Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 386 Ridicule? This is called blocking the knife

"Qingmei Zhuojiu has such a keen sense, we have to find an opportunity to get rid of him." Wang Linchi also noticed Qingmei Zhuojiu's strange attitude towards him.

He didn't know why this was happening for the time being, and there was no need to figure it out. He didn't have the time, so he could just clean it out.

But he can't do it himself, and he can't make a killing move. The opponent is a player or the second on the list. If he directly kills him, it will definitely lead to an investigation by the game system. Although he is very confident about his concealment ability, he is not afraid of ten thousand or ten thousand. one.

The reason for not taking action personally is because if he doesn't kill the opponent, he can be resurrected even if he is dead. Even if he doesn't expose the matter, his plan will be disrupted if he talks to the Hand of God.

Wang Linchi did have a way to kill the opponent silently, but it would leave traces in the end, so it was better to let the evil of mistake do it.

"Why can't the first and second on the list be a brainless barbarian?" Wang Linchi was imagining.

If they were to fight against the game system of the Abyss era, the first and second players on this list would really be barbarians, but in the era of errors and evil, most of those without brains would not be able to get ahead.

"No hurry, no hurry yet." Wang Linchi was sitting in the operating room. In front of him was a man who had completed the operation and was now a fool.

Just wait and it will be pushed out.

"Currently, one percent of the system resource investment has been withheld. I don't know if the hospital has discovered it." Wang Linchi is growing in strength every day.

The resources of the system and the foundation of the hospital are slowly being harvested from the hospital bit by bit.

The quantity loss is indeed a bit large, but with his cover, the hospital will most likely not be able to see it in the short term, but it may not be possible in the long term.

It's just that Wang Linchi won't delay it for a long time. It's only the second morning, and he dared to intercept one percent.

With this new collector, he dared to increase the interception rate to five percent.

"The remaining time should be enough." Wang Linchi looked at his progress. After plundering, his mental power had reached 10.72 million, and he should be able to reach 11 million today.

The remaining 110,000 will be slowly increased to the limit within nine days.

If cheating, krypton gold, hanging up, plus a lot of talent blessings could be slowed down, wouldn't Wang Linchi's early snowballing pain be in vain?

"But being so greedy seems a bit ruthless." Wang Linchi took a closer look and saw an undetectable crack on the wall of the department where he was located.

There were no cracks when he came before, which means that when he devoured the essence of the hospital, the hospital itself was also damaged.

That's why Wang Linchi was worried that the hospital would notice.

"Fortunately, there is a game system to help me take the blame. Even if the hospital and the director are aware of it, as long as the loss is not big, they can endure it for the sake of operating the game system."

He still accurately grasped the psychology of the two. After investing so much, he can accept a small loss now. When they succeed, the game system will return all the capital and profits.

Coincidentally, the game system thinks the same way. Although a lot of resources are invested in the hospital, once the game system successfully controls the hospital, it can have everything, so it bites the bullet and invests in it.

Neither of them expected that Wang Linchi would be stealing in the middle.

But when it comes to losses, the hospital must suffer the most. If the resources provided by the game system are emptied, it will go bankrupt and will not die. However, the hospital will be cut off by Wang Linchi, and it will be completely empty in the end.

Even though the hospital has been sucking blood from the game system to recover, one is cutting off the flesh and the other is sucking the blood. Naturally, Wang Linchi is more ruthless.

"It's almost time. It's time to push the patient back." Wang Linchi looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to get off work. He was not going to continue working overtime here.

Pushing the patient out of the operating room, he headed towards the inpatient department.

Because it was daytime and Wang Linchi was transporting patients, there was no danger.


Wang Linchi was about to go in when a voice called out to him. When he turned around, he saw that it was General Zhenbei.

"What's the matter?" Wang Linchi asked politely, thinking that this guy was not here to cause trouble. After all, looking at the menacing appearance of the other party, he would definitely not invite him to dinner.

"Go back later and clean up the dirty things in your operating room." General Zhenbei said immediately.

"This is your job, why should I go..." Wang Linchi was quite speechless. Today is not as messy as yesterday. He just needs to shovel it away and clean it, but there is still a lot of it.

These words made the veins on General Zhenbei's forehead bulge: "You are causing trouble and you want me to clean it up for you. Don't go too far."

"But, this is within your responsibilities. What does it have to do with me?" Wang Linchi didn't want to go. This guy was really here to cause trouble.

"You... okay, after sending the patients, go and clean up with me." General Zhenbei took a step back.

"If you don't want to go, do it if you can, and get out if you don't. Some people want to do it." Wang Linchi retorted, wanting to easily choose his patient status. Since he has chosen the status of a nurse, don't think about running away from the work he should do. .

"Okay, okay, I'll remember you, kid. Next time..." General Zhenbei began to speak harshly, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted.

"What next time?" The one who spoke was the Hand of God.

General Zhenbei couldn't help but hesitated. He didn't expect such a coincidence.

Wang Linchi said that this was not a coincidence, but that he was lucky. If he had been unlucky, there would have been some minor troubles, but now they are gone.

"Humph!" General Zhenbei snorted coldly and said nothing. He just looked at Wang Linchi bitterly, then turned around and left.

As a result, God's hand grabbed the other person's shoulder, and his tone was serious: "You haven't said yet what you will do next time."

In his eyes, Wang Linchi did not do anything wrong. The operating room was indeed dirty and messy, but he helped everyone temporarily control a wrong evil, making everyone safer.

"Let me go. Don't think that just because you are number one, you can do whatever you want. This kid made the operating room look like that. Didn't he deliberately make things difficult for us?" General Zhenbei seemed to be strong-willed, but in fact he had already given in. Otherwise it would be impossible to say the second half of the sentence.

"So you are going to deal with him?" God's Hand looked fierce, and now he felt more and more that General Zhenbei was probably the fake who had sneaked in.

Otherwise, how could he deliberately find trouble with Wang Linchi.

Although Wang Linchi's personality and behavior have been different since he entered the dungeon, everything he has done has been helpful to them. On the contrary, there are many doubts about General Zhenbei.

Hand of God naturally chose to help Wang Linchi. Could it be that he couldn't help General Zhenbei, who seemed to have problems at first sight?

"You are trying to bully others, right? Well, well, you are just a nest of snakes and rats." General Zhenbei was furious.

God's Hand was also speechless by the other party's words: "You were the first to threaten Linyuan Xianyu. You obviously didn't do your job and left Linyuan Xianyu to do it. How could you still be bullying others with my power?" , you must have done it first."

How can General Zhenbei listen to this? He has always taken advantage of others. When will it be someone else's turn to take advantage of him?

"This matter is not over yet. I will definitely go to the forum to expose you." General Zhenbei couldn't help but snorted coldly, then forcibly broke away from God's hand and left directly.

"With this character, how capable he must be." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh.

Being able to grow to this point even when you have character flaws shows that you are very capable, otherwise you would have been cheated to death long ago.

"Ah, this... seems to make sense." God's Hand felt strange when he heard this. After thinking about it again, Wang Linchi was indeed right.

"How is it? Did you gain anything today?" Wang Linchi asked.

The Hand of God helped push them into the inpatient department and said: "The harvest is not much, it is a protracted battle, but I heard that the second batch of players will be put in soon, and there will be a hundred people."

"So many?" Wang Linchi was also a little surprised. He thought it was ten or ten shots, but he didn't expect that he would directly score a hundred.

"Yes, the main reason is that a lot of evils of errors have appeared again. Rumor has it that this copy is likely to be the key to solving the evils of errors in the game system." Hand of God did not hide it.

This matter should be internal information obtained by God's Hand, which is only known by their group of high-level players.

"I see." Wang Linchi nodded. Only the first half of this sentence was true. After all, mistakes would always be born, even if Wang Linchi had suffered a lot before. As for the second half, it was indeed a rumor and could not be trusted.

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