Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 403 Now the past is gone with the wind

"It's the last one, I finally got it."

Wang Linchi looked at the mistake that was crushed into a ball in his hand.

After Ye Tian successfully repaired the sky, there were no more people left, and only the ruthless heaven or the will of the world was left. Anyway, that's the word.

It is true that the Evil of Mistake will not be born again after Mending the Sky, but the original ones will not disappear, so the Destiny Demon entrusted Wang Linchi to deal with it.

On the seventh day after entrusting him, the Destiny Demon God gave him everything he asked for as agreed, including the game system's database in advance.

This was the fate of the Demon God who held on until the last moment. After giving, he also dissipated. After all, he had helped Ye Tian so much, how could he not pay the price.

So he came to see Wang Linchi with his last breath.

After that, Wang Linchi traveled all over the country, using the coordinates given by the world, to capture all the sins of mistakes and then sacrifice them to the world.

That's right, he didn't eat it himself, but offered it as a sacrifice.

The Destiny Demon God said that this evil of mistake will be needed to re-create human beings in the future.

They had long expected that extinction would occur, so they focused on the evil of error.

After the last Sin of Mistake was sacrificed, Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh: "With their situation, are the people they created still human?"

He also had the technology that the other party used to create humans. He combined the NPC and player skills of the game system, and then through mistakes, finally formed a weird human being.

These humans are not created through reproduction, but are refreshed like NPCs, so no matter how many people die, new humans will be refreshed every year.

At the same time, a unique evil evil will be born in their bodies. These evil evils coexist with people, but the evil evil will find a way to leave the human body at a specific time every year. This specific time is when humans are refreshed every year. time, that is, birthday.

With the symbiosis of sins of mistakes, no one will be killed by various reasons other than the sins of their own mistakes. Even if they die, they will live again because of the sins of mistakes, and this is the characteristic of players.

Of course, if the evil of mistakes successfully escapes from the human body, then the person will die. However, this does not mean that the evil of mistakes will bring disaster to all parties. On the contrary, it will gradually be absorbed by the world and become nourishment, which will eventually be used to repair and strengthen the world. Form a new positive cycle.

Wang Linchi is not very good at evaluating this approach. The world has corrected its mistakes, but it is also taking advantage of them.

He doesn't know what changes will happen in the future, but he understands that this world is not a place to stay forever.

The main reason is that in three months, the world plans to re-evolve everything, that is, everything will start from scratch.

It is no longer a modern society, it will only develop again from the ancient feudal society. The reason why we skipped the tribal era is because the game system comes with the data of ancient society, and the real world has been transformed by the game system, so it is completely possible. Proceed directly on this basis.

As for when we can return to the technological era, I'm afraid it's unlikely. The world may have to change its direction, just like the ancient times. Due to the use of errors, the technological era has become a thing of the past.

Without enough environment for germination, technology may not be born.

"This shouldn't be called a mistake, it should be called weird. Otherwise, how could the world be so weird?" Wang Linchi muttered softly.

Fortunately, these things have little to do with him. What is supposed to be obtained has already been obtained, and the rest just needs to be cashed out.

"Three months should be enough." Wang Linchi planned to go further.

Now he has reached the limit of mithril level, but he does not dare to break through the fine gold level because it will really lead to sudden death.

But now he has a corresponding solution. He has the data of Ye Tian's savior, savior and final patcher, plus the game database, and with the two prototypes of the world's core, he is fully capable of making a breakthrough. Adamantite level.

Yes, the dean's stone heart is also the prototype of the core of the world, but it is much more active than the brain. The main reason is that the dean transplanted it into the body, plus the advent of the wrong era to enter the transcendent world. Afterwards, it is warmed and nourished, which is equivalent to the period when the stone heart indirectly returns to the fetal body.

"It's just that the shortcomings are also obvious, alas~"

Wang Linchi sighed. Once he successfully transplanted, his race might change.

"Human beings have their limits. If that's the case, then it's better not to be a human being."

"A protagonist like Ye Tian is reluctant to be a human being, so why shouldn't I be reluctant?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Maybe other worlds can solve his problems, but he is not sure whether he can find it in the next world. If he can't find it, what if the energy level of the next world is high and he cannot face the crisis of annihilation, and he will die. What to do.

Now, although the effects of reincarnation entries are no longer limited to fame, fortune and luck, and can also be charged with mental power, the mental power required is not a small amount, but a huge amount.

What's more, being fully charged is just the beginning, and you still need to find a new world in the future.

So survival remains his biggest problem.

As for staying, forget it, he doesn't want to survive under the nose of the suspected activated Tiandao.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, and Wang Linchi finally completed his plan. There is still one week left before everything happens again.

He integrated the prototype of the World Core with his own Book of Records through multiple technologies and successfully evolved it.

The price is that the page of memory and the page of soul seed can no longer be condensed in the future. However, the page of soul seed has not disappeared. Instead, they have all been integrated into Wang Linchi's body, becoming a part of him, and turning into a real passive ability, including the ability to be distracted. is also like this.

And with the help of this page of the world, he successfully turned him into an inhuman existence, turning himself into the world...an embryo.

The price for breaking through the fine gold level is that the Book of Records completely merges with him. However, it is a bit wrong to say that it is integrated. It is more like returning to his body. After all, the soul is part of the soul.

Of course, it's not that it can't be taken out, it can be taken out, but it's more like taking out one's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys... Well, he doesn't have a heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys now, it's more like an activation There is still a long way to go before it becomes the core of the world.

Due to changes in his abilities, he did not obtain two soul seed pages after reaching the fine gold level, but for him, the soul seed pages were no longer necessary.

He has completely lifted the restrictions placed on him by the Great Scenery Nine-Rank Law. He has even broken away from the soul system and completely walked out on his own path.

There is no longer an upper limit for soul seed inlaying, and it is no longer bound by realm restrictions. You can directly practice secret techniques and the most advanced soul forging techniques.

Even the ability of the Book of Records has evolved. It is actually inappropriate to call it the Book of Records. The Book of the World, Book World or Heavenly Book World are its real names.

It's just that Wang Linchi was used to the book of records, so he didn't change the name because it didn't make any sense.

Of course, although the original ability of the Book of Records has been preserved, it has become a second ability, and the first ability is naturally the world.

"The next step is to fully practice the secret techniques and soul-forging techniques."

The original ability of the Book of Records can still evolve three times, so he certainly can't waste it.

At the fine gold level, the projected scene changed from just a visual effect to a touch effect, indicating that it was transforming towards the entity.

After evolving three more times, the situation predicted by Wang Linchi might be achieved.

"After the secret technique and soul forging method are perfected, the restrictions will be lifted." Wang Linchi looked at his soul seeds, the Three Holy Lords, the Philosopher's Stone, etc. There are upper limits for these things, and he will record them through follow-up. The book's world ability has further evolved, allowing it to lift its original upper limit of reaching the mythical level, giving it more powerful abilities and unlimited entry effects.

This time can be called a qualitative change, comparable to when he created the four soul seeds, and it was a milestone in his life.

"It's just that I'm too bloated, and I need to sort it out in the end." Wang Linchi felt that he still had to reorganize his system, otherwise he would be cheated sooner or later.

"But I'm like this now. It seems that I have no chance to have a group of wives and concubines. I can only be a single man for the rest of my life."

Wang Linchi sighed and finally gave up due to reproductive isolation, life levels and other reasons.

I looked at the sky again, it was very vast, even though there were still cracks.

"The old friend has passed away, and the past has gone with the wind. It is time to leave."

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