Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 392: Dramatic changes in the meeting, bewitchment by fallen players

The hospital-wide meeting was successfully held at twelve o'clock in the night, just as the Desert Trio had learned.

Wang Linchi, God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu were all present, as well as three players who were doctors who were huddled together here and there.

The reason why the number dropped suddenly was naturally due to the sin of mistakes.

It is so easy for Wang Linchi to deal with the Evil of Mistakes because he has strength. If the players cannot keep up, casualties are certain.

So there were nearly ten people in the morning, but now there are only three left.

During the whole hospital meeting, the six players were like pigs in the slaughterhouse. If they were not careful, they would be swarmed by the evil sinners in the conference room and eaten.

The conference room was very large. Wang Linchi also saw the former director of the Human Resources Department, who was sitting in the front row. In addition, there were many strange and strange things. Fortunately, the human form could be vaguely seen. No matter how many more people there were, there would be no more. .

The content of the discussion was naturally due to the increase in medical staff this time, especially the number of nursing workers.

Hearing this, Wang Linchi also understood that this plan was to close all identities except patients. Then the next time the player comes in, there are only two choices left, either as a patient or as a gangster.

It can only be said that their initial bonus has been eaten up, and the remaining difficulty has been greatly increased.

Being a patient is not easy. If you don't have enough ability or meet difficult caregivers or nurses, you may be lucky enough to be unable to leave the ward and suffer some torture, or you may be killed directly if you are not lucky enough.

"When do you think the desert trio will take action?" The Hand of God on the side muttered quietly.

Wang Linchi naturally told this matter to his two 'teammates', but he changed the order and blurred some details in the middle.

"Those three people are also very brave. How could it be that easy and still get their turn." Qingmei Zuojiu said this, but in fact, she took it very seriously.

The Desert Trio is infamous, but their abilities cannot be denied.

In fact, they did not want to come to such a hospital-wide meeting. This behavior was no different from sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth. Unfortunately, they had to come.

As impassioned as I mentioned above, in fact all the mistakes were made with the eyes of the six players, waiting for the meeting to end before taking action.

"What the director said is very good. As for me, I will briefly mention three points. These three points are very important and are the key points among the key points. However, this key point..."

After the director finished speaking, the vice-dean came out for a meeting.

Wang Linchi felt a little numb when he heard it, but fortunately, when the other party's 'key point' had just finished the thirteenth summary of the seven sections of the first, third, and third points, an explosion interrupted the speech.

The entire conference room shook, and the lamp on the ceiling fell down with a flourish and hit the center. This scene made Errors stunned.

"Is this the work of the Desert Trio? There was too much movement." God's Hand really didn't expect it.

"Probably not, I suspect it belongs to someone else." Qingmeizhuojiu shook her head, denying this possibility.

Before the vice president could get angry, one of the three unlucky doctors suddenly stood up.

"That's it." Wang Linchi echoed.


The player exploded directly, and this time it was more powerful. The entire conference room was blown down, and even the hospital building where the conference room was located was shaken.

If the outside is fried and the inside is fried again, it would be false to say that there is no impact.

"The self-exploding truck, that's really scary, but it seems to have angered them."

Wang Linchi took God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu to evacuate in time, and was not affected much.

Among the players, it is not a big secret that there is a whole hospital meeting in the conference room at night. It has been spread for a long time, but most people are not qualified to participate.

But just because you can't participate doesn't mean there's no way to disrupt it.

"Do it!" I don't know which player shouted, and then a large number of players rushed in and started their sexy operations.

"Come on, I don't know which lunatic is pushing this matter. If it can be done with just the number of people, it won't be so troublesome." Qingmei Zhuojiu cursed.

At first glance, it seems that the player has the advantage, but the number of people is never a problem when facing the evil of mistakes.

It can be killed directly without even using the killing rules.

"Something's wrong, nine out of ten is wrong." Wang Linchi said suddenly.

It is impossible for the other party to spend a lot of time just to make something happen. There is no benefit at all and they will be found out.

No matter how hidden it is, if someone is looking for it afterwards, they can still find clues even if they can't find the truth.

Therefore, these two explosions are most likely just the beginning, and there will be more to come.

Players who rush out basically die without any resistance. Once they die, a large area will die.

"It's really wrong. Who can have such ability to make so many players lose their minds?" God's Hand also agreed with Wang Linchi's statement.

In the game era of Sin of Mistake, all players understand one truth, that is, force is not advisable.

Look at this group of people, they are actually rushing up. What's the use of that?

"Being controlled by someone, just like the self-destructed player we saw before." Qingmei Zhuojiu said.

"What did the desert trio do?" Wang Linchi didn't think those three people had this ability. It was more likely that they were plotted.

Otherwise, where would the other party get so much internal information?

The players know that there will be a hospital-wide meeting tonight, but they don't know the details or even who will attend.

But the desert trio knew how to control a doctor player.

"It can't be them. These three people are at best scapegoats who are a little taller than chess pieces." Qingmei Zhuojiu denied Wang Linchi's statement.

"This time the game system has stuffed too many hidden old silver coins into it." God's Hand knows that its strength in the rankings is actually based on water, and it mostly relies on the support of the game system.

There is naturally no shortage of talents in the whole world.

Just as Hand of God finished speaking and the three of them retreated to an extremely peripheral area, the evildoers who had killed the player suddenly stopped.

"Who used the killing rules!!!"

"No, leave quickly, it's just pestering!"

"It's too late, damn player..."

For a moment, an entangled force field emerged, and all the sins of mistakes within the scope of the force field were drawn into it.

"The other party succeeded." God's Hand looked at this scene and his expression became more and more solemn.

"It's only half the battle." Qingmei Zhuojiu's face looked bad.

The main reason is that these evil evils are entangled together, and they don't know what will happen next. Whether these evil evils will all die, or they will be compatible with each other and give birth to a more terrifying evil evil.

If it's the former, everyone will be happy, but if it's the latter, it's all over.

The mistakes made by all the doctors, directors, management and other personnel of the hospital are definitely not something they can deal with.

"I suspect it might be a corrupted player." Qingmei Zhuojiu said.

As soon as these words came out, God's Hand was stunned. He didn't expect Qingmei Zhuojiu to say this.

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to do such things that would harm others and not benefit oneself. More importantly, the other party's intelligence system is extremely powerful."

"I suspect that this person should be the first batch of players who came in with us. Then there were corrupted players in the second and third batches. Finally, according to the layout, it was successful."

"The opponent has a large number of people, and with this wave of weakening, we are no match." Qingmeizhuojiu ignored the reaction of God's Hand and continued.

"Retreat first. If it is really the work of a fallen player, there is a high chance that this mistake will not lead to a fatal crash." God's Hand said without hesitation.

Compared with players, fallen players not only have the previous combat power system, but also because they are the sinners of mistakes, they have all-pervasive penetration capabilities and their own intelligence system. If the number is not too small and suppressed by the game system, , these players are not opponents at all.

How is it possible to win by fighting more than you can while knowing more than you know.

Wang Linchi actually didn't have too many feelings about this. It's better to be chaotic. This is equivalent to the fire dragon burning the warehouse and the Yin soldiers borrowing food. All the things he took, as long as he operates them properly, they will be filled up directly. .

At that time, the accounts will be real, and neither the hospital director nor the game system can find out.

'Ye Tian is a good person, but I still have to take action. The person who planned it has a good plan, but it is a bit rough and easy to be exposed. ’ Whether it was for himself or to thank the other party for covering him up due to some unforeseen circumstances, Wang Linchi would definitely not just sit back and wait for death.

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