Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 406 Three months later, someone came to visit

"It's been three months. With this little business, we can only make ends meet." Wang Linchi changed his position and lay down.

The business is piecemeal, which is a little better than empty. There are only three or five patients a day, half of whom may be poor and want to come to him for credit.

Of course Wang Linchi won't give you credit. He is not unkind. If your life is in danger and you really have no money, he is willing to give you credit. But if you have a headache or a fever or a wound, you won't die immediately. Under such circumstances, why should he give you credit?

So when I first heard that I could get credit, there were a lot of people. After Wang Linchi told me the reason for the credit, people all dispersed when they heard that he was still so harsh.

Therefore, his business continued to be bleak after a rebound.

In this era, even if you are not a wealthy family, you basically don't care about minor illnesses, and you can handle serious illnesses as long as you can.

But this can be regarded as letting Wang Linchi relax.

After the restrictions were lifted, the Soul Forging Technique and Secret Technique were directly maxed out, and now he was at the peak of the Sun Level.

However, this is of no use. It seems that he jumped three levels in a row from the Adamantine Level and directly reached the Sun Level, but he did not look at the amount of mental power he had before.

As for the previous way of improving by level jumping, so that one can have a mental power of 100 billion levels, this is still growing.

Levels and attributes do not conflict if there are no restrictions.

Wang Linchi first reached the full level, and then his attributes were also improved while on the phone. As for the limit breakthrough, it was originally a kind of restriction. It was for the purpose of making the sect of the aristocratic family be superior to others. Under normal circumstances, it is one, and it is improved all the way up. , there are no so-called bottlenecks or limitations.

But in Wang Linchi's current view, the peak Xiri level is actually just like that. In this world, it is impossible to exert its full power.

The biggest gain should be that after three evolutions, the recording function of the Book of Records has reached a truly mythical level.

His page of memory can not only turn memories into pages, but also record information from the outside world, and can even absorb people into it. What is released is no longer a phantom, but something similar to a summoned object. This kind of summoned object has a The name is memory. Unfortunately, it cannot inherit the memory and strength of the original body. The strength depends on Wang Linchi's mental power and his understanding of it.

Wang Linchi tried to create a wishing machine through the page of memory, and he succeeded, but the effect was really poor, and more importantly, it consumed his mental power.

The existence and actions of the memory will consume Wang Linchi's mental power. Once Wang Linchi stops supplying it, the memory will disappear.

Moreover, Taoist ancestors and Buddhas cannot be embodied, because Wang Linchi lacks knowledge. Even if they are embodied, they are just the same.

However, it is not useless. For example, some equipment will fail due to crossing worlds, but Wang Linchi can concretely use it, which provides a lot of help to his research.

What's more important is that he is carrying out an even crazier plan.

Refining falsehood into reality.

The memory is fake. Even if it looks alive and has a corresponding self, these are just existences derived from Wang Linchi's memory.

But what if Wang Linchi himself is a world?

Then isn’t this true? It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others.

The world is always being destroyed, and it is difficult for him to live a peaceful life and lie down. If he becomes the world, he doesn't believe that he will encounter such bad luck.

Using memory as a false image and matching your own unique conditions, it is really possible to succeed.

Then there will be no need to be tricked into running around like a dog.

Look how long it has only taken before the two worlds are scrapped.

He doesn't want to be chased by all kinds of annihilators every day.

However, he has to eat incessantly. At present, he is studying the feasibility of making this practice come true, and at the same time, he is thinking about his next step.

He has reached the end of his soul phase system. In addition to being able to improve his strength, it can no longer form enough qualitative changes. If he only waits until the upper limit is raised, there will be no way forward.

As for this world, to be honest, he really lacks interest. In a world where the upper limit is level 30, the system is of no use at all.

In a world with a high energy level, the development of the extraordinary system may be slower, but the upper limit is definitely higher than in a world with a low energy level.

So he thought that after he had sorted himself out and recuperated, he would leave this world and change the world to see if there was any other way forward.

He also thought about deducing the soul system, but he gave up this decision. If he was still in the soul world, he would definitely do this. The soul system is based on rules, which means that it is difficult to leave the original environment. Taking root and sprouting in other environments is just like orange in the south and tangerine in the north.

Therefore, Wang Linchi naturally did not plan to major in it, but planned to use it as a foundation after his liver is full, and combine it with other extraordinary systems to turn it into his own unique system.

"Sure enough, once your potential and qualifications are high, it will not be difficult to practice." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh. If he were still a human being, how could it be so easy to let himself be fully idle? No matter how many resources he had, there would be an absorption and transformation efficiency. exist.

"To fill up the reincarnation entry, you need 10 billion mental energy, which doesn't seem to be much." Wang Linchi looked at the progress, and it was now 90% complete.

He invested 100 million in mental energy a day.

It's not that he doesn't want to invest more, but that he hasn't fully adapted to the world yet and has to take his time. Anyway, he doesn't lack time. Even if the end of the world comes, it's unlikely to happen so soon. It will take at least one or two years. Bar.

It will be fully charged in ten days, and then just wait to search for the new world. The really difficult step is this step. After all, Wang Linchi doesn't know when he will be able to find the world coordinates and let him leave.

"Doctor Wang, are you out of business today?" A middle-aged man walked in with teasing and joking in his tone.

Wang Linchi raised his head and glanced at the other party, not caring about the other party's tone: "Well, this is a good thing, it means that fewer people are sick."

"Yes, I didn't expect you to have such an idea, Doctor Wang." Naturally, the middle-aged man didn't believe Wang Linchi's statement. He was a housekeeper of the Cheng family in Baihe County, the family behind the two medical clinics.

"What's the purpose of Butler Xu coming to my place?" Wang Linchi didn't think that he was here to see a doctor. Going to his own medical clinic not only doesn't cost money, but you can also get good medicine.

Butler Xu's face turned solemn: "I've come here to ask Doctor Wang to go to my house to talk to you. My master has something to ask of you."

Hearing this, Wang Linchi's face also fell. If he had something to ask for, let his subordinates pick him up with this attitude? This is a bit too weird.

Kneel down properly, as if I have something to ask of you.

"Housekeeper Xu, you're welcome. I'm just a doctor. There's nothing your master can ask for. If you don't ask directly, I'll do whatever I can." Wang Linchi said slowly.

This means that he can't do anything and get out of here.

"After the matter is completed, I will give Dr. Wang one hundred taels of silver as a consultation fee." Butler Xu said.

Wang Linchi shook his head: "Life is important."

He really didn't know what it was, but the value of this one hundred taels of silver was enough to buy the life of a little doctor like him.

As the master of an aristocratic family, if I give you one hundred taels, I must squeeze out ten thousand taels from you.

If the housekeeper Xu directly told what was going on, then Wang Linchi could still consider helping him. If he just gave money without saying anything, his life would definitely be in danger.

His current game character has reached level 7 and has unlocked some things. However, why should he take risks? He has no shortage of resources and does not look down on various local things. Naturally, he will be strong without desire.

When Butler Xu heard Wang Linchi's words, his face became gloomy: "My Cheng family has a hundred ways to prevent you from surviving in Baihe County."

"That's good, but look at my business, does it look like it can survive?" Wang Linchi said, pointing to his sparse medical clinic.

As soon as these words came out, Butler Xu was also stunned. What he said seemed to make sense. With this business, he would almost lose his pants if he lost money. After a while, he might have to leave his hometown and go out to make a living.

There seems to be no point in threatening the other party yourself.

As for killing Wang Linchi? I'm afraid there's something wrong with this.

I really thought that the government was just a show-off.

The Cheng family is powerful in Baihe County, but it is not as powerful as the government. In addition, there is such a crisis in the government now, and they deliberately cause trouble before it is resolved. The government really doesn't mind breaking up the family.

The largest aristocratic family is the royal family.

"That's why you need to improve your life. In this way, I will make the decision for you. As long as you are willing to go to my Cheng Mansion for consultation, I will give you another fifty taels. How about it?" Butler Xu suppressed his dissatisfaction.

"No, I'm not good at studying, so I won't show off my shame." Wang Linchi guessed that it might be some chance, but he was really too lazy to move, wouldn't it be better to just lie down like this.

This made Butler Xu's suppressed dissatisfaction immediately burst out.

I wanted to say something, but in the end I fell silent for a moment, turned around and left.

Thinking about it carefully, Wang Linchi was right. After all, he was just a poorly trained doctor. It would be the same with or without him. He was just dissatisfied with Wang Linchi for daring to disobey him. It was beneath his status to argue with a little person.

Wang Linchi didn't care about these things at all. Although the level 7 game character was low, it was not without any ability to protect itself.

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