Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 379 Both humans and ghosts are showing off

"Hey, brother, why are you leaving in such a hurry? You look like a newcomer at first glance. There is no old player to guide you. What will you do if you fall into the certain death rule?"

The player who caught up followed him shamelessly.

Wang Linchi took a quick look and knew that this guy was uneasy and well-intentioned. He had the title of a neighborhood broker on his head, which looked a bit interesting.

"You didn't give up. They've leaked all your secrets, so you're not afraid of me taking action directly?" This was also the first time Wang Linchi met such a person, so unafraid of death.

The other party said with a playful smile: "What are you talking about? If I really want to do something treacherous and evil, can they let me go? They would have kicked me out a long time ago."

"Not necessarily, what if you didn't plan well." Wang Linchi said jokingly.

By chance, a gust of wind blew, and when I looked back, I saw that it was coming from the end of the corridor.

This situation made the community broker couldn't help but feel excited. He was obviously frightened by this wind.

"I'm going to the fourth floor, do you want to go with me?" Wang Linchi asked.

As soon as these words came out, the community broker couldn't help but his eyes widened. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to actually climb up?

There are already very few players on the third floor, and if they go to the fourth floor, they are risking their lives. They really are not afraid of killing themselves due to the must-kill rule.

Therefore, he could only smile bitterly: "Forget it, I have other things to do, after all..."

As a result, before he could finish speaking, Wang Linchi put a hand on his body.

"You've come here, so you won't be willing to go back like this." Wang Linchi's voice burst out in his ears, making the community broker's face turn pale.

This is not a tough guy, this is a lunatic.

And he is still a very strong madman. He happened to bump into his hand, and he will use himself as cannon fodder next.

"I...willing to do so. People need to be self-aware. I'm not destined to go up to the fourth floor." The neighborhood broker wanted to break free from Wang Linchi's control, but he desperately found that he couldn't do it at all.

"No, no, no, people are forced to come out. If you don't push yourself, you have no idea how much potential you have." Wang Linchi said while dragging the community agent towards the stairs on the fourth floor with his own strength. Walk.

"It's a pity that the elevator doesn't work. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better if we go directly to the 33rd floor?"

There was regret in Wang Linchi's voice. At this moment, the community broker realized that a top player had arrived and was ready to conquer Building No. 13.

He wished he could slap himself, this could be the target of his blackmail.

"Brother, master, uncle, I was wrong. Please let me live. I will give you whatever you want."

"I have an old man above me and a young boy below me. Without me, the whole family will starve to death."

"I have no choice but to do this, please spare me once." The neighborhood broker began to plead. If he couldn't beat the hard one, he would naturally choose to use the soft one.

"You, why don't you understand justice at all? You come with me. Although the whole family will not be able to survive if you die, but if I succeed in building No. 13, think about how many families you have saved. This is simply a great achievement, and I can rest in peace after I die." Wang Linchi didn't believe it at all, if you used Xiaojia as a plea for mercy, he would directly use righteousness to suppress it.

"As the saying goes, every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, so I will lend you a hand today."

While talking, Wang Linchi led the community broker up the stairs to the fourth floor, which made the community broker struggle more and more intensely.

Stepping onto the fourth floor, Wang Linchi felt that the air was moist, which made him frown.

"Go down quickly. Starting from the fourth floor, there will be debuffs that cause the evil spirit to enter the body. When the evil spirit accumulates to the tenth floor, the sure-kill rule will appear. Damn it! You don't want your life, why did you bring me with you!!!" The neighborhood broker roared angrily. He wanted to retreat, but was held tightly by Wang Linchi.

"Of course it's because I'm short of cannon fodder. Who asked you to deliver it yourself?" Wang Linchi spoke frankly at this time.

The neighborhood broker's anger could not help but freeze on his face. If he was not greedy, it seemed that nothing would happen.

"Wait, where are you going?" Before he could react, he realized that Wang Linchi was leading him forward, and the target seemed to be the stairwell at the end of the corridor.

The stairs in the hospital are not continuous, but staggered.

Odd numbers are in the left corridor, and even numbers are in the right corridor, so every time you go upstairs, you have to span an entire floor.

The danger lies in the process of crossing.

As they progressed, the cell broker's face became increasingly ugly, and he seemed to have lost the strength to struggle.

Wang Linchi could tell that it was because the evil spirit in the air entered his body, reducing his attributes in all directions and causing him corresponding negative states.

"No...let me down quickly." The little broker said weakly.

He had never been to the fourth floor, but Wang Linchi looked very relaxed. He was obviously one of the first-tier players, but why didn't he see it on the rankings?

Stepping into the stairwell, the oppressive evil spirit became stronger and stronger, and even caused a large number of crack-like wounds on the body of the community broker, and cold mucus seeped out of these wounds.

Wang Linchi reached out and touched it, and even tried to get into him, but was easily thrown out by him.

"Alive?" Wang Linchi noticed something wrong with this thing.

He understood in an instant that the hospital and the director were not using all their strength. Building No. 13 alone had such strange power, and other buildings must also have it.

‘So this is an act? ’ Wang Linchi was a little surprised. Each of these old silver coins was getting worse and worse than the last.

'I hate these things the most. If you have any problems, you can't put them on the table...'

The hospital and the director's calculations were probably not aimed at Wang Linchi, but most likely against the game system.

In fact, Wang Linchi has no value. He is simply very destructive. However, this destructive power cannot be replicated, but also threatens them. Therefore, the best way is to trick Wang Linchi into causing trouble with the enemy instead of causing trouble. The dead king comes to the pond.

"Are you okay?" Wang Linchi looked down and saw that the neighborhood broker was about to die.

The evil spirit in his body completely destroyed the game character part of him, exposing his human body.

This should be caused by the lack of strength of his game character.

Of course, if he could connect to the Internet to the game system, this kind of thing would not happen. Unfortunately, this is inside Building 13 of the hospital. Where to connect to the Internet, he can only rely on his own LAN, which is the game character.

"You...you have to die..." The community broker was trembling and cursing like Hui Guang Huishuo.

"It's okay, you die first. If I die later, I will try to find you." When Wang Linchi said this, the neighborhood broker had died and the name of the game character was gone.

If the local area network formed by the game characters fails to connect to the game system, it will rely on the players themselves. If the players die, the game characters will naturally dissipate.

"The sure-kill rule turns out to be this."

"So the hospital has actually evolved a long time ago or has the ability to kill players, so why not use it."

Wang Linchi quickly understood the principle. When other evil evils kill players, they attack the superficial game characters. Therefore, even if the game characters die, they will not affect the players. The players will be recycled by the game system. , and then undergo reshaping, which is the process of resurrection.

However, the evil spirit in Building 13 will tear off the surface protection of the LAN and directly attack the human players inside before destroying the game characters.

When the players are all dead, the game characters naturally collapse.

"Isn't it because we can only attack the local area network at the moment?" Wang Linchi stepped onto the fifth floor. The floor in front of him was completely distorted. It looked very scary, and the original evil aura became more and more intense.

Players with and without the Internet have completely different strengths.

The former game system can interfere indirectly, while the latter can only rely on itself.

No matter how powerful Building 13 is, it can't compare to the game system.

"There is a possibility, but judging from the fact that these people are hiding everything and making calculations, this shortcoming may have been overcome long ago. In fact, they have a bigger plan and cannot expose these trump cards. "

Wang Linchi could naturally think of what the plan was.

If you don’t just want a game system, what else can you do?

As for how to operate, Wang Linchi didn't know. He had just been here for a long time, and he had no data or intelligence before he got involved. If he could guess this, why would he come to explore Building 13 and just take this A fisherman with poor information is ready to profit.

There must be dangers here, but Wang Linchi is also prepared. If he can't defeat him, can he still run away?

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