Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 381 Eleven players appeared on the ten-player difficulty

Ten days later, the first batch of players successfully arrived at Qingshan Charity Angel Nursing Hospital.

"Ten...why eleven players?" God's Hand nodded strangely. Didn't this copy say that the upper limit is only ten people? Why is there an extra one for nothing?

Since Wang Linchi and Ye Tian left the game system, he, the third child, has successfully become the number one on the list. He has also received the attention of the game system and received a lot of support, making him the real number one on the list.

The Hand of God is not that rebellious. As the saying goes, he would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Although he has to perform many difficult tasks in the game system, his treatment is also very good. At least the game system has not treated him badly. .

Furthermore, even if he had the back bone, he couldn't use it.

After Wang Linchi and Ye Tian ran away one after another, he was closely watched. As a double-bonus stick under the game system, he could no longer leave at all.

Mainly because when Wang Linchi ran away, he took a graduation number with him, which caused huge losses to the game system.

"It's not like he got involved with the Mistaken Evil from the beginning, right?" Qingmeizhuojiu glanced at the players. He was the second on the list. Most of the time, he was the deputy of the Hand of God. Their abilities were also obtained by the game system. recognized.

"How to deal with it?" God's Hand asked Xiang Qingmeizhuojiu, meaning that if he really couldn't tell the difference, it would be better to kill them directly to avoid stabbing them in the back.

Qingmeizhuojiu shook her head gently: "We have to investigate slowly."

The remaining nine players didn't look good at first glance. It wouldn't be that simple to kill them all.

Especially after the game system weakens the combat power mechanism, it is not so easy to do it.

"We have a problem? Why can't you two have a problem?" A player with the character name of General Zhenbei said.

"Because we, as number one and number two, are certified by the game system." Qingmeizhuojiu explained, if even they could be replaced, the game system would be useless.

General Zhenbei was a little unconvinced, but he agreed with the idea of ​​green plums making wine.

"Otherwise, since we are suspicious of each other, how about we act separately?" Another player with the name Linyuan Xianyu said.

The Hand of God looked over and saw that the Linyuan Xianyu was behind him. He didn't even look at it carefully without making a sound. Now that he looked at it, he felt that his temperament seemed a bit familiar. Have he seen it somewhere? Unfortunately, he was familiar with Linyuan Xianyu. The character's name didn't make much of an impression, so I chalked it up to an illusion.

"This is a good idea. You can't find the extra player anyway." General Zhenbei was the first to jump out and agree.

He is a solitary person, but if he really wants to follow the team, given his personality, he might cause trouble.

At this point, he has a clear understanding of himself and is capable, but not necessarily a good character.

"Yes, you can form a team in private, but I have to emphasize that in the dungeon, you are prohibited from harming your compatriots." God's Hand deserves to be at the top of the list for so long, and with the training, it actually exudes an aura. .

"Hey, then you two should form a team, so take me with you." Linyuan Xianyu said directly.


The ten players looked like shit. It was you who suggested the splitting up, but luckily for you, you actually had the nerve to hug their thighs.

The people present were not fools, so they naturally recognized that God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu were the first and second people on the list. It was a pity that the third person on the list was not there, otherwise they would have made up the top three.

"Why do you think so?" Hand of God asked speechlessly.

"Follow the boss and you'll have a higher chance of passing the level." Linyuan Xianyu said quite straightforwardly.

"Then if you plan to act separately, the success rate will be higher if we act together." Qingmeizhuojiu narrowed his eyes, he was questioning whether there was something wrong with Linyuan Xianyu.

"Because there are risks. If I die, what does it have to do with clearing the level?" Linyuan Xianyu said very confidently.

This left many players at a loss as to what to say.

It's smart to say that he actually jumped out and exposed such a big flaw. Ten players all thought that he might be the extra person.

Call it not smart, but he still knows how to hug his thighs, and he can even be so confident.

Qingmeizhuojiu was stunned when he heard this. This was the first time he met such a person. After all, everyone wanted to be ashamed.

"Is there no risk if you follow the two of us?" Hand of God asked again.

"If both of you are at risk, then accept defeat. After all, the first and second rankings combined are not enough, let alone me." Linyuan Xianyu continued to speak, without any embarrassment on his face.

Others didn't react at all. Although they did not obey the orders of God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu, they recognized their abilities. No matter how high they thought they were, they understood the value of these two people and would not deliberately belittle them. them.

"Okay, you can stay with us for the time being." Qingmeizhuojiu agreed directly, and then continued: "However, this dungeon is extremely difficult, and neither of us is sure to pass it, let alone protect you on the road."

Linyuan Xianyu nodded in agreement: "No problem. With my ability to hold the thigh, I will die because I am not skilled."

Everyone was more and more speechless. Where did this weird player come from and how did he get to this point.

The players who can be arranged to be among the first batch of players to participate in Qingshan Charity Angel's recuperation, even if they are not famous, are all capable players.

So if Linyuan Xianyu is not a fake, he may be an auxiliary player.

Otherwise, you will just hug your thighs like a gangster, and everyone will dislike it, and you will not be able to develop at all.

"Does anyone else have any opinions? We can put it forward before we go in. When we go in, we may be too busy to take care of ourselves and have no way to implement it." Hand of God spoke again.

He doesn't have a domineering personality, but is a bit like a simplified version of Ye Tian, ​​with a very high personality charm.

"So, can I join you?" One of the players said.

"I'm afraid not. We can't do anything with one person. If we bring one more, it will put the entire team in danger." Qingmei Zhuojiu refused without hesitation.

Naturally, they accepted Linyuan Xianyu because he was suspected of being a fake and kept him by their side as a guarantee. However, it would be better if he was a real player. He would most likely be an auxiliary, which would help them even more.

In fact, in the eyes of God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu, other people are more like lone players. If they join, friction and conflict will inevitably occur.

"That's right, the risk has been taken by you." The other party didn't say "Why can he do it but I can't?" As a leader among players, his mentality cannot be so bad.

"Then how do we act, one person per ward, or do we all go into the same ward and then disperse?" General Zhenbei asked.

"Everyone goes into the same ward. Although they work separately, there is still some care." Qingmeizhuojiu said in a deep voice.

God's Hand doesn't mind that Qingmei Zhuojiu has been making arrangements. In terms of layout, Qingmei Zhuojiu is indeed far better than him.

When everyone heard this, they didn't object. What Qingmei Zhuojiu said was reasonable. After all, they were here to download the dungeon, not to fight for grudges or interests.

If the copy fails, everyone will be punished.

If someone succeeds, others are exempted from punishment, but there is no reward.

The punishment is not fatal, but it makes people feel distressed.

"But having said that, we can just go straight to the dean. There is no need to kill them one by one." Another player muttered.

"If it was really that easy, we wouldn't be asked to come here. How much cost did the game system lose to get this copy?" another player said.

Linyuan Xianyu didn't say a word, secretly collecting information.

Yes, Linyuan Xianyu is Wang Linchi. He disguised himself as a player and joined the Hand of God team with great fanfare.

At first glance, his suspicions are endless, but as long as he is not exposed and the other players are almost dead, and he works conscientiously as a support, then he is real.

Naturally, he infiltrates among the players in order to borrow a knife to kill someone.

It doesn't matter whose knife he borrows to kill whom. For example, he steals the power of the game system, then passes the blame to the hospital, and then breaks the wrong rules of the hospital, letting the players take the blame.

Otherwise, why is he pretending to be a player so that he can deal with the two evils and use this trivial information gap to prepare to gain a lot of benefits, using this as a resource for himself to become stronger.

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