Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 413 The Immortal Bone, the Spiritual Wisdom Veins of Heaven and Earth

"Something's wrong, 11 out of 10 something's wrong."

Wang Linchi checked Bai Changsheng, and he was numb. Why is this the protagonist of a waste material stream...

There are nine pieces of spiritual bones and nine inches of spiritual veins, which is almost a foot.

It sounds pretty good, but in reality it’s waste to the limit.

Spiritual bones are considered normal in this remote area, but spiritual veins are a big problem.

The units of measurement for spiritual veins are feet and feet. However, there is actually an inch below. This is very rare. Generally speaking, there are fewer people who encounter inch-level spiritual veins than those who encounter nine-foot-nine spiritual veins.

Then he met someone, who was also the protagonist.

Wang Linchi's destiny and luck noticed something unusual about the other party.

I thought I would catch a genius, but it turned out that with this qualification, he was even worse than Liu Ling'er, which almost made Wang Linchi's blood pressure rise.

"This is a big loss..." Wang Linchi guessed that he might have caught it too early.

The other party is a waste material, which means that his real rise should be after becoming a spiritual scholar in the Mengxue Examination, and now he is really just a waste material.

"What's wrong? I always feel like there's something wrong somewhere." Wang Linchi thought for a while and then checked it carefully.

Something different was found in the other party's spirit bones.

"This is... a spiritual gift? And it's an innate spiritual gift. Are you kidding me???" Wang Linchi was a little bit confused. The spiritual bones of a useless person actually came with an innate spiritual gift.

"No, not one, but two."

Wang Linchi also discovered another spiritual gift in Bai Changsheng's spiritual veins, which was simply incredible.

He didn't even know how it was done.

There are only two situations in which innate spiritual gifts appear. One is when there are three hundred and sixty-five spiritual bones, and the other is when there are ninety-nine spiritual veins. Even a spiritual bone or spiritual vein with less qualifications cannot be born. , even if it can be born, it cannot bear it.

"As expected of the protagonist, it goes against common sense." Wang Linchi did not expect this to be the case.

After further research, I quickly understood the abilities of the two innate spiritual talents.

"The innate spiritual endowment of the spiritual bones is immortality, and the spiritual endowment on the spiritual veins is a bit special. It looks like understanding, but in fact it is not like understanding, but more like some kind of information collection, transmitter, and receiver."

“It can send out information collected by itself combined with its will, and then receive feedback information.”

As for the object, it is naturally the whole world.

So what looks like enlightenment is actually nothing at all.

"Let's call it Tiandi Linghui for now." Wang Linchi said.

"But the protagonist is the protagonist. With the help of these two innate spiritual talents, I basically don't have to worry about cultivating my spiritual bones and spiritual veins."

Wang Linchi looked at Liu Ling'er again. The protagonist would definitely not let her go. He was going to sacrifice her directly, but keeping this woman would be a disaster.

The other party is the legitimate daughter of the Liu family, and Zhenhai City will come to investigate.

So the best way is to put it back, and then the Liu family in Zhenhai City will go to the Cheng family to cause trouble.

As for whether it will be related to him? This is too ridiculous. There is no relationship between the two of them, so why are you looking for him?

I would only come to thank him for saving Liu Ling'er.

"With this thing, the Liu family will definitely come." Wang Linchi found the recipe for the spiritual elixir from Bai Changsheng. This was the medicinal material that Zhang Ergou came to buy from him.

A lot of medicinal materials have been omitted from it, and there are also detailed information such as the weight, the time required for the cooking process, etc. It is obviously intended to be given to the Liu family as a gift after arriving in Zhenhai City.

Bai Changsheng naturally wanted to give himself a higher status and avoid trouble.

Unfortunately, it fell into Wang Linchi's hands.

"Go to the inn and get a room, and then transfer people there." Wang Linchi casually stuffed the pill recipe into Liu Ling'er's pocket, and then asked the two memories to deal with it.

One memory carried Liu Ling'er, and the other naturally went to open the room.

The two of them cooperated and left the underground laboratory and headed outside.

Wang Linchi, on the other hand, continued to conduct experiments on Bai Changsheng.

"Is there a difference in the soul? It can't be a time traveler, right?" Wang Linchi further analyzed and discovered the problem with the other party's soul.

Whether the other party's spiritual bones and spiritual veins can withstand the innate spiritual gifts, or both, is inseparable from the other party's soul, as if it has been strengthened, and one person gets two people's share.

"It's interesting, this is a colleague I met." Wang Linchi didn't know which world the other party came from, but it didn't matter, it fell into his hands anyway.

"Then the question comes again. As a time traveler, why did the world choose him as the son of destiny instead of the local aborigines?"

"Is the world also doing this thing that would rather be with friendly countries than domestic slaves?"

"That's not right. The Son of Destiny is not a slave of a friendly country, but his own son."

"It would be too explosive to choose someone else's seed instead of your own." Wang Linchi was a little bit embarrassed. Thinking about it this way, he was indeed a little bit embarrassed.

He had met the foreign protagonist, Zhu Tian, ​​but his treatment was not as good as that of King Hades, and Ye Tian and the Demon God of Destiny were the representatives. As the foreign protagonist, the Demon God of Destiny was suppressed and became Ye Tian's companion luck. .

That's why he felt exploded by this incident.

"There is another possibility, and that is to please."

The reason for pleasing the other person is naturally to ask for something. Otherwise, there is nothing to do to please the other person. You can even agree to raising a son for the other person. If you say that you are not asking for something, I am afraid it cannot be justified.

"If this is really the case, it will be troublesome."

The entry on the effect of reincarnation is taken from the reincarnation seal. Most of the worlds screened are worlds that are about to enter destruction. This world is naturally no exception. It just depends on when it will be destroyed, and it is not the same. It will definitely be destroyed successfully.

In the previous world, if Wang Linchi hadn't taken one-fifth of the protagonist halos from Ye Tian and the Demon God of Destiny, there would have been no mistakes. Then with the help of his cheating and Ye Tian, ​​the reborn person, the goblins Will leave directly, and there will be no such thing as the game merging with reality.

The game system will only die after completing its mission and will not have the ability to interfere with reality. The underground world has been isolated from each other because there is no integration of the game system, let alone the present world.

So theoretically speaking, without a troublemaker like him and only Ye Tian, ​​the goblin would have taken the beauty into seclusion after leaving.

"This time, the Son of Destiny belongs to a time traveler. He was sponsored by another world, so it shouldn't matter if he dies. At worst, he will sponsor another one from next door. I was greedy for this protagonist first."

Wang Linchi acted with confidence.

He simply saw the value of the protagonist, instead of trying to step on the protagonist or pretend to be a slap in the face.

"I have to get the protagonist's luck from him first, so as not to cause an accident to me." Wang Linchi doesn't want to deal with a protagonist who has the right time, place and people. As long as he is in the world, the opponent's luck will always be better than Wang Linchi's. Works well.

He has the support of the world, but Wang Linchi can only rely on himself. How can he be more lucky than his opponent?

From the referee to the players, they were all members of the opponent. Wang Linchi had never thought about defeating the opponent openly and openly, so he had to find ways to disqualify the opponent.

It's true that they are yours from top to bottom, but if you can't even participate in the competition, then all the efforts to establish a relationship will be in vain.

"The Holy Lord still can't come out because of the incompatibility, but it doesn't matter. My luck now carries the ability to merge luck, and I can take it myself."

"Although the efficiency is not as good as the Holy Lord's soul-sucking devouring, it is still enough."

Fusion of luck is not a professional ability to harvest luck, but Wang Linchi doesn't have a good method at hand, so he can just use it.

The disadvantage is that the progress is very slow. After all, it is a local protagonist, so it is not so easy to get it.

"One from the game cabin."

Wang Linchi quickly simulated a game cabin through the memory. He knew the game cabin very well. After some fiddling, he transformed the memory into a sleep cabin.

Then put Bai Changsheng into it. As long as his mental power is not exhausted, it is guaranteed that Bai Changsheng will not wake up for the rest of his life, and will only live in drunken dreams in the sleeping cabin.

"Unfortunately, it's a memory, not real. I have to prepare the nutrient solution and sleeping pills myself."

It works, but it's always fake. It's okay to use memory for sleeping pills, but if you use memory for nutrient solution, something will really happen.

But to be on the safe side, it’s best to use both of these real ones.

Wang Linchi didn't want to bet on the small probability of failure, lest some miracle happened, and rescued Bai Changsheng directly, then he would lose all his money.

On the other side, the two memories quickly placed Liu Ling'er, and then they were waiting for the show to begin.

He always remembered that the Cheng family blocked the door of his medical clinic to prevent them from paying a price, so Wang Linchi had to take revenge himself.

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