Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 407 You won’t pay the medical fee, right? I’ll trick you without any negotiation.

"Is it true? The masters of Huichun Hall and Anmin Hall have been gone for three days?" Wang Linchi asked curiously, sitting at the door and cracking melon seeds.

"Then it can still be fake. Why would I lie to you if I had nothing to do?"

The owner of the shop next door said mysteriously.

"Do you know the reason?" Wang Linchi felt that he was lucky not to follow him, otherwise he might have been trapped.

"It is said that something happened in the Cheng Mansion. The eldest son of the Cheng family was injured and is now seriously injured. So..." The owner of the shop next door looked around and then said in a low voice.

"The eldest man of the Cheng family is a spiritual man. Why was he suddenly injured? Besides, we doctors can treat ordinary people well, but we have no ability to treat this master." Wang Linchi complained.

"It's not like the tiger is dead. We can't find a spiritual man who can treat him, so we have to find a doctor." The other party didn't ask why Wang Linchi didn't go.

Most doctors are getting older and more capable, and no one likes a young man like Wang Linchi.

Otherwise, I wouldn't sit at the door and chat with him.

"Okay, I have a customer, I'm going to greet him first." When the shop owner saw a regular customer coming, he stood up and left, but suddenly whispered: "If Cheng Mansion comes to invite you again, be smart and don't go. Otherwise I won’t be able to come back.”

After finishing speaking, he went to greet the guests without waiting for Wang Linchi's reply.

When Wang Linchi saw this, he got up and went back to the hospital to continue sitting. Otherwise, if there was no one to chat with, wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing to sit at the door?

I was bored and continued to remove the restrictions derived from my soul seed, the Three Holy Lords, etc. This was not difficult and could be done in two days at most.

After all, it's a derivative, so it's not that difficult.

After yawning, I planned to close the door and thank the guests. It would be a pity not to get some sleep in such a beautiful weather.

He likes this kind of peaceful life of doing nothing, especially since he has immortality and sufficient strength. If there is no end of the world, he will not dislike the low energy level of this world.

Just as he was about to get on the board, a hand reached out and stopped Wang Linchi's movement.

"Doctor, isn't it good that the library is closed in broad daylight?" This man was wearing a bamboo hat, he was tall and strong, and his voice was very strong.

"There's no business. I'm going to go up the mountain to collect some medicine to supplement the family income." Wang Linchi naturally couldn't say that he planned to go to bed and be a lazy dog. This would affect his reputation.

"My business is coming soon. It's not too late to go after I've seen it." After the man in the hat said, he headed towards the medical center.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi was a little dissatisfied, but he stopped closing the door and sat down to check the man's pulse.

"The guest's voice is full of energy. It doesn't sound like he is sick. He must have something to hide." Wang Linchi said, but as soon as he got started, he discovered a problem.

Internal organ rupture!

At least they were seriously injured, and the other party ended up looking like a normal person.

In this way, it can be confirmed that the other party is not an ordinary person, but a spiritual warrior whose injuries were suppressed by spiritual magic.

Of course, this was what Wang Linchi could see. If it were other doctors, they would not be able to see what the problem was. After all, it was covered up by the spiritual method.

"There's no problem. He has strong energy and blood and a strong body." Wang Linchi retracted his hand and said calmly.

Even if another doctor could figure it out, he wouldn't be able to cure him and would have to send him back to wait for death.

Wang Linchi can be cured and can be treated directly with surgery, but the problem is that the other party will definitely not perform surgery on him. This is a disembowelment, which in the ancient world would have been fatal.

If he really said it, the other party might not first suspect that Wang Linchi was in the same group with the other party's enemies.

He suspected that the Cheng family's affairs were related to this person.

‘What opportunities always come to me, I can’t push them away. ’ Wang Linchi felt a little helpless, he really didn’t want it.

If he really wanted to get an opportunity in such a low-energy world, it would be worthless and would not be of any help to him at all.

"Well, okay." The man in the hat didn't feel any trouble when he heard Wang Linchi's words. If ordinary people could see the internal injuries of the spiritual warrior, then there would be a problem.

In fact, he not only came to Wang Linchi's Ankang Medical Clinic, but also to the previous Huichun Hall and Anmin Hall, and the other party couldn't tell the extent of his injuries.

As for going to the spiritual man, that's fine, but he is still wanted and cannot show his face.

"Is there anything else?" Wang Linchi asked, actually giving an order to expel guests.

"Nothing to do, I'll take my leave first." The man in the hat said and stood up to leave.

"Where's the medical fee..." Wang Linchi shouted.

It's simply too much to come and prostitute him for free. The Cheng family paid him for it.

He doesn't have to give it, but you can't give it to him.

But the man in the hat didn't care at all about Wang Linchi's words and left alone.

Seeing this scene, Wang Linchi's face darkened.

This is deliberately looking for trouble!

Previously, Butler Xu's cooperation was considered a failure at most, and neither party suffered any losses.

But this time, he lost his consultation fee, which was intolerable.

He's not here to play Goudao.

A memory was created by him. This was the man in the hat just now, but it was just an illusion.

"Go to the yamen for a walk. It's best to attract people's attention, and then lead them to the other person's schedule before disappearing." Wang Linchi said, pinching another mosquito and asking the mosquito to follow the man in the hat as support.

As for whether the other party is a good person? What does that have to do with Wang Linchi?

He didn't enjoy it, so why should he care.

In about two hours, martial law began in the county, and a large number of government officials searched every household. Naturally, Wang Linchi's medical clinic was also inspected.

There was no case of the government officials extorting money or throwing everything they encountered. Death orders were issued from above, so it was really about inspection.

The population of Baihe County is not large, but the number of government officials is definitely smaller, so it is not that easy to complete the search.

Wang Linchi also asked about it and said that he was looking for the thief who injured the Cheng family master.

‘The man in the hat? ’ Wang Linchi thought of this immediately. After all, he had just let the memory do some harm on his front foot.

Otherwise, apart from him, there really would be no good suspects.

The yamen servant also asked Wang Linchi if he had seen anyone suspicious. Wang Linchi naturally said that he had seen a strange man in a bamboo hat and wanted to see a doctor, but Wang Linchi let him go without giving him a look.

He even gave the yamen servants special directions.

The government officials didn't say much about this, and they didn't directly arrest Wang Linchi. They were not fools. How could they just arrest someone to take the blame?

Then he hurried to the next one. Wang Linchi's Ankang Medical Center had nothing to check. It was only so big and there was no room to hide anyone.

After another half an hour, another housekeeper of the Cheng family came to Wang Linchi. After asking about the situation of some hat people, he gave Wang Linchi ten taels of silver as a reward and said that if there was any trace, he could go to Cheng. Mansion, Mansion Cheng will not be stingy with rewards.

"A real person." Wang Linchi weighed the money and then stuffed it into the counter.

He doesn't care about money at all. After all, he can use the Book of Records to forge. With his mental power, he can easily create a golden mountain of memory. Whether it is in terms of texture or materials, it will be real before his mental power is exhausted. of.

However, he was very satisfied with the attitude of the Cheng family. They were not like the mad dog families in other fantasy worlds who would bite on trivial matters regardless of whether they mattered or not, and casually hurt innocent people just because they knew something trivial.

For most aristocratic families, in addition to having heirs with spiritual bones and spiritual veins, their own reputation is also very important. If they are wealthy, they will also be a good person in the local area. There will definitely be dirty things, but they will be covered up by the outer layer of skin. live.

If you really kill people and merge at will, the government will not let you go immediately. Everyone obeys the rules but you don't. It's because you think their biggest rule is no longer useful, right?

Therefore, even if the spiritual warrior of the Cheng family was seriously injured, they would not dare to mess around.

The master is dead, and there are still people behind him. At most, he will be bleeding heavily, and he can recover in the future. If he messes up, he will be dismembered, and there is no way he can survive.

‘I don’t know if they have been found. ’ From Wang Linchi’s point of view, he must be hoping to find it. He just got the ten taels of silver.

If one gives money and the other doesn't, Wang Linchi will definitely prefer the person who gives money. Could it be that he still thinks about others after receiving money? Doesn't it seem a bit unreasonable?

"Quick, quick, all brothers, go to South Street!"

A government servant flew past, shouting loudly, and at the same time, many servants of the Cheng family followed behind with sticks.

Wang Linchi even saw a young man riding a tall horse, who seemed to be the eldest son of the Cheng family and a spiritual warrior, heading towards South Street.

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