Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 408 This medicine is so illogical, right?

"You don't know, over on South Street, if the people from the Yamen and the Cheng family hadn't left quickly, there would have been no one at Yizheng Medical Center." The owner of the shop next door was still very well-informed and said with some emotion.

Yizheng Medical Center, like his Ankang Medical Center, is a small medical center, not as good as Huichun Hall and Shunmin Hall. However, the head doctor of Yizheng Medical Center has very superb medical skills, better than Wang Linchi's predecessor master, and is famous. It's also very big.

Many doctors in Huichun Hall and Shunmin Hall came from each other's family, and Yizheng Medical Center also had many relationships with the Cheng family.

Wang Linchi guessed that the other party must have seen something and planned to notify the Cheng family. Unexpectedly, he was exposed and eventually led to a tragedy.

It's also a pity that Wang Linchi didn't receive him before, which would be a bit of a trap.

"What happened next? Was the thief caught?" Wang Linchi asked.

If not, Wang Linchi planned to report it again in order to avoid future troubles.

"Of course I caught him. It is said that the spiritual bones were removed and the spiritual veins were also taken away." The owner of the shop next door was also worried about this. You must know that that person had been to Wang Linchi's medical clinic, and the two shops were connected. , if Wang Linchi is unlucky, it might also affect him.

"Can spiritual veins and spiritual bones be used like this? Couldn't they be given to other people without bone veins?" Wang Linchi was also a little surprised.

"How come you, a doctor, don't even know this..." the shop owner complained, and then replied: "Of course it can't be done anymore. It will be useless after leaving the body."

"Hey, I didn't study medicine wholeheartedly, but I failed to learn it, and ended up in a situation where I couldn't do this or that." Wang Linchi didn't care about this.

"But according to rumors, the conflict between this man and the Cheng family was caused by a certain chance." The other party said mysteriously.

Wang Linchi pretended to be shocked: "No wonder, they have reached the stage of life and death, and even captured people alive."

"Don't tell anyone about this, or you'll get into trouble." The shop owner had a gossipy heart, but he was blocked by caution.

"Don't worry, you know if I know whether it has reached the ears of a third person, but then again, where did you get so much gossip." Wang Linchi also inquired.

"It's purely a coincidence. You don't know that the second daughter of my seventh uncle's family... works in the Cheng Mansion and heard the news." The owner of the shop brought this relationship to a position that Wang Linchi couldn't figure out.

"Your relationship is quite strong." Of course Wang Linchi knew that the other party was perfunctory with him. Since he didn't want to talk, he didn't continue to ask.

The shop owner also noticed Wang Linchi's prying behavior, so he didn't plan to continue chatting with Wang Linchi.

"I'll go back and squint for a while. The half-closed door I went to last night was so strong that it almost broke my seat. I have to go back and make up for it." The shop owner said, and invited Wang Linchi: "I'll treat you next time , it’s very exciting.”

"No, no, no, I'm still young, and I don't want my shoes to get wet." Wang Linchi refused. He now has no gender and no internal organs. Besides, he has no desire in this regard, so he directly uses it on himself. control, shutting down all these emotions.

"Sure enough, you are still young, tsk tsk." The shop owner teased and went back.

Wang Linchi didn't continue sitting, feeling a little bit depressed.

‘Everything is not simple. ’ Wang Linchi is now sure that the owner of this shop has other identities, and he doesn’t know what he is hiding here.

‘But as for the protagonist, why haven’t we seen him for so long? ’

It stands to reason that there must be a protagonist, but we haven't seen him yet. He has been here for almost four months.

Although his Soul Seed Destiny Qi Luck does not have the ability to watch Qi, it can still sense the same kind. After all, he has obtained the inheritance of the Destiny Demon God, plus the double protagonist halo.

There has been no movement recently, which makes Wang Linchi a little helpless.

His idea is relatively simple. Since the world is so weak, he should kill the protagonist and grab the halo.

He's just an outlaw, but it's not like he can't do it.

‘Or is this world unable to produce a protagonist because its energy level is too low? ’

Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this matter.

Don’t say it, it’s still possible.

As I lay there until the afternoon, a voice came over.

"Doctor Wang, I'm here to pay you back."

Wang Linchi looked up and saw that he was the first boy to sign a credit contract with him when he first came here.

As the other party spoke, he took out a small ingot of silver from his arms.

"It came together so quickly." Wang Linchi took out the scale and weighed it, then took out the scissors and cut it off, returning the excess to him.

"Well, yes, by the way, I want to grab some medicine from Doctor Wang. I wonder if you have any." The other party took the chopped silver and put it away before saying.

"Get the medicine? Then you have to go to Huichun Hall or Shunmin Hall to get it. If there's something wrong with your prescription and you end up eating it, you come to me to make trouble. I can't handle it." Wang Linchi refused without hesitation.

It's a medical clinic, not a pharmacy.

Nothing to cause trouble.

However, the young man seemed to think of something and quickly shook his head: "No, no, Brother Bai didn't let me go to these two shops when I came here. He said that Dr. Wang, you have the benefits here."

"Please show me the prescription." Seeing this, Wang Linchi changed his request.

"This...I don't have a prescription. I just want to take one pound of each of these medicinal materials." The young man said, taking out the list and showing it to Wang Linchi.

There are only names of medicinal materials on this list, and there is no unit of weight.

Wang Linchi just glanced at it, and then said: "I can't catch you. There are several herbs in this prescription that conflict with each other. You may not die if you take it, but it will inevitably cause problems. If you want to catch you, you have to go to the drug store to catch it."

The person who wrote the order did this deliberately to avoid others seeing the contents of the prescription. He simply deduced and concluded that this prescription should nourish blood and nourish qi, clear the mind and calm the mind. It is indeed very precious.

But if all the medicinal materials are used, it will turn from medicine into poison.

What's more, I don't know the dosage.

"Ah? What should we do?" The young man was also a little confused.

"Anyway, Ankang Medical Center won't arrest you. Other medical centers will arrest you. That's your business." Wang Linchi thought this matter was a bit weird.

"Okay... okay." The young man had no choice.

Afterwards, the two delivered the contract and asked the young man to go to the Yamen to cancel the registration. The rest was none of Wang Linchi's business.

The best way to live a long life is to stay out of your own business, unless it falls on you.

After the boy left, Wang Linchi was thinking about one thing, that is, why the other party suddenly had money.

‘That big brother Bai? ’

He knew that this young man was not from the county, but from the surrounding villages. He belonged to a lower-level area. The living conditions and environment were not good, but even worse, whether he was buying medicine or paying back money. , are not realistic.

"Brother Bai, see if this is the medicinal material you want." Zhang Ergou entered the small house in the village with some difficulty carrying large and small bags.

A young man wearing farmer's clothes but with a very good appearance opened his eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. Then he took the medicinal materials from the other party's hand, looked at it, and expressed that he was very satisfied.

"Not bad, where did you buy it from?" the boy surnamed Bai asked.

"I bought it from Huichun Hall," Zhang Ergou said.

This made the boy named Bai frown: "Huichun Hall? Didn't I tell you not to buy it at Cheng's shop?"

"But the Cheng family only owns the medicine shop, and other medical clinics don't sell it. They all say there is something wrong with the order, and they want to make trouble for them. They don't want to take responsibility." Zhang Ergou also said a little aggrieved.

"Okay, I understand." When the boy surnamed Bai heard this, he felt helpless. This time he really miscalculated. This is a medical clinic. It is impossible to give you whatever medicine you want. Usually, it is You make your own diagnosis and prescribe your own medicine.

"If you have nothing to do, go back first. This is your errand fee." The boy surnamed Bai took out a small ingot of broken silver and handed it to the other party.

Naturally, Zhang Ergou happily shouted thank you to Brother Bai, and then left.

‘Finally I got it. I’ve been traveling through this world for seven days. I’ve been stuck on resources and couldn’t nourish my spiritual bones and spiritual veins. Otherwise, I would have been fooled long ago. ’

His name is Bai Changsheng, and he is a time traveler. After time traveling, he naturally has two golden fingers.

One is immortality, the other is heaven-defying enlightenment.

After learning that there was an extraordinary existence in this world called a spiritual being, he naturally became interested. Fortunately, he also had spiritual veins and spiritual bones, but his qualifications were not very good. It was not that easy to learn from him. At least he had to cultivate himself first. good.

So after he flipped through a page of the preface of the medical book, he understood the spirit-nourishing pill through his enlightenment.

What, the preface has no content? How can I describe his incredible understanding if there is content in it.

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