Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 418 I’ve seen people giving opportunities, but I’ve never seen people giving opportunities l

The next day, the head of the Cheng family came over with seventeen pieces of "Ming Xin Bao Jian", and Cheng Li was naturally scolded.

This scene happened to be seen by Wang Linchi. The main reason was that whether the other party was dressed or dressed, he was not something that a small county like Baihe County could have. At first glance, he looked like a big family.

After further inquiring, you will know the cause and effect.

"I thought I had to gather it slowly, but I didn't expect it to be packed up directly."

"It is indeed an opportunity for the protagonist, but it is extraordinary." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh.

He was now squatting in the hidden position of Bai He and Cheng's house, watching them lay out seventeen articles, which looked like they were going to perform some kind of spiritual method to track down the piece of advice he had obtained.

But the idea was good, and the other party couldn't find it at all, so when he cast the spiritual method, there was no reaction at all.

"It's not within the range. Are you sure you lost it yourself and it wasn't stolen?" The leader of the old man from the Cheng family looked a little ugly.

Cheng Li also turned pale when he heard this.

"It shouldn't be." Cheng Li always thought that he had lost it, but if he had lost it, it was unlikely that he would have left Baihe County.

"Think carefully, did you come into contact with anyone during this period or did the news leak out?" When the other party said this, the first half of the sentence was directed to Cheng Li, and the second half was directed to Cheng Xun.

After all, Cheng Li is unlikely to leak it, but Cheng Xun is not sure. In addition to him knowing it, some of his confidants also know it, so it is possible that the other party took this opportunity to steal it.

"I didn't come into contact with anyone." Cheng Li recalled that he didn't stop after leaving Cheng Mansion until he fell.

As for Wang Linchi? If it was stolen, it obviously couldn't be him. After all, the other party was still in the county and there was no sign of it, so he ruled it out.

Cheng Xun's face became a little ugly, and then he said: "Everyone who learned about the Encourage to Study chapter is here."

The old man of the Cheng family glanced at everyone. His original idea was that Cheng Xun was trying to frame Cheng Li.

He didn't doubt Cheng Li. Although Cheng Li had done something wrong, judging from the current situation, someone was deliberately trying to target the Cheng family.

Otherwise this could not be the case.

"This matter is indeed unusual and requires a thorough interrogation."

"I have brought people here, but you and I are separated after all, so I have to ask your opinion on this matter." The old man of the Cheng family asked for the sake of his family.

However, this matter is just an inquiry. It is not up to Cheng Xun whether to answer or not. He has given you enough face. If you still don't know what to do, then you will not give him face.

After serving the fifth server, we haven’t contacted each other for who knows how long, and there is no emotion at all.

"My surname is Cheng, so of course it's all based on my uncle's wishes." Cheng Xun naturally didn't dare to resist.

My own Baihe Cheng family is no match for the other party. Even the Liu family can solve it within three days, let alone them.

"Okay, Cheng Trout, Cheng Kuang, Cheng Kui... you immediately blockade the place, and no one is allowed to escape. And..." the old man of the Cheng family said.

These people are all of the same generation as Cheng Li, but there is a big gap in age. Most of them in this generation have the character for fish.

Since Cheng Xun's family had been separated for many generations, he naturally didn't have to abide by it.

The crowd dispersed naturally and quickly, carrying out the orders of the old man of the Cheng family.

The elder of the Cheng family put away the seventeen-part "Ming Xin Bao Jian" and stored it close to him to avoid problems.

When Wang Linchi saw this scene, he was thinking about how to get it.

It would be easier to kill him. He has a laser weapon in his hand, so just shoot him in the head.

However, it is very simple to do this, but it can easily attract the Cheng family's manpower to move in. On the contrary, wouldn't it be better if this matter was characterized as an internal cause.

By the time the Cheng family is in internal strife and has been tracking down a non-existent mole, wouldn't it be more fun to watch?

Now it is only the Cheng family in Baihe County who has a mole. After the seventeen "Mingxin Baojian" is lost, the head of the Cheng family will also have a mole. The fun will definitely be great.

After Wang Linchi left a mosquito-shaped memory as a surveillance device, he naturally went back and continued to rub the combat armor, otherwise he would have left it here to feed the mosquitoes.

This matter can only be dealt with gradually, such as doing it at night.

It’s not that spiritual beings don’t need sleep. They are also normal people. They need food, drink, toilet, and sleep. Food, clothing, housing, and transportation are even more important in their daily lives.

Therefore, the elders of the Cheng family who are being monitored will definitely have flaws.

Furthermore, with his method, he could indeed steal it without anyone noticing.

Don't worry about your own problems at all.

As night gradually fell, the old man of the Cheng family frowned as he looked at the contents of the interrogation.

At least judging from the oral record, there was nothing wrong with these people. However, the more there were no problems, the more he felt that something was wrong, and it was impossible for them to disappear out of thin air.

"Cheng Li, please tell me the process again, starting after you left the Cheng Mansion." The old man of the Cheng family asked again.

Cheng Xun spoke honestly from beginning to end.

"You mean there is a doctor at the scene? Why don't you tell us about such an important thing!" Hearing this, the old man of the Cheng family felt a little dizzy and couldn't help scolding him.

"This..." Cheng Li was about to explain, but was interrupted.

"Okay, Cheng Xun, this is your territory. You take people there to search it, and Cheng Wei, Cheng Long, and a few others will assist you." Although the old man of the Cheng family let Cheng Xun take charge, he also sent People to monitor.

"Yes, old uncle." Cheng Xun felt bitter, as the other party had already occupied the magpie's nest and left.

Wang Linchi, who was under surveillance, was also Yile. Didn't this come to his door to clear him of suspicion?

Cheng Xun and his men quickly arrived at Ankang Medical Center and started knocking on the door.

The reason why I dare not break down the door is that I am worried that the fish will die and the net will break.

Wang Linchi is nothing. If he can really get back the Encouragement Chapter, the rest will be nothing.

"It's coming, it's coming, don't worry." Voices and footsteps came from the hospital, and the door opened quickly. Wang Linchi said again: "Everyone, what's going on?"

"Doctor Wang, my cousin fell down at the door of your medical clinic before. You should know about this," Cheng Xun said.

"You are... Mr. Cheng. I do know this. You won't come to me to pay for it if you fall, right? You have wronged me. He fell by himself and has nothing to do with me." Wang Linchi was wary. said.

"It's not about this, he lost something, so..." Before Cheng Xun could finish, Wang Linchi interrupted directly.

"I understand, you suspected that I took it and brought people to search." Wang Linchi pretended to understand, and then said: "Your Cheng family is powerful, so you can search it, but we have agreed not to smash things randomly. Otherwise this matter will never end.”

"Don't worry, Doctor Wang, we have our own arrangements. If I misunderstood Doctor Wang about this matter, I will personally come to apologize to Doctor Wang afterwards and give him satisfactory compensation," Cheng Xun said.

"Please." Wang Linchi made way for everyone to file in.

On the way here, everyone naturally divided the work and had a process for how to search.

There will be no smashing. People are in good order and it is easy to check. Why make a mess and cause trouble for yourself.

On the other side, the memory arranged by Wang Linchi also started to act.

"Mr. Cheng, I don't know what your house has lost, but you are making such a big fuss about it. Your cousin told me not to make any noise before." Wang Linchi deliberately talked to Cheng Xun.

Naturally, Cheng Xun did not follow the search. This matter was done by the children of the Cheng family who came from the main family.

After all, in terms of ownership, this exhortation to study belongs to them, not to the Bai He and Cheng family.

"Well, it's a long story, so I won't tell you, Doctor Wang." Cheng Xun couldn't possibly tell Wang Linchi this. The disciples of the master's family were still there, so he didn't dare to tell them.

If he can't be found later, it means he has misunderstood Wang Linchi. Then he will probably be suspected of cheating or having the help of an insider. If he says so, it will bring disaster to himself.

"Oh~ It's still a secret family." Wang Linchi also looked curious, but he did not inquire further: "It seems that it is really not something I can inquire about."

After a search that almost required digging three feet into the ground, nothing was found in the end, and the entire medical center became a mess.

"I'm really sorry about this, Doctor Wang. Let's accept the money first and find a few people to help clean up the house. I'll come to apologize in a few days." Seeing this, Cheng Xun really couldn't find anything, so he He had no choice but to go home.

"Easy to say." Wang Linchi took it with a smile. Half an hour ago, the memory had already obtained seventeen "Mingxin Baojian", but the old man from the Cheng family hadn't discovered it yet.

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