Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 416 Rubbing the armor with hands and trying to show off in low martial arts

"Butler Zhou's gift is a bit too heavy," Wang Linchi said with a smile.

He didn't expect that the Cheng family would actually come to apologize. They must have been so distressed by the Liu family now, so how could they still have time to apologize to him.

‘Unless they have already gone to deal with it, so do the aftermath in advance to deal with the bad effects. ’ This was the first thing that Wang Linchi thought of.

The place with the greatest negative impact was naturally Wang Linchi's Ankang Medical Center. In the final analysis, it was because there was too much trouble here in Wang Linchi.

They had never thought of killing Wang Linchi, as doing so would only make them angry.

"It doesn't matter, it's not serious. This matter is all caused by the lax discipline of our Cheng family." Butler Zhou represents the Cheng family at this time, so naturally he can't talk nonsense.

"Then I'll be disrespectful. It seems that this matter is indeed a misunderstanding." Wang Linchi characterized it.

Of course he knew the truth. Even if the Cheng family was tricked into being like this by Wang Linchi, the other party would still come eagerly to gain fame.

"It should be done, it should be done." Housekeeper Zhou also breathed a sigh of relief, but he was worried that Wang Linchi would not let go. This kind of good thing between you and me is what is good for everyone.

Now that it was resolved, he naturally planned to leave: "The misunderstanding on this matter has been resolved. There is still something to do at home, so I will take the first step. If Dr. Wang has any needs, he can come to the house. Anyone who can help Dr. Wang will definitely be Give it your all.”

"Hahaha, Butler Zhou is an honest man, I will give it to Butler Zhou." Wang Linchi stood up to see him off. Since the other party gave him a gift, he must also give him the courtesy he deserves.

"Doctor Wang, stay here." After being sent to the door, Butler Zhou also spoke. Politeness was mutual. As the steward of a big family, it was naturally impossible for him to lose his identity outside.

When he goes out, he represents the family he belongs to. He must not dare to do things like being arrogant and bullying others. If his reputation is ruined, his family will skin him.

You must do a good job on the surface, but in private, that is another matter.

He is not a young master from an aristocratic family, so how can he have the qualifications to do such nonsense?

After seeing off Butler Zhou, Wang Linchi looked at the gifts and found that they were actually some precious medicinal materials plus some calligraphy and paintings.

He reached out to lift a painting and saw that the painting was torn apart.

One of the very familiar things fell out of it.

"Isn't this the same page as my enlightenment article?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

At first glance, it turned out to be true, and it happened to be the previous article to the one he had.

"Is this an opportunity for me to cut off the protagonist???" Wang Linchi was certain that this thing must belong to the protagonist.

The Tianli article in his hand belongs to the Liu family. Under normal circumstances, it should be Bai Changsheng's confidante or harem, but this article is most likely one of the trophies he obtained after taking revenge on the Cheng family.

As a result, it was also in his hands

This article is the first one, called Jishan Chapter, and also contains a preface. Therefore, Wang Linchi learned that this enlightenment literature is called "Mingxin Baojian" and there are twenty chapters in total.

He already had a tenth in his hand.

"Interesting, it seems like I can just sit and wait until the remaining eighteen chapters are delivered to me?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this matter.

"Mingxin Baojian" should be similar to the original copy, plus it was lost, and it was divided into many parts and spread throughout the world.

Moreover, it is the golden finger in the early stage of the protagonist's life. It can make the protagonist reach an unparalleled level in the entrance examination, and maybe it can also maximize the ability of the double bone veins and the four spiritual gifts.

"This book is really good. If I were to divide it up, it has the flavor of a fusion of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. I always feel like someone borrowed it from somewhere."

"Essays on personal moral cultivation, self-cultivation, settling down and settling down, as well as instructions on how to learn and encourage good deeds."

"Putting it in the setting, it is a first-rate elementary school article."

After putting them away, Wang Linchi planned to collect them all to see if there were any surprises.

After all, it is also used by the protagonist. It is valuable just for reference.

When they came to the basement, the spiritual bones and spiritual veins were growing very gratifyingly, completely absorbing Bai Changsheng's spiritual bones and spiritual veins as nutrients.

This caused Bai Changsheng to become as skinny as a stick, and it was also due to the other party's profound background. Otherwise, Wang Linchi might not be able to use him as nutrition.

Most of his destiny and luck have withered away, and he is about to be sucked dry by Wang Linchi.

At this level, the other party cannot leave here no matter what.

After Wang Linchi saw the progress, it would take a long time for the spiritual bones and spiritual veins to fully grow, at least three months.

He disliked it for taking a long time, but if people outside knew that in three months he could obtain 365 spiritual bones and ninety-nine spiritual veins, plus two innate spiritual gifts, he would probably go crazy.

After taking a look, Wang Linchi continued his work.

He has temporarily put aside the system related to spiritual beings. Most of the task progress has been completed, leaving only the cultivation of spiritual bones and spiritual veins.

Since this is not faster, Wang Linchi will change to something that can be faster.

"It's a pity that there was no artificial intelligence or strong AI technology in the previous world." Wang Linchi said regretfully.

If so, he's ready to create an army of robots.

Without these things, he had no way to control the production line. In the end, he had to settle for the next best thing and build himself a combat armor, similar to Iron Man's.

As for mechas, forget about that, energy is a big problem.

There was no way he could make something out of nothing.

As for using memory, I really don’t think it will consume anything.

The more vague something is without relevant data, the stronger the expressive power will be without corresponding cognition, and the consumption will be high and the corresponding ability will not be exerted.

Just like a mecha, Wang Linchi has no corresponding data, and his knowledge is only limited to the settings of his previous life. If he really wants to summon it, the cost will be high and the benefits will be very low.

It is better to rub the firearms and exoskeletons with your own hands to form firearm armor.

"Forget about bullets, just use laser weapons."

Due to its limited technology, this set of combat armor cannot carry too much load, so lasers are most suitable.

The laser weapon was originally obtained in the zombie secret realm in the soul world. It had never been used before because it was too powerful.

Now in this world where spiritual warriors can be shot to death by powerful crossbows and stabbed to death by daggers, this is very appropriate.

In Wang Linchi's eyes, most spirit warriors are glass cannons, and they are also glass cannons with limited mana, so this system can be used as an assistant, but if it is really used as a major, it is useless and cannot be used anymore.

"It's just that energy is still a big issue."

"How about using memory?"

Wang Linchi thought about this. He knew the data and the structure of the laser energy. Therefore, if he used the book of records to record it first and then realize it, the energy consumption might be a little higher than the cost of the materials he made, but in his Within the acceptable range, if Wang Linchi makes it himself, Wang Linchi will not consider his own labor.

If you add labor costs, it's not much different.

And if you use memory, the difficulty of replacement will be much reduced.

For example, he can directly charge or reset the memory, and there is no other problem except consuming mental energy.

"This works."

Combat armor does not use memory, naturally because the cost is higher than manufacturing it yourself.

"If there is no way to directly convert spiritual power into energy, using the Philosopher's Stone is actually the most appropriate."

Wang Linchi thought of this, but of course, he didn't force it.

The Philosopher's Stone was originally used as an energy source. Unfortunately, the Philosopher's Stone cannot be embodied now.

In his estimation, the game character must at least reach level 30.

The energy level of the world was so low that he was helpless. There was really no other way.

"With combat armor, I can defeat an army of 100,000 people alone." Wang Linchi was still very confident in himself.

In the past, he could fight in a one-on-one battle, but he needed good location. Now, as long as he doesn't encounter a spiritual warrior, he can kill him without any damage from his stance.

It is also very simple to eliminate the spiritual warriors. Who knows if there are any crouching tigers, hidden dragons among the spiritual warriors.

There is also a sweeping monk in Tian Long Ba Bu. Judging from his expressiveness, he is almost a cultivator. Wang Linchi will not underestimate anyone in the world.

It is true that he is strong, and he can be unscrupulous, but he cannot be arrogant. He may not necessarily be beaten, but directly killed. There are not a few strong people who capsize and die in the gutter because of their arrogance.

"I have nothing to do to challenge an army of 100,000 people. I don't need fame and fortune now." Wang Linchi thought for a moment. He wanted to be famous before because he recharged the reincarnation effect. Now he can use his mental power and it is already full. Well, of course, if you can't take the risk, don't take the risk.

Wouldn't it be better to live a stable life?

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