Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 409: Bones are like three hundred and sixty-five, pulses are like nine feet nine

Another month passed and Wang Linchi's life was still peaceful, and the young man named Zhang Ergou never bothered him again.

It's a pity that the owner of the shop next door moved away for some unknown reason, leaving the house empty, leaving Wang Linchi with no one to chat with every day.

As for being targeted, that is even more impossible. He has no money, has not offended anyone, and has not caused trouble, so how could he be targeted.

There is no news about the man in the hat, but I heard that the head of the Cheng family has changed.

Of course, this is Wang Linchi's life on the outside.

Secretly, a large laboratory had been built underground, and many people from aristocratic families in the county were captured and imprisoned inside.

The main reason was that I really had nothing to do, so in the end I could only study the spiritual bones and spiritual veins.

The spiritual bone and spiritual veins gave Wang Linchi a strange feeling, as if they had shrunk.

As for the spiritual method, he failed to find the synthesis principle, so he probably needs to learn such a ritual.

The entire extraordinary system feels to Wang Linchi more like a mutated version of Confucianism and Taoism, which is still very mutated and a bit idealistic.

So far, I have researched almost everything and found that the value of this thing varies from low to high.

In a low-energy world, the value is very low, but in a high-energy world, the value is very high, and some strange reactions can even occur with it.

Wang Linchi planned to use spiritual bones and spiritual veins to build a body for himself.

He doesn't actually have a body now, he's more like an embryo of the world bound together by the game character. His human form is all thanks to the help of the game character. Without this layer of skin, he is just a big ball of something similar to colored stones.

I thought about wearing the skin of a game character for the rest of my life, but one day it would be exposed, so I had to put on more skin.

Idleness is idleness. Reincarnation has been fully charged by his mental power. All that is left is to search for the new world. As long as he finds it, he can leave. If he can't find it, he will definitely have to stay.

He can still charge a certain percentage. If he searches the world, he can only rely on luck.

Spiritual bones and spiritual veins are two natural things. Once they leave the human body, they will instantly lose activity due to environmental problems. More importantly, these things and Wang Linchi are of little use at all. Just because they react does not mean they can be used.

After all, he is now more like a silicon-based creature, while the former is a carbon-based creature, and the latter is more of an energy body or a soul body. They are not compatible at all.

It is impossible to transform yourself, so you can only choose to transform your spiritual bones and spiritual veins.

The highest number of spiritual bones is three hundred and sixty-five, and the longest spiritual vein is ninety-nine feet long.

Wang Linchi wanted to complain about this, how come people in this world have 159 extra bones and ninety-nine spiritual veins, but they are not that tall...

Of course, the experimental products in his hands did not have such good talents. The highest spiritual bones did not exceed double digits, and the spiritual veins were based on a ruler, which could not even reach a foot. However, such talents are already available in Baihe County. It's the level of genius.

Think about it, this small place is naturally not as good as a truly wealthy family. They were nourished with all kinds of treasures in their mother's womb, and even more with all kinds of resources after birth.

Since Wang Linchi wanted it, he must want the best, otherwise he wouldn't be too fond of the little increase.

However, there is a very serious problem here, that is, the growth cycle of spiritual bones and spiritual veins is only fixed in the first three years of age. After three years of age, it will no longer grow, so the early stage is very important.

There is no way to grow it the day after tomorrow, at least not in Baihe County.

If Wang Linchi gets enough spiritual warrior data, he can go to Kyoto. It is said that if you throw a stone there, you can hit three spiritual warriors.

However, Wang Linchi doesn't want to go now. He hasn't adapted yet. The game character is still only level 11, and the Holy Lord cannot be summoned. Flying by himself is tiring and consumes a lot of money. Asking the memory to help will also consume his own mental power. , it’s not like there’s no spending.

You can wait until he reaches level 30 before going out again.

In fact, he also thought about saying that he was coming from a plane or a car, but it was too ostentatious and there was no need for it.

He just wanted to live quietly.

While he was squinting, he saw Zhang Ergou walking past the door of his medical clinic with a large bag of medicinal materials in his hand, followed by three strong men.

"The prescription is being targeted by the Cheng family?" This was the first thing that came to Wang Linchi's mind.

The prescription was unusual. Zhang Ergou went to get it every two days, which must have attracted the attention of Huichun Hall or Shunmin Hall.

The Cheng family's pharmacy had also purchased it before, but it probably didn't sell it, otherwise there wouldn't have been such a thing.

The Cheng family must have done a good job of showing off, and would not touch locals like Wang Linchi. They had little conflict of interest and were afraid of a bad reputation.

It's different for the poor, mud-legged people in the surrounding villages. They squeeze hard and want to annex the land.

Wang Linchi didn't care about this. The other party was protected by that big brother Bai. According to the current dosage of medicine, not to mention other things, his muscles and bones were stronger than ordinary people.

The three strong men looked strong, but in fact they had little material, and their steps were sloppy. It looked like they had worked too hard last night.

Wang Linchi gave them a squeeze to ensure that they would be too weak to get up.

After his thoughts drifted away, he saw a young man walking in. His clothes were made of very simple materials.

Coupled with his temperament, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

"See a doctor?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Why else would you come to your medical clinic?" The young man also smiled.

"No, no, no, it's okay to come to see a doctor here, but it's weird to come to see a doctor here. Why not go to Huichun Hall and Shunmin Hall?" Wang Linchi asked.

"I never thought there would be people rushing out." The other party couldn't help but become curious.

"It's very simple. The people I show here are all country people. They are poor. I can occasionally get credit here because it's cheap." Wang Linchi was not shy at all: "But with your worth, you shouldn't come to my place."

Wang Linchi knows his brand's track very well, which is to be a low-end customer, not a high-end employee.

Of course, even if you are a low-end customer, your business will be bleak.

"So, you are still a good doctor for the country and the people." The young man couldn't help but tease.

"Just force it. So, please go to another hospital for medical treatment. If you cure the noble person, I will become a ghost." Wang Linchi retorted, and then continued: "So you go to harm Huichun Hall and Shunmin Hall, and they will cure you. If I blame it after it breaks, maybe my life will be easier.”

"You guys are really weird." The young man was quite speechless when he heard this.

Call me honest and sincere, call me a philistine, and I am indeed a philistine. There is a feeling that dog meat cannot be put on the table.

"It's up to you. If you don't want to see me, I won't see him. He's not sick anyway." The other party did not continue to argue with Wang Linchi. Then he waved his fan and left the Ankang Medical Center. It was obvious that he came in to escape, not to actually see a doctor.

After the person left, Wang Linchi cursed in a low voice: "Where are you from? It's so obvious that a woman is pretending to be a man."

Yes, this person is a woman. If she comes in openly, Wang Linchi can show her, but there must be something wrong with this way of hiding her head and showing her tail. Why should she get into trouble?

It doesn't mean that as long as it's a woman, he has to get close to her.

"Sure enough, the Cheng family took action. The value of the prescription is still too great." After Bai Changsheng killed three strong men, a cold light appeared in his eyes.

Zhang Ergou was fine, but he was targeted by a strong man.

"We have to find a way to deal with the Cheng family."

Bai Changsheng is still one step away from becoming a spiritual warrior, but there is no way to continue his studies, which makes him extremely depressed.

However, if you want to learn elementary school, there are three ways: ethnic studies, private schools, and literary schools.

That is to say, just go in and study. The village is poor and there are no conditions to reward ethnic studies. I have no money, let alone enter a private school.

Therefore, the last way can only be the imperial literary library. However, if you want to enter the literary library, there are two conditions, either you have to be admitted with extraordinary qualifications, or you can only choose to take an exam to enter.

The vast majority of people entered with the latter.

If Bai Changsheng wanted to go in, he could only choose the latter.

"I didn't expect you to be so skilled at such a young age and haven't even started school yet. It's really impressive." came a voice.

"Who!" Bai Changsheng turned around suddenly and saw a young man.

The other party looks very soft and beautiful.

"You should be one of the people around you. Do me a favor and I won't tell anyone." The other party playfully showed a cunning little look.

This disgusted Bai Changsheng to death. How could you, a grown man, have such an expression?

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