Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 417 Picked up another opportunity at the door

Three more days later, the Liu family quickly withdrew from Baihe County.

"I have to thank cousin Cheng Li this time. If the master's family hadn't intervened, I, the Baihe Cheng family, would have been cut off." Cheng Xun couldn't help but laugh at himself. At this time, he finally understood that the relationship between aristocratic families How big is the gap between them?

Cheng Li is a boy who is slightly older than Cheng Xun. However, at such a young age, he is not only a spiritual scholar, but also has the merit of being a child. It is said that this year he will go a step further and become a scholar.

"You and I are of the same spirit, how can we sit back and watch you being bullied by outsiders." Cheng Li said nicely. If Cheng Xun hadn't taken out the "Ming Xin Bao Jian" that the clan needs to encourage learning, how could he be willing to do so? Come.

The master's family already has seventeen chapters, and there are only three chapters left to complete the entire "Mingxin Baojian". It is precisely because of this that he will help Cheng Xun.

Otherwise, no matter how much you give, you may not be able to take care of them.

"This is my little wish. I hope cousin Cheng Li will accept it." Cheng Xun said, and Butler Zhou held a tray covered with red cloth.

After Cheng Xun took it, he handed it to Cheng Li.

Cheng Li did not pick it up, but stretched out his hand to pick up the red cloth and saw a lot of gold on the tray. This made him smile, and he quickly covered the red cloth back and took it.

"My cousin is so polite. The master's family has been thinking about you, but they have been busy and have no time to express condolences."

"This time it's a good time." Cheng Li immediately changed his attitude.

The Encouragement to Study section of "Mingxin Baojian" is for the family. He can't get any benefit from it, so of course it's official business.

But the gold that Cheng Xun gave him belonged to him. If he still kept a bad face while doing business after receiving the benefits, he would be showing no respect for the world.

Cheng Xun would also give it, but then there would be nothing.

"Outsiders always think that we, aristocratic families, live a wealthy life every day, but they don't realize that we are so busy on the inside. There is no time for fun." Cheng Xun naturally followed the words.

With this plate of gold as the basis, the topic naturally became more heated and was no longer as rigid as before.

"It's getting late. I have to go back to do business. If I have a chance next time, I'll talk to my cousin." Seeing that the conversation was almost over, Cheng Li planned to leave.

"My cousin is here in such a hurry, why don't we rest for a few more days. Although Baihe County is small, it has some different scenery." Cheng Xun planned to stay with him for two more days to build up his relationship.

However, Cheng Li refused.

"I have an important task. Come back next time when I find time." Cheng Li naturally refused. He accepted the money and didn't plan to stay any longer. Who knows if he would be asked to do something, and he just had a reason.

"Forget it, official business is important." Cheng Xun did not force it, but instead said, "After my cousin returns, please speak more kindly to the head of the family and the old man."

"I don't take good words seriously, but I will report the truth about the Liu family's bullying this time." Cheng Li meant that he could help, but it wouldn't be obvious. After all, he couldn't involve himself in it for you.

"That's enough, that's enough." Cheng Xun didn't ask for too much.

Afterwards, Cheng Xun escorted Cheng Li out of the gate of Cheng Mansion, and after arranging various things, Cheng Li left on horseback.

Riding in a carriage was too slow, so it was naturally impossible for Cheng Li to choose this method. He was a member of a noble family, not a playboy, and being both civil and military was not an empty talk.

While riding on the street, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a medical clinic out of the corner of his eye.

It was the Ankang Medical Center that Cheng Xun told him about before.

He saw the doctor sitting in the hall dozing off on the counter, which made him smile. I'm afraid this medical clinic won't be open for long.

Just as he thought of this in his mind, the BMW under his crotch crunched and splintered, and he fell straight forward. If he hadn't been a spiritual warrior, this fall would have been serious.

After getting up from the ground, BMW lay on the ground struggling in pain. He was also thrown into a bit of a mess.

"Bad luck!" He said with an ugly face. This incident was really embarrassing.

Then I saw the doctor getting up, checking, and then sitting back down.

After being killed by the horse, he shook off his embarrassment.

If the horse's hoof is broken, the horse is worthless, so it is better to kill it and eat its meat.

As for treatment, not to mention that veterinarians don't have the ability to do so, and it's not worth hiring a spiritual person, because killing the horse can end the horse's suffering.

"We can only go back first." Cheng Li muttered in a low voice, took away the gold, ignored the horse's body, and headed towards the Cheng Mansion. Now it was dark, and there was no horse and he fell. We can only stay for one night.

On the other side, what he didn't see was that when he took away the gold, the only page of the Encourage to Study chapter floated out.

If you compare the martial arts figures in martial arts circles, Cheng Li is a third-rate master, while a spiritual warrior without any fame is naturally not a first-rate person.

The memory in the medical center was very sharp and saw it at a glance. After the other party left, he picked it up.

Wang Linchi's expression was very wonderful.

"Damn it, someone can even send it to my door???" Wang Linchi was still rubbing his battle armor, and was shocked when he saw the Encourage to Study chapter.

This was indeed something I never expected.

After putting it away, Wang Linchi absorbed the memory. Through the family crest on the horse, Wang Linchi recognized that the other party was from the Cheng family.

"What a nice guy. I didn't expect that he actually sent it to me directly."

"But if the other party lost the Encourage to Learn Chapter, he will definitely come back to find it. I have to deal with it."

Wang Linchi was not worried about the other party finding it. He stuffed it into the storage space. If the other party could find it, then Wang Linchi would have no choice but to kill him and silence him.

Otherwise, what else can we do, really give it back to the other party?

If he picked it up, it's his.

Sure enough, less than half an hour later, there was a knock on the door.

"It's coming, it's coming, don't worry." Wang Linchi removed the board and opened the door.

Then he saw Cheng Li standing outside the door.

"Excuse me, let me ask, did you see anything I left behind when I left?" Cheng Li was not arrogant or disdainful, but instead lowered his attitude.

You come here to ask questions and act like it's your honor. No matter how good-tempered you are, you won't be able to bear it.

"It was dark and I didn't see it." Wang Linchi shook his head and refused.

"Please think more about it. This thing is extremely important to me. If there are any clues, I can reward you." Cheng Li started to lure you.

"I really don't know. If I saw him, I wouldn't say anything." Wang Linchi looked helpless.

"This...there is a guess. This thing belongs to the Cheng family. If it can't be found, I'm afraid there will be a big search next." After the inducement failed, he chose coercion to deceive whether Wang Linchi took it. Got it.

"Huh? It's so serious. It's better to report it to the official as soon as possible. If it is lost, it will be in trouble." Wang Linchi also pretended to be shocked.

Seeing this, Cheng Li was also a little desperate. At present, it seemed that Wang Linchi really didn't know.

As for the matter of reporting to the official, that is impossible. If the imperial court found out about this unique copy of Encouraging Learning, it would definitely be taken away. How could it fall into his hands.

"It doesn't matter, my Cheng family will resolve this matter, and it won't go to the level of reporting it to the official."

"Since the doctor doesn't know about this matter, I hope you won't make it public, so as not to cause trouble in the city." Cheng Li asked Wang Linchi to keep it secret.

"Don't worry, this matter will not be leaked." Wang Linchi assured him, patting his chest.

Seeing that there was no gain, Cheng Li could only rush to Cheng's house first.

‘How could such a great achievement end up like this? ’ Cheng Li felt bitter.

He didn't think it was Wang Linchi who took it. If there was such a suspicion, the other party would definitely expose the flaw in front of him. How could an ordinary person hide it from a spiritual master like him?

'It seems that he was indeed blown away, so we can only ask the clan to request seventeen "Mingxin Baojian" and use spiritual methods to trace it. ’

Of course, it is impossible to give up. Such a precious thing must be obtained.

Spiritual tracking has a limited range. The more complete it is, the wider the range will naturally be.

But as long as you don't leave Baihe County, seventeen articles are enough to cover it.

It's just that this matter needs to be kept secret, otherwise if other aristocratic families find out, they will definitely come to intercept and kill him.

Eighteen chapters of the "Ming Xin Bao Jian" are of great interest here. We only need to find the remaining two missing chapters to make it complete.

It may be difficult, but it is enough to pass down the family.

An aristocratic family relies on the ability to pass down the family. It can continue to cultivate talents and continue to cultivate talents. This is the continuation of the aristocratic family.

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