On the morning after a hundred players arrived, another thousand players were actually sent in, which kept God's Hand and Qingmeizhuo quite busy.

Fortunately, the entire hospital covers a large area and has a wide range of services, so there is no need to worry about not being able to accommodate it.

What's more, not all of these thousand people are patients, there are also caregivers, nurses, doctors and other related professions.

Wang Linchi discovered that nearly ten of the thousand people became doctors. As for those who failed, they were either dead or disabled. In fact, there were not many who could escape completely.

But precisely because of this, Wang Linchi felt a lot more relaxed. The mistakes that were originally targeted at him naturally chose to make mistakes due to the influx of players.

The vast majority of players become nurses and some are patients. Whether they are nurses or doctors, there is a certain degree of difficulty. Unlike these two identities, the former can be passed by applying for a job, while the latter is more straightforward and can be registered. Can.

Just by doing this, God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu were in trouble, and the advantages they had worked so hard to establish were all gone overnight.

If there were only a hundred people, they could still control it in a short period of time, but now that a thousand more people have come in, all the players who had patted their chests and promised to cooperate have other thoughts.

In the end, they just gave up. After all, it didn't matter to them anymore, the situation was completely out of control.

What is even more uncontrollable is Wang Linchi's collector absorption efficiency. More than a thousand players activated it at the same time, withholding 90% of the resources that should have been given to the hospital. The reason why it is not 100% is that Wang Linchi deliberately kept 10%. Ten to the hospital.

If you want someone to take the blame for you, you have to have some traces at least, otherwise you will take them all away. When the time comes to check the accounts, you will only find the book data, and there is nothing actually put into the warehouse. How can you slander the other party? After this verification, you will be beaten Can't get up.

But if there are actual records put into the database and the game system comes to check the accounts, will the hospital be willing? There is something fishy about it in the first place, so naturally I won’t agree.

"So, you just want me to fix the bug?" Wang Linchi looked at the player named Acupuncture Cactus in front of him. He was a patient and came to him for surgery.

"You are a doctor and I am a patient, it's normal." The plan proposed by Acupuncture Cactus was very simple, that is, the two patients would swipe each other's identities to delay time.

"The idea is good, but why choose me." Wang Linchi felt that it was impossible for the other party to come to him for no reason.

If you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, the other party must have some plan, rather than this superficial plan.

Acupuncture Cactus is the second batch of players to be put in. Compared with the first batch of players, their quality is still far behind.

Among the first batch of players, only one died at the hands of Mistaken Evil, and the remaining two were killed by Wang Linchi.

And just one day after the second batch started, a dozen players had already died.

The number of deaths in the third batch will be even greater.

"Of course it's because you are the first batch of players to come in." Needle Cactus said.

"Okay, the reason is indeed sufficient. Let me ask another question, there are so many players, why should I choose you." Wang Linchi asked in return.

In fact, he was not happy to play this kind of house game with the acupuncture cactus.

The main reason is that this guy is obviously well prepared. Just saying that means he must have other plans.

There are too many players, and it is impossible for all players to have righteous thoughts or be good people. In fact, most of them have their own thoughts.

"Because I was the one who proposed it, and I can be the most cooperative. If it were other players, they might not have this idea." Acupuncture Cactus said proudly.

What he means is that he will cooperate with himself and will not think about completing the main mission or obtaining additional rewards.

"Well, it's indeed a good reason, but how do you escape the punishment of being passive and sagging?" Wang Linchi asked again.

He is not a player, so it doesn't matter, but for Acupuncture Cactus, his behavior is tantamount to avoiding the task. In the beginning, the game system will not punish him, but as time goes by, Acupuncture Cactus will definitely be on the list. .

"I have my own solution for this." Acupuncture Cactus smiled mysteriously. He seemed to have some means.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I won't cooperate." Wang Linchi said.

"Then cooperate... eh? No cooperation? Why not cooperate? It's a win-win situation for you and me." Acupuncture Cactus was a bit screwed. He never expected that Wang Linchi refused directly. What kind of thing was this?

"Although I don't know what your plans are for coming to me, why do you think I'm a fool?" Wang Linchi looked like you were just fooling me and didn't take it seriously.

"This...what plan can I have, but since you don't want to, then I'll just find another player to cooperate with." After saying this, Acupuncture Cactus got up and left without hesitation.

Wang Linchi understood one thing: being courteous for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

At first glance, it seems that there is no risk in the whole process, and it is even a guaranteed profit.

However, this kind of thing is problematic at first glance. You are worried about other people's interest, but they are interested in your principal. If you really agree, you may become the scapegoat of the other person.

As for taking chestnuts from the fire, Wang Linchi didn't even know whether the chestnuts or millets were in the fire, so how could he agree to it casually?

"Just in time, follow me and see what kind of opportunity you bring me." Wang Linchi thought to himself.

It is unlikely that a small trouble will find him, so it is more likely to be some kind of chance. There is no need to worry about a big trouble. If it is a big trouble, it will affect a huge area and he will not be able to escape even if he wants to.

Following the player, Wang Linchi quickly found the other player's ward.

"Boss, that kid won't be fooled." Acupuncture Cactus said after entering the ward.

"It shouldn't be. Doesn't it mean that he has no ability?" Another voice replied, with doubts in his tone: "I checked the forum and found that this person has no achievements. How can I not be fooled by this kind of temptation?"

"It's useless for you to tell me all this. Even if they don't agree, there's nothing I can do about it." Acupuncture Cactus's voice was filled with helplessness.

"Then let's change to another one. He's not the only one anyway. We only need a doctor player who is under our control, and it doesn't have to be him." Another player in the ward spoke.

"No one found any flaws." The voice that went first said.

Wang Linchi took a look and saw that there were three patients in the ward. One of them was a Needle Cactus, and the other was a Desert Scorpion. He was called the boss, a burly middle-aged man, and there was another one called Pyramid Reflection. Young man, the player who made the substitution.

"No, don't worry when I handle the matter. How could there be any flaws in such a big matter?" Acupuncture Cactus said confidently.

Wang Linchi, who was eavesdropping outside, was speechless. This guy's face didn't turn red when he told lies. He seemed to be a habitual offender.

"That's good." Desert Poisonous Scorpion didn't ask in detail. After all, he was already an old member of the team, so he felt at ease when doing things. Then he said, "Third brother, you can choose another one to deceive."

"No problem, I'll do it right away." Acupuncture Pyramid said.

"There will be a hospital-wide meeting tonight. If there is no player who is a doctor to help, the mission will be stuck."

"As long as our group kills the entire hospital's doctors, I don't believe the director won't come out." Desert Poisonous Scorpion looked sinister.

"Boss, can we do it?" The reflection of the pyramid on the side hesitated. This is indeed very difficult. Only a small part of the whole academy conference is a player, and the rest are the result of mistakes.

"What's the matter? This isn't the first time we've done this. We used this method last time to destroy a copycat. Now we're just trying to replicate it." The Desert Poison Scorpion didn't care at all.

The Acupuncture Pyramid on the side wanted to say that last time was the last time and this time was this time. However, when he thought about his boss's ruthlessness and decisiveness, he took a fancy to this and followed him.

Although the work is tiring and painful, Desert Scorpion is indeed generous and does not hesitate at all when giving things.

Otherwise, why would I do all this work for you?

"Okay, but I always feel that something is different and something will happen." Pyramid Reflection said.

"What are you afraid of? We don't have a plan B. If it fails, we will directly divert the trouble to the east and let the first and second names on the list take care of us." The Desert Scorpion has already had its own plan.

This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. If he succeeds, he will gain a lot. If he fails, he will be lured away.

It's not like he can't be resurrected even if he dies.

Therefore, the reputation of their desert trio is not very good, but they dare to fight and are vicious and decisive in their attacks, so their life is much better than that of ordinary players.

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