Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 412 Different status, different treatment

"Trash, a bunch of trash, why are you so arrogant?" Cheng Xun roared.

He never expected that he would have so many idiots under his command. He would just arrest people in the county, but they would block the door of a medical clinic so openly.

We’ve all said we should keep a low profile, but we can’t keep a high profile now, but we have to do these things.

"Sir, it's not that brat from Ankang Medical Center who refuses to give me face..." Butler Xu pushed it aside immediately, but was slapped by Cheng Xun.

"You have people blocking his door, but you still don't allow them to fight back? Are you Wu Xing Qi Wang or Nan Zhang Beikong? I don't even dare to do this, how dare you!!!"

Cheng Xun felt so tired. What kind of idiots were these? It's true that Ankang Medical Center has no power, but the Cheng family can't just mess around. I really thought that the yamen was just for food. Now I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at them, just waiting for them. Make a mistake and then tear off a piece of meat from their Cheng family.

The purpose is to let Bai Changsheng die, wait for the opponent to leave the city, go to a place where there is no one, and then find a deserted place to bury him after he is stabbed. If he has to engage in such a big battle, now the entire Baihe County Knowing that the Cheng family wanted to annex all medical clinics and control the lifeline of treatment.

He suspected that these people under his command were spies who came to kill him, otherwise they would do such a stupid thing.

"I...I...Master, what should I do now?" Butler Xu was helpless. He really didn't do this. He just arranged it. When the task arrived at the Huichun Hall, it ended up like this.

He was a housekeeper after all. In his eyes, killing Bai Changsheng was actually just a trivial matter. He didn't need to watch it at all. Unexpectedly, something happened.

"What should we do? Of course we have to cut off the meat." Cheng Xun knew that this time the designation of Huichun Hall and Shunmin Hall could not be kept, and even the medicinal materials business had to get a lot of shares.

You have to reassure the gentlemen in the government office.

"Old Zhou, tell the person who did this to get out." Cheng Xun said to another steward named Zhou, and then turned his attention to steward Xu: "I have missed you in my Cheng family for so many years. You go to the countryside. Zhuangzi goes to supervise the grain supply."

Cheng Xun left a glimmer of hope, but all the things Butler Xu did were eventually punished and he was asked to go to the countryside to retire.

"Thank you, Master. Thank you, Master." When Butler Xu heard this, he was unwilling to give in, but he didn't dare to say anything. This time, the commotion was so big, and he didn't dare to ask for too much.

"Go, pack up, and set off immediately." Cheng Xun really didn't want to see him. If he hadn't appreciated his hard work and merit, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

After everyone left, Butler Zhou said: "Then Ankang Medical Center and Bai Changsheng..."

"Ankang Medical Center... people came to apologize and say it was a misunderstanding. Please explain clearly." Cheng Xun rubbed his temples. This matter was indeed a misunderstanding. Neither Huichun Hall nor Shunmin Hall had any regard for the medical center. As for the idea, as for continuing to fight to the death, he is crazy and allows himself to continue to give others a thumb.

"For Bai Changsheng, ask the guards in the yard to go and deal with it."

A ruthless look appeared on Cheng Xun's face. If it weren't for Bai Changsheng, how could there be so many bad things.

He felt that he had conflicted with the other party, why every time he met the other party, nothing good happened.

"Yes, sir, I'll do it right away." When Manager Zhou heard this, he also took these two things to heart.

"Don't worry, go and give a greeting card to the county. I'm going to pay a visit to the county magistrate." Cheng Xun said a little tiredly.

The best way is to go to your home to plead guilty first, otherwise the consequences will be even more serious when the magistrate comes to plead guilty.

"Yes, sir." Butler Zhou was naturally obedient. The last one who was disobedient has now gone to the countryside to retire.

Cheng Xun has also been tortured by various things these days. In the past, his father took care of him, so he avoided a lot of unnecessary troubles, but now they are coming one after another, making him tired to deal with them.

If he's not careful, his Cheng family's multi-generational inheritance will become someone else's property.

"It seems that Doctor Wang is very capable, and the Cheng family will definitely give in." Liu Ling'er naturally knew what the family was most afraid of.

What the family is afraid of is public anger and resentment. If things get too big, it will really reach heaven.

The spiritual warriors do have extraordinary power, but this extraordinary power is not strong. Even if they are Jinshi, they are no match for dozens of crossbows or cavalry charges. Therefore, the extraordinary power will form a corresponding weight, but it will not be overwhelming. Take control.

"We're lucky this time. We have Ankang Medical Center to block the knife for us. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to leave." Bai Changsheng also felt a little guilty. He killed three people instantly before, because he took advantage of the situation.

At that time, there were about ten people surrounding Ankang Medical Center. If Liu Ling'er was not injured, relying on the spiritual method and him, there would still be a chance to win, but even if he won, he would still be injured.

In fact, he was also reflecting in his heart, why did he do such a thing stupidly even though he was immortal? He should find a place to live in peace.

"We have to leave as soon as possible. We have caused the Cheng family to lose so much face. They will definitely not let us go." Liu Ling'er said calmly.

"Isn't there Ankang Medical Center? Why won't they let us go? If we want to deal with it, we should deal with Ankang Medical Center first." Bai Changsheng was a little confused.

This is unreasonable.

"You are stupid. If anything happens to Ankang Medical Center now, it will be the fault of the Cheng family. Not only do they not dare to touch Ankang Medical Center, they also have to maintain it well. Otherwise, the Cheng family's downfall will begin."

"We are different. Unless I reveal my identity, we are just countrymen. Killing him will not only vent his anger, but also kill the chickens and scare the monkeys." Liu Ling'er was helpless when she heard Bai Changsheng's doubts. She couldn't understand such a simple truth. , people have amulets, so they dare to be unscrupulous.

They didn't, so they had to run away.

Bai Changsheng felt a little numb. Why is this society like this? The society before time travel was indeed better.

"Let's go back to Zhenhai City overnight. Even if the head of the Cheng family comes in person, he won't be able to do anything to you or me." Liu Ling'er knew that there are territorial divisions between aristocratic families, and you can't reach out at will.

What's more, she is still the legitimate daughter of the Liu family. If the family mission is not suitable for revealing her identity, otherwise it will not be the Cheng family's turn to be arrogant and offend her, and the other party can only give her a smile to make amends.

"Okay, I'll pack my things and we'll set off right away." For the sake of his own life, Bai Changsheng naturally agreed without hesitation.

As for Wang Linchi's help, it won't be too late to repay him when he becomes prosperous in the future, but now he can't protect himself and there is nothing he can do.

Liu Ling'er didn't care about Wang Linchi. In her opinion, nothing would happen to Wang Linchi. After she went back, she could just ask the Liu family to help him, such as helping Wang Linchi renovate the medical center or giving him some money. This medical book will suffice.

This kindness is not big. After all, as long as Liu Ling'er reveals her identity, she doesn't have to worry about any danger at all.

"Okay, we have to be fast. If my guess is right, the people who will kill us should be on the way, and they are probably elites." Liu Ling'er did not object to Bai Changsheng packing his things, but she knew that the other party could refine blindly. A special pill called Ling-Yang Dan can actually warm and nourish spiritual bones and spiritual veins.

It was precisely because of this that she planned to bring Bai Changsheng back to Zhenhai City.

With the Nourishing Pill to warm and nourish the spirit bones and spirit veins, the probability of the children of the Liu family passing the entrance examination can be increased by 10%.

Although it is only 10%, it can bring the Liu family to a higher level.

Otherwise, Liu Ling'er wouldn't be so protective based on the opponent's appearance alone.

What's more important is that this spiritual elixir was developed by Bai Changsheng himself, which means that similar things can be developed in the future. This is simply a family heritage.

Just as he was thinking about it, Liu Ling'er suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head, and then quickly lost consciousness.

I didn't even see who did it.

On the other side, Bai Changsheng quickly packed his things, but when he came out, he didn't see Liu Ling'er and looked a little confused.

As soon as he walked out, he enjoyed the same treatment as Liu Ling'er, and was knocked unconscious by a sap.

"You didn't take me with you when you ran away, right? You two are really awesome." Wang Linchi complained. After the aftermath was completed, he carried the two people in a big circle back to Baihe County.

Another half hour later, the Cheng family's guards arrived, but missed.

A strong man at the head had an ugly expression on his face: "Damn it, they ran away. How should I explain this when I get back?"

Then I could only set fire to the house directly to vent my anger, otherwise nothing would be done. In the end, being scolded and having my salary deducted was a light thing, but I was afraid of being sent to the countryside to follow the old path of Butler Xu. That was the worst.

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