may be something hidden in the body of arrogant jealousy against him.

But Wang Linchi used the third method, which was to directly control this arrogant jealousy.

The Holy Lord forcibly opened the mouth of Arrogant Jealousy. It can only be said that it is indeed a human-faced snake. Even the human face has inherited part of the structure of the snake. The one that was opened by the Holy Lord is called a big one.

"You're not arrogant, are you? I'll see if you are still arrogant later." Wang Linchi stuffed the Philosopher's Stone into the opponent's mouth with one stroke, and forced Bangbang to give him two punches to let the Philosopher's Stone It entered the stomach smoothly.

After doing this, the Holy Lord released the human-faced snake.

"You...you despicable human being, how dare you...ah~" Arrogant Jealousy looked at Wang Linchi resentfully, but before he could finish his words, the Philosopher's Stone in his body began to react with elements, and intense pain surged out. It caused him to keep wailing and rolling on the ground.

"Boss, this... is not good. We will need Arrogant Envy to open the connections to all copies later." Shadow of Gluttony hesitated and interceded with Arrogant Envy.

"That's your dean's business, what does it have to do with me." Wang Linchi said with a sneer.

He didn't fall for it, and he didn't lack such a mouthful of food. As long as he didn't take action, there would be no success or failure, and the only loser would be the dean.

"I...I admit defeat, I admit defeat." Arrogant Jealousy gave in painfully.

But Wang Linchi looked like he didn't hear anything at all, and slowly said to the Shadow of Gluttony: "If you consider the overall situation, you can suffer on his behalf."

As soon as these words came out, the Shadow of Gluttony immediately lowered his head, as if he had not said anything. He was not stupid, how could he replace the arrogant jealousy.

Due to his arrogant and jealous character, he was not popular in the hospital, and they had no friendship, so how could they foolishly take each other's place.

"It's your honor to do it for me, ah!!!"

"Damn it, when I recover, you will have to pay the price."

After Arrogant Jealousy discovered that he was no match for Wang Linchi, he naturally turned the target of his resentment to the Shadow of Gluttony.

Wang Linchi is still very satisfied with this situation. As for the transfer of conflicts, if it doesn't work externally, then internally, as long as it doesn't put him on top.

The Shadow of Gluttony said a little bit: "You bully the weak and fear the strong, right?" ’

The more this happens, the more immobile the shadow of gluttony becomes. Thinking about how unruly and unruly he was when he first met Wang Linchi, after being tortured, not only did he become more tolerant, but he also had good eyesight, and he was also good at observing words and flattery. She is simply a first-class traitor.

"Tell me, how does the dean plan to connect all the copies?" Wang Linchi asked.

The Shadow of Gluttony said nothing, he didn't know about this.

"I...you stop first, and I'll tell you later." Arrogant Jealousy wanted to negotiate terms.

"If you don't tell me, forget it. You torture him slowly, and I can change to another copy." Wang Linchi didn't tolerate him at all, so he stood up and prepared to leave.

Hearing this, the arrogant and jealous face turned green.

You can leave, but please let go first. Looking at the other party's appearance, he must not be willing to do so.

"Say it, otherwise even if you go back, the dean won't be able to spare you." The Shadow of Gluttony helped.

Of course, the person he was helping was not the idiot Arrogant Jealousy, but Wang Linchi. After all, his life still depended on Wang Linchi's hands.

Dean? Let’s talk about it later.

"Wait, I said, I said..." Arrogant Jealousy couldn't care too much at this time. He was indeed mentally and psychologically ill, but this illness did not affect his ability to survive.

He is made up of arrogance and jealousy, both of which are essentially negative factors, not positive.

So it is normal to be greedy for life and afraid of death.

"I'll give you ten seconds to refine it, and I'll throw you into the game system if you're being petty." Wang Linchi sat down again.

"I can superimpose all the dungeons together for ten minutes. As long as you can break this superposition, everything will come to this large dungeon!" Arrogant Jealousy immediately became honest after being severely beaten.

"Yes, the summary is in place." Wang Linchi expressed satisfaction with this, and then stopped the elemental reaction of the Philosopher's Stone.

After feeling the pain disappear from his body, Arrogant Jealousy quickly got up and disguised himself as a player again. However, when he looked at Wang Linchi, his eyes were filled with fear.

Being afraid is a given, but not being afraid is a problem.

Then he turned to look at Gluttony Shadow with resentment and hatred in his eyes, but because Wang Linchi was there, Arrogant Jealousy did not dare to act immediately.

The Shadow of Gluttony also noticed it, and he was a little depressed, thinking that this was an unreasonable disaster.

You don't dare to retaliate against those who tortured you, but you retaliate against those who begged for mercy. What kind of logic is this? But if you think about it again, it's natural that this guy has such a weird personality.

"Stop flirting, tell me when you're going to start taking action." Wang Linchi was happy with this. He could cause trouble for them and have fun at the same time, so why not do it.

Arrogant Jealousy rolled his eyes when he heard this, and then said: "I'm injured, maybe I need... ah?"

Before he could finish his words, he felt the pain come back again, and it was even more intense than before. He couldn't even speak and could only passively moan.

"What I mean is, take action immediately, instead of asking when you can do it. Do you understand?" Wang Linchi shook his head, and he had to fight for a while before he could make this guy look as downright as the Shadow of Gluttony.

"I understand... I understand..." Arrogant Jealousy replied through clenched teeth.

"As long as you understand, I'll give you another ten minutes and take it as a lesson." Wang Linchi said slowly.

The Shadow of Gluttony on the side said: "Hurry up and say thank you for the cultivation."

Arrogant Jealousy looked at the Shadow of Gluttony as if he wanted to chop him alive, but he also said word for word: "Thank you, boss, for cultivating me!"

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