Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 387 The hospital’s losses alarmed the director

A glimmer of light appeared in the dean's cloudy eyes, and then returned to normal.

"It's strange, why can't you make ends meet?" He looked puzzled. According to his plan, everything was growing positively.

The result is actually a loss.

What's more important is that all the income and expenses on the books are perfect, and there is no problem in any of them.

"Could it be that the game system has discovered it?" was the first possibility that came to the dean's mind.

How could there be a loss if it was not discovered.

As for saying that there are moths causing trouble in the middle, this is simply impossible. All the processes passed through his hands. If there really were moths, wouldn't it mean that he himself became a moth? That would be too absurd.

Well, even if he did it himself, why is that thing not in his hands?

"No, we have to find a way to defend ourselves. Based on the situation of the game system, it may lead the snake out of its hole." The dean was very cautious. He did not prepare to take action directly, but focused on defense.

Otherwise, once you are reckless and ruin the plan, it will not be a big loss, but you will also have to pay for it.

Feeling the stone heart no longer beating in his chest.

"The power of the gods will eventually be mine."

Others don't know and think that the hospital controls the director. In fact, this is not the case. It is him, a sinful person who has transformed into a human body, who controls the hospital through Shi Xin. Otherwise, how can the hospital be forbearing and where can it be? Being able to have such power is not because of him.

"It's a pity that I only have the heart of the god. If I could go deep into the underground world and obtain other bodies of the god, I might not have to plan like this."

The dean's face was full of fear, because he knew that Ye Tian existed in the underground world. Although the opponent's strength was not as good as the game system, if he faced the opponent, he would have a high probability of losing. The game system occupies the invisible and invisible space. He has a qualitative advantage, and if he really wants to pass, there is a high probability that he will be compatible.

It's not like he didn't arrange for people to lurk in, but as a result there were only a few successful ones, and even if there were successful ones, they would be assimilated.

That's right, that kind of terrifying charm, the enthusiasm that makes everyone come back, is really too scary.

In his eyes, this is not a matter of sincerity at all, but some kind of weird assimilation ability.

"If the game hadn't merged with reality, I wouldn't have even had to do so much to become the king of the world." The dean's hatred of the game system is deep in his bones.

Relying on the stone heart obtained by his ancestors, he had elemental blood and mastered extraordinary power, but the power was a little smaller. However, through various inhumane experiments on patients in Qingshan Charity Angel Nursing Hospital, he gradually explored Corresponding improvement methods have been developed.

Then, the game merges with reality...

Everything about him was in vain, but accordingly, the emergence of the Sin of Mistakes, coupled with his Stone Heart and elemental bloodline, allowed him to successfully become a terrible Sin of Mistakes, and through Stone Heart's special ability, Turning the entire Qingshan Mercy Angel Nursing Hospital into a sin of error, it is under his control.

Using this as capital, he escaped the imprisonment process of the game system and gradually developed to be able to compete with the game system.

After seeing the power of the game system, the dean guessed that the game system might have acquired other body tissues of the gods. Otherwise, it would not have grown so fast.

It is for this reason that he started planning the game system.

"Fortunately, we have a preparatory plan. I hope nothing happens again." If the dean dares to take such a big risk, he will definitely not put his life on the line. Instead, he has the ability to cover up a lot. Otherwise, how will he make a comeback if he fails? .

"It's strange, why the amount suddenly became too small."

While he was treating a bug, Wang Linchi suddenly discovered that his devouring efficiency had dropped significantly.

The degree of decline is very large, and it is now only about one thousandth of what it was before.

"The dean found out? So he changed the port for me?"

Wang Linchi's first thought was that the dean would take action. It couldn't be that the game system had reduced investment.

This is not very likely. Why reduce investment if there is nothing to do? Now is the rising period.

"Then I have to find a way to change it back. It seems a bit difficult." Wang Linchi checked and his skills improved.

"You have this technology, why didn't you use it at the beginning? You had to wait until now..."

Wang Linchi was speechless. What kind of clumsiness was he hiding at this time? However, after comparing the two ports, he also found a difference. The previous energy saving could save costs. The current version's technology is indeed much higher, but the cost has increased nearly a hundred times.

If it were Wang Linchi, he would definitely choose the latter. He is not afraid of high costs in major matters, as long as the quality can keep up, it will be fine.

But the dean is different. He is an entrepreneur, so the quality is just passable. Cost is the key. After all, profits must be squeezed.

So there will definitely be a gap between his ideas and Wang Linchi's.

"The other party didn't react violently, which means they are still afraid of the game system."

"Is there a more advanced version in the future?" Wang Linchi thought about this.

Although he had deciphered the port problem, he did not change it immediately. Instead, he planned to wait until tomorrow.

If the opponent's front foot is changed, his back foot will be updated, which will inevitably arouse suspicion.

"If I can't win the hospital, how can I win the game system?" In fact, Wang Linchi's loss was not big. The part that dropped was from the hospital. However, he didn't lose a single point in the game system that he should have stopped. Otherwise, The hospital is losing money precisely because he eats both ends.

Eating only one head will not result in loss, at most it will only reduce profits.

"Speaking of which, General Zhenbei didn't come to cause trouble today. Could it be that he was dealt with by the hand of God?"

Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter. Yesterday, General Zhenbei said aggressively that he would not be alone, but today he was alone and nothing would happen.

"Oh, it seems like he is alone every day." Wang Linchi remembered that he and his teammates were here, and General Zhenbei was accused of being fake.

So the next step may be for God's Hand and Qingmei Zhuojiu to find General Zhenbei and find a way to kick this suspected fake player out of the game.

This made it difficult for General Zhenbei to trouble him.

After pushing the third patient back to the inpatient department, Wang Linchi was naturally ready to get off work, so there was nothing wrong with him.

"Linyuan Xianyu?"

Wang Linchi was wandering around the hospital when he heard a familiar voice.

As for the sin of the mistake, he wasn't worried at all. He was mainly looking for a suitable blasting point, which would be useful when the hospital was blown up.

"What's the matter?" Wang Linchi looked back and saw that he was a player. His character name was A Furniture Sales 0364. He was not familiar with it, and the name was as weird as the businessmen in his circle of friends. 0364 should be for the sake of not having the same name. written.

Wearing patient's clothes, he looked like a patient, but he didn't expect to be able to leave the ward.

"I heard that you had a conflict with General Zhenbei?" asked the furniture dealer.

"No, it's just that he is lazy and doesn't want to do the work for me. If I don't help, does this count as a conflict?" Wang Linchi said directly.

"Ah? I heard that you deliberately made things difficult for him and made him do the dirty work." The furniture dealer was also a little surprised.

"How did you hear that? Why did I make things difficult for him when I had nothing to do..." Wang Linchi complained. He really didn't make things difficult for him. The workload was so heavy that there was nothing he could do.

The furniture dealer nodded thoughtfully: "That's right. General Zhenbei is like a mad dog. He keeps biting you. It's a good thing you didn't show up, otherwise he would definitely have to fight."

Compared to General Zhenbei's senses, he preferred Wang Linchi.

"But then again, where did you hear about it?" Wang Linchi asked.

"This..." The furniture dealer looked a little evasive, as if he was embarrassed to speak.

"It's not convenient to say? Then forget it." Wang Linchi did not force it.

When it came to buying and selling furniture, he was shocked. He seemed to have found a fake.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll go for a walk first." The furniture dealer said quickly.

General Zhenbei said this in the dungeon channel, and he kept arguing with God's Hand and Qingmeizhujiu. Wang Linchi didn't know about such a big thing. Can you tell me if there is any problem.

"Well, then walk slowly." Wang Linchi said calmly.

It looked like nothing was found.

The cold sweat on Furniture Trading's forehead is dripping from his forehead, and he must not reveal the slightest problem now.

"Wait a minute." Wang Linchi suddenly said, making the furniture dealer startled: "You dropped something."

"What?" The furniture dealer was a little confused.

"My life is lost." Wang Linchi replied in his ear.

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