Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 380 Only the players are being beaten

On the top floor of Building 13, Wang Linchi came up easily.

The evil spirit is very scary for players. Even the top players can only reach the fifth floor at this stage. Their levels and attributes are too low.

However, Wang Linchi was different. When he walked up, it was like climbing a normal staircase. The evil energy became heavier as he went up, and in the end, it condensed into substance.

Wang Linchi did not disperse the evil aura surrounding him. Instead, he seemed to blend into it and did not further disperse the evil aura around him.

He came here for a sneak attack, not to act openly and openly. There was no need to cause too much trouble.

Here, you can see the battle on the frontal battlefield.

"There are a few players using the game system, and it seems they really can't get away."

Wang Linchi had not carefully counted how many people there were before. After all, the situation he was paying attention to at that time was not the players, but the hospital director and the game system.

After the dean defeated the copy barrier of the game system on the frontal battlefield, this was just the beginning. A large number of system incarnations were thrown into the frontal battlefield to fight against the dean.

On the one hand, he is delaying through avatars, and on the other hand, he is constantly trying to copy the entire hospital, but the game system has not succeeded yet.

"This is about to be copied, why are you still hiding it?"

Wang Linchi was puzzled as he watched the dean being beaten by the system incarnation until he was unable to resist. Although he could still block the dungeon transformation, he was clearly at a disadvantage. If he was not careful, he would be completely All games were lost.

As soon as he had this idea, Wang Linchi saw the dungeon barrier begin to gather.

The hospital director was unable to escape at this time, and the system incarnation directly hindered his actions.

"Wait a minute, am I wrong? The dean is not some old silver coin pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but a simple vegetable?" Wang Linchi felt a little bit confused.

The incarnation of the system that was chasing Wang Linchi was killed in a fight, and he must have been thrown into the battlefield in the hospital.

A single incarnation of the system has made the dean miserable. How can he win with so many attacks now?

"If that's the case, then I'll prepare..." When Wang Linchi was thinking about sneaking a surprise attack on the dean, he discovered a problem, that is, it is logically impossible for such a thing to happen.

"Unless the director deliberately let the game system copy the hospital!"

Although it is possible that the other party is really good at it, this probability is not very likely at all.

Sure enough, the entire hospital was directly sealed by the copy barrier, as if there was no resistance at all.

But Wang Linchi knew that the seventeen buildings of the hospital were standing still. Taking his building No. 13 as an example, if he released his evil spirit, he could immediately reverse the situation. However, it did not happen. Instead, he looked as stable as a mountain. appearance.

"So is this intended to be breached from the inside?"

"But the copy is not an internal part of the game system."

Does Wang Linchi know that the copy is more like a cage than the real inside of the system?

As the dungeon barrier was successfully assembled, all players were evacuated, including the players inside Building 13.

After all, there is only one mistake in it, and it is entangled with itself. Therefore, after the game system made a copy of it, the intensity of interference was the largest in history.

The errors in other copies are complex and simple.

At first glance, patients, medical staff, and even floors may seem like mistakes, but they are essentially all part of the hospital, so they can be viewed as a whole rather than as multiple independent individuals.

"The renovation is about to begin."

Wang Linchi watched as the entire hospital began to look distorted.

The aggregation of dungeon barriers is just the beginning. If you want the hospital to completely become the property of the game system, you must carry out corresponding transformations.

Step by step, it was broken and marrow absorbed, and finally it was compatible with the game system.

However, the transformation was not that easy this time. He saw the chain behind the dean burst out with powerful force, and he immediately got rid of the situation where he was besieged just now, and easily swept away all the system incarnations.

At the same time, the seventeen hospital buildings also began to exert their strength.

Equivalent to the entire hospital, showing its true power.

This power does not resist the transformation of the game system, but is absorbed.

"Just quit if you can't beat him?" Wang Linchi was a little confused. He didn't expect that the hospital would operate like this.

Judging from Wang Linchi's observation, the hospital was not affected by the transformation of the game system. Instead, it actively absorbed its power and pretended to be transformed into a copy by the game system.

The next step is easy to do. Hibernate, absorb the power of the game system bit by bit, and lay eggs without anyone noticing.

Perhaps only after the hospital completely absorbs the power of the game system will the game system react. This kind of parasitic method is indeed insidious.

"This line is really great for me."

From obtaining player data to sneaking into various dungeons, with the previous preparations and the ability to hide the truth, it would be difficult not to succeed.

The game system is more like a self-owned program. Although it is very flexible, it is still not qualified in front of real people.

At least the game system doesn't dare to use itself as a bait like the hospital and the director.

This will be the dungeon with the greatest interference. It seems to be completely monitored by the game system. In fact, this is indeed the case. However, if you change your mind, you can also confirm that the hospital will be the dungeon that invests the most in the game system, and the director and the hospital Once the personal pockets are filled, it is enough to hollow out the entire game system.

How can the game system win under such circumstances?

Just as he imagined, with the cooperation of the entire hospital and the director, the transformation went very smoothly, and all traces were covered up under the power of the game system.

Even if the game system performs self-checks and virus scans, no problems can be found.

Because everything was done by the game system itself, He personally covered it up, and He personally came to the stage, so there couldn't be any problems.

Invisible forces began to compile scripts, a large amount of medical records were extracted, and patients and doctors began to return to their wards and posts.

Everything looks like it's been reset.

But it is true that except for the director and the hospital, all the memories, selves and even human nature of these patients, doctors and nurses have been changed by the game system.

In fact, the director and the hospital have also been changed, but they are more powerful, and their true self and memory are hidden deepest. They will not wake up until the plan is completed or there is a change in the plan.

"This time, we have indeed made a lot of money."

Even though Wang Linchi didn't get anything now, he got an important piece of data.

The construction data of the replica.

This piece of data is extremely precious. In the future, he can completely use this piece of data to further develop the entry of data rules in his Soul Seed: Destiny and Luck.

For example, if a certain area is made into a completely digital sealed area, then no matter how powerful the enemy is, if he encounters this seal, as long as he can break through the defense, he will be able to wear away the opponent's health bar bit by bit.

The game characters and data rules in Destiny are more for oneself and cannot be digitized for others. But with this data seal area, others can also be digitized.

Whether you let the enemy fight the BOSS as a player without the ability to resurrect or set the unbeatable enemy as a monster and kill it through the player's own methods, it is a kind of weakening of the enemy.

"The three technologies of the game system have evolved to a far greater extent than before after he became the Sin of Mistakes."

This made Wang Linchi want to get the complete database of the game system more and more.

The wealth of this data is probably more important to Wang Linchi than the prototype of the core of the world at this stage. The main reason is that he cannot fully utilize the prototype of the core of the world, but he can combine this database with the soul seed to make full use of it. , after all, the previous game characters and data rules were all accounts he separated from the game system.

"If you want to get it, you have to be reckless. You can only kill someone with a borrowed knife." Wang Linchi felt that if he wanted to get this database, he would need the help of the hospital.

The hospital didn't want to borrow a chicken to lay eggs in a parasitic manner, so Wang Linchi made it have to compete head-on with the game system.

‘If I’m so greedy, will I end up stealing the chicken but losing the rice? ’ An idea came to Wang Linchi’s mind. He wants the game system’s database, and he also wants the hospital director’s Shi Xin. If he is so greedy, and if he says nothing will happen, it must be a lie.

At this time, Wang Linchi could only prepare to lose all his money or even be heavily in debt and then run away.

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