Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 393 Appearance, alliance between alliances

"You were right. It didn't freeze, but merged into a brand new evil creature." Wang Linchi looked at the white humanoid existence in the center of the hospital that was the same size as the ward. It is actually of legendary quality.

[Wrong soul type·Missing doctor (legendary level)]

After the birth of this missing doctor, public opinion among the players exploded, and everyone was criticizing the desert trio.

Just as Qingmeizhuojiu said, the person who planned this incident was not guilty at all, but the desert trio took the blame.

Mainly because someone is deliberately guiding.

The game system did not directly intervene, but further blocked the entire copy.

If you want to leave now, there is only one way, and that is to complete the mission, otherwise even if you die, you will only be resurrected at the door of the hospital.

At the same time, another four thousand players were invested as a supplement.

"The other party's ability to bewitch is really too strong, and it is still a silent bewitchment. It must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise, more than 5,000 of us will be trapped and die here." Qingmei Zhuanjiu has been thinking in her mind. Thinking about how to handle this.

The reason why there are more than 5,000 people is naturally because the players who died before were not sent away from the dungeon, but were resurrected at the door, so the number of people did not change.

This time the players were actually panicked and couldn't leave. If they kept dying, their attributes would be consumed, and they would die after their attributes returned to zero.

If you leave this dungeon, there are other dungeons that you can come back to. After all, not all dungeons are so difficult.

Suddenly, the whole hospital was in chaos. There were four thousand more people. It would be strange if it wasn't chaotic.

Moreover, he encountered such a huge danger head-on, which would make everyone afraid.

"It's not that easy. I think you'd better help God's Hand before you find the enemy. He can't hold on anymore." Wang Linchi reminded.

The one who is currently in charge of the overall situation is the Hand of God, but he can only barely maintain this situation. No matter how much more, there is nothing he can do.

Qingmeizhuojiu nodded: "Then please pay attention to your own safety and don't get fooled."

After saying that, he hurried away directly.

It's already chaotic enough, but if new players cause trouble now, they're really going to die.

After the people left, Wang Linchi said: "Come out, everyone is gone, stop hiding."

"As expected of being able to be on an equal footing with the leader, I would like to thank you for helping me." A player came out of the shadows.

The opponent was indeed one of the first batch of players to enter the game. The name of the game was Big Shark. The name was a little weird, but he acted very low-key. At the beginning, Wang Linchi didn't even have much impression.

As for how the other party found him, it was also very simple. Because he was not a player, the fallen players could easily identify him. Just like if the fallen player was not disguised, the players could also tell his identity at a glance.

Wang Linchi's disguise was not very advanced, so it was normal for him to be noticed by the other party.

"How is Ye Tian's situation?" Wang Linchi asked.

The formation of the Doctor is not only due to the fallen players, but also some small help from Wang Linchi secretly, plus the subsequent aftermath and finishing. Otherwise, the big shark would not have been able to complete it so easily.

"I don't know the leader's situation yet. I have been lurking in the game system before." Big Shark said.

"Well, then what are your plans next?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"There are still too many mistakes in the hospital. I think that in addition to the director and the hospital, another one should be born."

"In this way, we can better hold back the game system." The big shark did not hide his plan.

Hearing this, Wang Linchi did not expect it to develop like this: "And then use this to draw out the dean and make both him and the game system suffer?"

"Both sides suffer? Is the dean okay?" Big Shark understood Wang Linchi's words in an instant.

"According to the intelligence I collected, it is indeed the case. Not only has the dean's strength not declined at all, he has also become dormant. As long as the time is right, he can stab Ye Tian or the game system in the back." Wang Linchi also understood. , this group of fallen players did not realize the true situation of the dean.

"No wonder it went so smoothly. It turned out to be for this reason. It seems that I made a miscalculation." The big shark sighed.

"I didn't expect you to have such a big appetite." Wang Linchi naturally knew what the other party's miscalculation meant.

In the original plan, the dean was actually insignificant, so he took his time and dealt with the middle and high-level people first, and then used this momentum to deal with the lower levels.

The only thing the big shark has to consider at the beginning is the game system. However, the game system cannot directly interfere and is relatively rigid. It is indeed difficult to escape, but there are opportunities.

"You want to entangle all the evil sins in the hospital at once. I don't have the confidence to do so. It's even less possible for you to do it with those three melons and two jujube players."

Wang Linchi still recognized the players' abilities, but their chaos was the biggest hidden danger. Coupled with the different people's hearts, it was impossible to guarantee that all players would proceed according to the plan, and accidents would inevitably occur.

"I'm looking for an ally now. As long as the leader of my family successfully escapes from seclusion, you will be the leader of one person and above ten thousand people. If you help me, you will help yourself." Big Shark said confidently.

But what he said is indeed very reasonable.

The purpose of his coming here is probably to cover up Ye Tian, ​​so the best way is to attract attention and hatred.

After the birth of Doctor Cuoluo, the game system's attention was indeed attracted. There is no hatred yet, and the big shark has not been exposed, so where can the hatred come from.

If he had been exposed, he would have been killed long ago before he could survive.

Corrupted players can be resurrected after death, but Big Shark is within the interference range of the game system. As long as he dies, the game system has many ways to prevent him from being resurrected.

Therefore, if you can avoid being exposed, you will naturally not be exposed.

"The reason is very legitimate. In other words, the Desert Trio came to me at that time, and it is partly due to your contribution." Wang Linchi asked.

"As an ally, I must reveal some information to prevent you from stepping into a trap." Wang Linchi doesn't know whether Big Shark's words are true or false, but he is sure that there should be a reminder, but the rest has to be done by yourself. I'm aware of it, but I won't say it directly.

"Your reminder is indeed tactful enough." Wang Linchi also sarcastically said, it must be his good luck, otherwise he might not be able to guess that the other party is secretive and he is explicit, and there is no information yet, how could it be possible? will know.

"It's not a big deal to help you. I just need some small help, which happens to be your strengths."

Wang Linchi was actually quite excited about Big Shark's proposal. Since he wanted to fish in troubled waters, it would be better to make the situation a little more chaotic.

"Do you want us to make the situation more chaotic?" Big Shark can naturally guess Wang Linchi's thoughts. This aspect of planning is his strength.

"That's right, spreading chaos and alienating players, and then doing this again..."

Wang Linchi gave some plans.

Big Shark formed a deduction in his mind. Although the plan given by Wang Linchi was a bit rough, if there was internal cooperation, the success rate was still very high.

Therefore, he also proposed some plans from time to time.

"There is another difficulty that we cannot completely suppress." The Sharks quickly found a fatal point, which was the issue of strength.

The entire plan is based on their absolute strength, otherwise it will be the same as the Mirror Flower and the Moon.

"Leave it to me in terms of force." Behind Wang Linchi, the figure of the Holy Lord gradually emerged.

Force is naturally used to suppress Doctor Cuoluo. In their plan, Doctor Cuoluo is naturally the main character.

If you don't have enough force, how can you succeed? I'm afraid the doctor will kill you directly.

Seeing this, the big shark was also a little confused, but finally nodded: "You can give it a try, but you need to bear the risks."

"Of course it's no problem. The premise is that everyone doesn't drop the chain, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Wang Linchi naturally agreed. After all, the risk must be lower for him. He is hidden deep and is not afraid of the big shark betraying him. .

On the contrary, they are the ones spreading chaos. If their targets are too big, they will definitely be caught by Qingmei Zhuojiu.

"On behalf of the leader, thank you for your help." After the big shark finished speaking, he faded into the shadows again.

He has already left to prepare their plan. If everything goes well, it will be completed in the afternoon.

Nowadays, no one has enough time to set up a game that lasts for more than ten days before starting. The sooner the better.

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