Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 414 The Opportunity of Giving Gifts

"You're welcome. It's just a small effort. I'll just accept these medical books. As for the others, forget it. I don't have that many ideas." Wang Linchi took Liu Ling'er's books and said thanks.

"That's right. If it weren't for Doctor Wang's help, it wouldn't be that easy for me to go back." Liu Ling'er smiled and changed the topic: "I wonder if Doctor Wang knows about the traces of Changsheng."

"Bai Changsheng? Didn't he leave with you?" Wang Linchi said pretending to be confused.

"I disappeared three days ago and there is still no trace." Liu Ling'er was a little worried.

Wang Linchi's face turned serious: "Miss Liu can bring out such precious things, she must not be from an ordinary family. If you are really willing to find Brother Bai, I suggest you check the Cheng family."

When Liu Ling'er heard the word Cheng family, a cold light flashed in her eyes: "The Cheng family's mouth is too tough, and I haven't been able to pry it open until now."

"Then I don't know. You also know that I rarely leave the hospital on weekdays." Wang Linchi also smiled when he heard this. After all, he and the Cheng family must show off if they don't deal with each other.

"That's right. This time, Dr. Wang is nagging. I still have something to do, so I'll take the first step." Liu Ling'er came to give a gift and asked in passing.

As for the suspicion that Wang Linchi did it? Even if she was kicked in the head by a donkey, she wouldn't be able to think like this. The two had absolutely no connection, and Wang Linchi, a small medical clinic, couldn't hide anyone.

Furthermore, even if it was Wang Linchi who did it, with Wang Linchi's body type, could he quietly bring down her and Bai Changsheng? This kind of thing is simply nonsense.

Liu Ling'er left quickly, but Wang Linchi didn't change at all.

The Liu family in Zhenhai City has powerfully controlled the Cheng family, which is naturally a trivial matter. In terms of power, it is easier for the Liu family to crush the Cheng family to death than to crush an ant to death.

The Liu family is one of the top families in Zhenhai City. Compared with them, the Cheng family is not even considered a nouveau riche, not to mention that it is now weak. Not long ago, it handed over Huichun Hall and Shunmin Hall.

Wang Linchi can see the gold content of the spirit-nourishing pill, and the Liu family can also see it, so naturally they are willing to spend resources and connections to find him. If they can continue to produce new prescriptions in the future, it will definitely be the best. If you can't find him, it will be the best. If so, it can be regarded as buying reputation with a thousand gold horse bones.

The reason why the other party came to Bai Changsheng was not because of the spiritual nourishing pill, which had to be kept secret, but because he was looking for Liu Ling'er's savior.

However, nothing has been found so far. He is locked up in Wang Linchi's basement, so how can he find it?

It was also thanks to Wang Linchi that he had melted one-third of Bai Changsheng's destiny and luck in the past three days. Otherwise, he might not have been able to keep it.

Who knows what the other party might be aware of.

It fell by a third, and since Wang Linchi was luckier than him, it was immediately suppressed.

However, Wang Linchi also discovered that as the opponent's destiny and luck gradually decreased, there seemed to be problems with the natural spiritual gifts on his spiritual bones and spiritual veins.

It was very stable before, but now it has become very unstable, and I feel a little unbearable.

Obviously, it really depends on luck for such a miracle to happen.

Wang Linchi does not deny that he has been able to reach this point because he relied on a lot of luck, but his abilities will not collapse and disappear just because he has no luck.

"Is it closing so early today?" a middle-aged man asked curiously.

"No one is here. Of course they are going out to collect some medicinal materials to support the family. What, you come to see a doctor?" Wang Linchi complained.

There's no business anymore, we can't let him drink from the northwest wind.

"Don't look at it." The other party shook his head and refused: "I'm not sick."

"Then why are you minding your own business? There are a lot of medical clinics in the county, and I can't be any worse for treatment." Wang Linchi rolled his eyes and continued to put a board on the door.

The other party smiled bitterly, and then asked: "I saw that the eldest daughter of the Liu family gave you a book earlier. Do you want to sell this book?"

"You came here just for this thing. No wonder you follow him as soon as he takes the lead." Wang Linchi felt that this thing was suspicious, and then said: "I won't sell it, but I can lend you a copy."

"If you don't want to sell it, forget it." The middle-aged man said with regret in his tone, and then asked: "What kind of book is it? Is it for learning?"

"Medical books, how can I bring you a textbook on elementary school? I'm just helping to treat an injury, not a life." Wang Linchi complained, and he doubted whether this guy had any brains.

"Then let me see if it works." The other party pushed further.

"No, who are you? Why are you so rude?" Wang Linchi asked.

This guy has no respect for himself at all, he just asks questions about this and that.

"Beijiekou, Wu family, Wu Yi." The middle-aged man said with cupped hands.

Wang Linchi immediately understood who this guy was.

"I thought who it was, Mr. Wu, you, please come back, don't look back and get beaten by Mr. Wu again." Wang Linchi joked.

The Wu family is also an aristocratic family in Baihe County like the Cheng family, but the difference is that it has always been suppressed by the Cheng family. There is only one spiritual scholar in the family, that is, Mr. Wu, who is in his seventies. He has no fame yet, but he has no Thinking of this, Mr. Wu not only got rid of Cheng Xun's grandfather, but also his father.

As for the third eldest son of the Wu family, he is also a person of Cheng Xun's uncle's generation in terms of seniority, but he has accomplished nothing and only spends his days eating, drinking and having fun.

The good news is that even though he is not a talented person, he does not do evil either. He is always generous and dares to talk about anything, and he has not caused any trouble. It's just that the old man of the Wu family can't stand it and always looks for excuses to beat him on the head.

As for his reputation, he has a mixed reputation. He can chat with everyone, and he is thick-skinned, which occasionally makes him annoying.

Wang Linchi knew something about it when he was in his previous life, and before the owner of the shop next door left, he provided a lot of gossip and entertainment, so he knew it.

"Don't be so unkind. Show it to me. If it's really a medical book, I'll give you a bottle of good wine to apologize." Wu Yi came over shamelessly, intending to make his old man look good.

Wang Linchi backed away in disgust. He was almost the same age as him, so why did he look so shameless?

He still looks like a teenager, but is actually almost middle-aged.

"I don't drink, why do you give me wine?" Wang Linchi complained.

"Then what do you want? As long as I can get it for you, brother, just ask." Wu Yi was also sober and did not dare to say anything serious.

"Nothing needed." Wang Linchi had a headache. This guy was a bit weird, but he didn't have any malicious intentions, and he wouldn't really go to death.

"Okay, okay, let me take a look at it and leave immediately after you finish it."

Wang Linchi let the other party in, and then pointed at the counter: "The book is there, be careful. I haven't read it yet, so don't damage it."

"If it gets damaged, I'll go to your Wu family and file a complaint."

Wu Yi was overjoyed when he heard this: "Don't worry, if the book is missing even one corner, you can beat me to death and I won't make a sound."

"That's nonsense." Wang Linchi said, feeling helpless.

The other party happily jumped towards the counter, picked up the books on the package and started to read.

The result was naturally very disappointing.

"They are all medical books." Wu Yi was a little disappointed.

You can tell this thing just by looking at its name.

"What about taking out family heirlooms casually? Your Wu family also has books for elementary school students. Why don't I see you giving them away?" Wang Linchi said angrily.

Seeing this, Wu Yi was helpless and finally put the book down.

"It's my fault, brother. I'll invite a table tomorrow to apologize to Dr. Wang." Wu Yi quickly admitted his mistake and didn't have any airs of aristocratic family. If it was Cheng Xun of the Cheng family, he would definitely have to put on airs now. Of course, If the other heirs of the Wu family would also put on airs, after all, they were an aristocratic family, and they should have corresponding airs of aristocratic families.

"Okay, let's go quickly, I have something else to do." Wang Linchi said impatiently.

Seeing this, Wu Yi didn't dare to say anything and ran away quickly.

"The same rice feeds hundreds of people." Wang Linchi shook his head and walked over to collect the medical books.

However, he saw that the medical book was arranged in a messy manner by the other party. Just when he was about to curse, he suddenly realized that something seemed not right about the page he had laid out.

"Is this... a special opportunity for me?" Wang Linchi looked at the page of the medical book and felt a little bit confused for a moment.

Could it be possible to do this?

"No wonder it suddenly jumped out and it was such a coincidence."

Wang Linchi felt that he really had to pay attention to his luck sometimes, otherwise the chance of getting it to his door would be gone.

If something like opportunity is yours, you have to seize it yourself. For things like delivering food to your door in person, his current luck is still not up to this level.

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