Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 402 Who said that one leaf cannot make up for the sky?

The dean is decent, but the game system is not decent at all.

The battle between him and Ye Tian was very fierce, because both of them were invisible existences, so Wang Linchi was unable to directly intervene for a while.

"Damn it, fight quickly, the world is accelerating to a halt." Wang Linchi checked and found that there should have been nine days left, but now there are only two days left.

The main reason was that the battle between Ye Tian and the game system was too fierce, which directly overdrawn the world's limited resources.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge transparent object was condensed in the broken sky and fell towards the ground.

[Wrong type of soul type/Spirit type of soul type/Ancient type of soul type·Celestial system (mythical level)]

"Being beaten out???" Seeing this, Wang Linchi did not hesitate to throw out the golden elixir shadow plus a hundred philosopher's stones version of Xinyanyimailai.

The transparent behemoth was hit and exploded in mid-air, turning into countless fragments and falling from the sky.

The game system is not dead. As long as the world does not stop or is not eaten by Wang Linchi, it is impossible to die.

The next moment after it was shattered, the game system recovered, and the Holy Lord launched an attack on the game system without hesitation.

The attack feels like a big ball of strange cotton. It would be correct to say that there is no substantial damage, but the soul-sucking devouring can actually gain benefits.

At the next moment, another existence like a breeze came simultaneously, and its powerful power became compatible with the game system.

[Wrong Soul Seed/Order Soul Seed/Life Soul Seed·Savior (Mythical Level)]

This is Ye Tian, ​​he has changed from a savior to a savior.

However, he does not seem to be limited to this. The other party wants to mend the sky with his body and his way, so he is not qualified yet. If he wants to restore the world, the mythical level is not enough. He needs a higher level than the mythical one.

Today, the world is about to die. Facing a world that is about to die, he needs a power that is more mythical than mythical.

It just so happens that if the game system is integrated, then it is possible for him to break through the upper limit of the mythical level and reach a higher level.

But if this happens, the world will inevitably lose Ye Tian.

When Wang Linchi saw this, he directly called Shengzheng to help.

The game system also noticed its disadvantage, and its transparent body began to squirm, seemingly changing its life form.

It was just that the change was very slow, but Wang Linchi could tell that the other party was changing into some kind of beast form.

The two parties said they were entangled, but because neither party was an ordinary person who made mistakes, there was no corresponding entanglement effect. Instead, they were still fighting each other like normal people.

At this time, the game system has transformed into a huge beast with three heads, four tails, eight legs, twelve wings, and hundreds of eyes. This should be what it once looked like, but it doesn't look very ferocious, but like a cub. , no, to say that the cubs are still raised, it should be said that they are embryos.

After all, the predecessor of the game system, the god, was stillborn before he was born. He may not have even completed his development. Therefore, not only can his eyes be unable to open, but they are also covered with a thin film.

After turning into a god, the game system launched an attack on Ye Tian and the Holy Lord, not even Wang Linchi. One of the three heads spit out some kind of beam similar to the aggregation of elements towards Wang Linchi.

"It's bad, it's still bad." The thinking force field in front of Wang Linchi immediately solidified the light beam coming towards him.

Wang Linchi took out a Philosopher's Stone the size of a human head and carried an Elemental Reaction Stone as a strengthening material.

The two sage stones turned into powder, and at the same time, the shadow of a golden elixir also shattered.

The intensity of the mind, ape, mind and horse skyrocketed, turning into two terrifying spiritual bodies, the ape and the horse, and smashed into the body of the game system.

When it exploded, three heads were shattered, four tails were broken, eight legs were turned into powder, twelve wings were torn off, and hundreds of eyes were burst and exploded.

If the game system had not transformed into its true form and was still intangible and in an unknowable position, Wang Linchi would indeed be powerless. Unfortunately, he met Ye Tian.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Tian naturally fused it without hesitation.

The game system that had been severely damaged and had not had time to recover was simply unable to resist. However, it had no intention of resisting, but had a more frenzied way of counterattack.

"No, he's going to die with us." Wang Linchi reacted immediately. There were only two days left before the world came to a standstill. Now the game system would rather die than drag the whole world with him.

The world began to look paler.

Twenty hours, ten hours...

Wang Linchi felt a little bit depressed, this would have been a waste of all his previous efforts.

How will his reward be settled then? Ye Tian is basically gone, leaving only the state of being unkind and treating all things as stupid dogs. This kind of indifference, ruthlessness and attitude of treating all living beings as equals. There is no need to worry that the other party will default on the bill, but there is no way to do it. Be polite.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Ye Tian successfully accommodated the game system.

"Ten minutes, can this be used???" Wang Linchi speculated on the time again. Although the game system was integrated and promotion started directly, it gradually began to dissipate.

‘Ye Tian seems to have gone beyond the scope of the sin of soul seed and got rid of the restrictions of the rules. ’ Wang Linchi found that he had authenticated it through the book of records, but found that the appraisal failed.

His appraisal can only be done on soul seeds, soul weapons, and soul forging methods. If the appraisal fails, it means that the opponent no longer has the characteristics of the soul seed.

"But having said that, what about the Demon God of Destiny? He has been inseparable from Ye Tian all the time, so he couldn't have sent it." Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter.

Without the Destiny Demon God, who would give him rewards?

Ye Tian definitely couldn't send it out. The ten-minute countdown was still on. Unless it stopped, it meant that he hadn't succeeded yet.

At this moment, Wang Linchi thought about Ye Tian's success more than anyone else.

Looking back, I see that the whole world is in devastation, just like a person who has been tortured and tortured, without a good piece of meat on his body.

Life is basically extinct.

Wang Linchi didn't even know if anyone or anything else was still alive.

"Even if he succeeds, his life will be gone." Wang Linchi couldn't help but be silent.

It is true that life will find its own way, provided that not all of them die. The current situation is that except for the sin of mistakes, there is a high probability that the dead will not die again.

Players and NPCs may not have a hard time, especially after the game system has an accident, and the original shelter disappears directly. Maybe even the functions of the game characters are disabled, allowing them to become ordinary people again.

How can a group of ordinary people survive such a terrible environment?

Wang Linchi had no way to save anyone. As time passed, only the last ten seconds were left.

If Ye Tian fails again, he plans to leave this world because it is really worthless.

‘Three, two…three? Done! ’ Wang Linchi monitored the countdown in the data. At the last second, it did not drop to one second, but rose back to three seconds. Then the time until the shutdown began to extend.

"The protagonist is worthy of being the protagonist, and he always succeeds at critical moments." Wang Linchi canceled the effect of the reincarnation entry in Destiny and Luck.

The sky began to recover again, and the original vitality... did not return, but was still in ruins.

Ye Tian does not have the ability to create life out of thin air. What's more, it is not suitable now. The world has just begun to recover from a near-death state. How can he have the energy to do these things? At least he has to wait until the recovery is almost complete.

"Then what should I do next?" Wang Linchi wanted to get his reward, but obviously Ye Tian was not free now, and the Destiny Demon could not be found.

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came to his ear.

It is the Demon God of Destiny.

'Do us a favor...'

"No, the first two rewards have not been settled, why do you need my help..." Wang Linchi complained, thinking that he would not default on the debt.

‘The database of the game system is given as a gift and will be given to you later. It is not difficult. ’ The Destiny Demon God gave me another benefit that I couldn’t refuse.

Wang Linchi also had a look on his face: "Have you got it?"

‘I got it, do you want it? ’ asked the Destiny Demon God.

"Yes, of course I do." Wang Linchi agreed: "Tell me, what kind of help do you want from me? I can go up mountains of swords or seas of fire."

"It's not that exaggerated. It's still a very simple matter for you..." The Destiny Demon God immediately spoke out his request.

After listening, Wang Linchi felt that what the Demon God of Destiny said was indeed right. This matter was indeed very simple for him.

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