Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 419 Finally recovered half of my identity

After Wang Linchi got the entire "Ming Xin Bao Jian", he just read it once and stuffed it into the storage space.

The content has been memorized. After reading it, Wang Linchi felt that it was really not suitable for him.

After all, he was too positive and not at all compatible with a human-like creature like him.

You say punishing evil and promoting good, some of the things he did are simply on the level of a great villain.

Especially at the macro level of the world, killing the protagonist is basically equivalent to indirectly destroying the world.

In a world that is about to end, most of the protagonists are born to save their own world. Wang Linchi's death of the protagonist not only requires the world to be recatalyzed, but also loses extremely precious time. Such a delay must be a bad thing .

He never thought about whitewashing himself. Black is black, and there is no way he can come back white.

As for this book on personal moral cultivation, he basically scrapped it directly, and the content was biased towards the book of persuading people to do good deeds.

I don’t know if the enlightenment book “The Book of Ming Xin Bao Jian” contains all the content of persuading people to do good. If so, wouldn’t the spiritual men be all kind?

Wang Linchi thought this was a joke. With the situation of that group of people, how could they be kind?

If they were really kind, would the Cheng family want to covet Bai Changsheng's prescription, and even arrange for someone to intercept and kill him?

This kind of thing can only be said and looked at. Wang Linchi does not deny that there are good people among the spiritual scholars, but they are definitely in the minority.

"The spiritual bone and spiritual veins have finally been cultivated and matured." Wang Linchi looked at the unique spiritual bone and spiritual veins rooted in Bai Changsheng's body in the underground laboratory.

The spiritual bone is like a humanoid skeleton, and the extra bones look a bit strange, while the spiritual veins are tangible substances like meridians.

With his spiritual veins clinging to his spiritual bones, he looked like a weirdo, except that he had no muscles, skin, or organs.

As for Bai Changsheng, his destiny and destiny were completely melted by Wang Linchi, and his life was like a candle in the wind.

"Next are two innate spiritual gifts. We can't let them be born now. They have to be transplanted into me."

This pair of spiritual bone and spiritual veins was transformed by Wang Linchi using his own clone. It did not come from Bai Changsheng, but used Bai Changsheng as a petri dish.

Maturity means maturity, but there is still one final step left.

That is the standard innate spiritual talent.

"Once the transplant is successful, the characters in the next game will reach full level faster."

Being at full level means that Wang Linchi has partially adapted to the world.

He carefully removed the spiritual bones and spiritual veins from Bai Changsheng. At the same time, Bai Changsheng also died.

Wang Linchi did not transplant it immediately, but sealed it and conducted experiments with the data.

Otherwise, nothing would happen to him if he failed, but it would not be that easy to find such suitable and high-potential spiritual bones and spiritual veins.

Where could he find another petri dish so perfect?

After three days of data experiments and further analysis, Wang Linchi was confident enough to transplant it into his body.

"The game character is the skin, while the spiritual bones and spiritual veins are the bones and meridians. Although there is no flesh, blood, internal organs, etc., it is enough to be used as a body."

When Wang Linchi transplanted it into his body, the spiritual bones and spiritual veins connected and fused with his colorful stone body. With the help of game characters, the fusion process was very smooth.

"Successful." Wang Linchi adjusted it, and now he is finally half a person.

He has skin, bones and some nerves. Who can argue that he is a human being? He doesn't ask for a whole one, just half.

"With the cooperation of spiritual bones and spiritual veins, the level of the game character has been directly increased to level 23."

"But why has the upper limit of the level been raised to level 31? Is it because the difference between this level and one level is only a privileged class that can only be reached by 365 spiritual bones and ninety-nine spiritual veins?"

Wang Linchi looked at the game panel. In his eyes, this level 1 was of no use at all, but among the aborigines, it might be a qualitative change.

After smoothly disposing of Bai Changsheng's withered corpse, he began to use his mental power to warm up his spiritual bones and spiritual veins, allowing them to further integrate.

The approximate state of this spiritual bone and spiritual vein is similar to that of the Holy Master in the egg state.

That's right, Wang Linchi made it a part of himself.

If the Book of Records is still there and has not returned, it should be the pendant of the Book of Records. Now it can only be hung on himself, so he thought of making himself a body close to that of a carbon-based creature.

It can also carry the effect of the Soul Seed Page. The Soul Seed Page has been eliminated, so Wang Linchi directly attacked himself.

"It will be completely integrated in about ten days, and then you can strengthen your innate spiritual gifts."

Wang Linchi's previous research on Bai Changsheng naturally involved the data of four innate spiritual gifts. He was unable to create four innate spiritual gifts, but he was able to use the corresponding research data to create two enhanced versions of innate spiritual gifts. Endowment.

As for double bone veins, this is not really necessary.

The spiritual bone and spiritual veins are just his skeleton and some nerves. After fusion, they have their own support. Both the potential and the strength can reach an extremely high level, far better than the double bone veins. More importantly, he does not need to be so stubborn. .

If there is a better one in the future, he can directly use it as a strengthening material to pave the way for better materials.

"The next step is the Introductory Education Examination." Wang Linchi checked the time and could only wait until next year. This year, he would first find a literary school to study further, otherwise he would not be able to qualify for the Instructional Education Examination.

There is no way for individuals to register. Only ethnic studies, private schools and literary schools are eligible to register for the imperial court.

He doesn't have a family to study the clan. As for the private school, there is one in Baihe County. It was opened by a spiritual scholar with the reputation of being a child. Wang Linchi doesn't think it is popular because there is a limit on the number of places. It doesn't mean how many people you want to recommend. How many people can you recommend?

The number of places for clan schools fluctuates greatly. For example, a clan school in a small village may only have one per year, but if it is a clan school from a big family, there is no quota limit.

Private schools are relatively fixed. Tongsheng, as a private school teacher, has one recommendation quota every year. If a scholar serves as a private school teacher, there are ten, and there are no more. It is impossible for a scholar to open a private school. This is already a powerful class, and there is no need for anything. Gan, just the rights and benefits he received from the imperial court as a juren were enough to give him the foundation to become a noble family.

The literary library is different. They admit the best. As a court institution, as long as you can pass the exam, your place will be recommended.

Moreover, those who come from a literary school are naturally members of the court faction, and their subsequent welfare benefits will be better.

"The only literary museum is in Zhenhai City. The situation there is much more complicated than in this small county." Wang Linchi naturally collected the corresponding intelligence.

If he wanted to get in, he had two ways.

The first way is to show your 'qualifications' and go in. Then you can directly become a treasure in the palm of your hand, and you will be unparalleled in the limelight. All resources and benefits will be the greatest, and you can directly alert the emperor. Maybe a special order will be issued by then. It is possible to directly transfer him to Kyoto for training.

This is a real mainstay.

There will naturally be a bright future ahead.

But correspondingly, all kinds of whirlpools and undercurrents will be around him, and there will also be assassinations, frame-ups, etc. If he is not careful, he will go crazy and get everyone involved.

The other way is to pay a low profile and become an older student. The pay is relatively poor. They are responsible for giving lectures and not caring about anything else. If you want to get a recommendation spot, you must complete the corresponding assessment.

In terms of fairness and justice, there is still some. As long as you keep a low profile, the teachers in the library will not deliberately try to get you.

Unless you have offended the other party or someone wants to suppress you or you have the same aura of ridicule as Hades, then the other party will not have trouble with you.

"It's better to keep a low profile and not make a big fuss, so as to avoid all kinds of trouble." Naturally, Wang Linchi never thought of making a big fuss.

He doesn't like an environment full of calculations, and just likes to live a peaceful life.

"If I sign up for the Literary Museum, I have to disguise my spiritual bones and spiritual veins to avoid being detected."

"It's within the normal range, but you have to pay one thousand taels of silver every year."

"This is really dark."

After you go to the library, you can actually continue studying, as long as you don't take part in the assessment. Anyway, you will get one thousand taels a year, and you will pay to go to school. If you don't pay, you will be kicked out.

But if you fail the assessment, you will be expelled from the library, which means you are not good, get out, so as not to stain the name of our library, and I don't want your stinky money.

Of course, this refers to self-study. If a student with good qualifications has been included in it as early as a child, not only does it cost no money, but he is also responsible for food, clothing, housing and transportation, and cultivates talents for the court.

Otherwise, how could the imperial court become the largest aristocratic family?

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