Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 420: Uncertain and uncertain

"Here are your clothes and books. Remember to come to class tomorrow." After a slave in the Yuanliu Library took away Wang Linchi's thousand taels of silver notes and gave Wang Linchi the corresponding things, he looked affectionate. It means to ignore.

After Wang Linchi's bones and veins were completely fused, he pretended that his family business was in ruins, sold the medical clinic and left for another country.

This incident did not attract much attention. This was common sense. After all, the business was so bad that it was unbearable, so it was normal to sell it.

His two spiritual gifts are quite special. They combine the abilities of the Inner Monkey King to enhance the various effects of his Inner Monkey King, making him even more... indescribable.

The innate spiritual endowment of the spirit bone is the wandering mind, and the innate spiritual endowment of the spiritual vein is the horse and the four galloping thoughts.

After acquiring these two innate spiritual gifts, he completely evolved into an indescribable inhuman being. When he first obtained it, he almost lost his ability to reveal his character in the game.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and repaired it immediately, there would have been disaster on the spot.

He even suspected that there was something wrong with his body. Using his own clone to create an innate spiritual talent that matched his will was not a problem, but the question was why it would make him even more indescribable.

Xin Yuanyima probably doesn't have this function.

To say that these two spiritual gifts are rubbish, they are indeed rubbish. They are more like the ability to strengthen skills, but they were kicked by him when he clearly had a chance to avoid changing in an indescribable direction.

Now it is too late to unload these two innate spiritual gifts. The strengthening has ended. Unless he kills himself, otherwise, he has completely become the same as the evil god who pollutes the world, except that he He's a smaller one, so he's not that big of a threat.

Therefore, Wang Linchi suspected that it was probably because he was born in the soul world. After all, as long as he became an awakened person, everyone there would have regular abilities.

Just like the rule spirit, he is not a normal human being.

It is equivalent to a problem with the raw materials of spiritual bones and spiritual veins.

Having created a sinful evil in the game world, it is reasonable for him to use it as material to kick himself in the direction of the unspeakable evil god.

So Wang Linchi didn't worry too much anymore. Anyway, if it wasn't revealed, he would look like a human being on the outside.

Why don't we just pack up our things, exchange for maps, and pay money to enter the Yuanliu Library when we get to Zhenhai City.

"Thank you. Where will you attend the class tomorrow?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Just that building." The other party replied impatiently. Although the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door was not a spiritual scholar, the people who could work here must be family members of spiritual scholars.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi handed over a piece of silver, and then asked: "Please give me more."

He has seen this kind of thing a lot in the soul world, but the benefits are not there.

The other party caught a glimpse of what Wang Linchi handed over, and his eyes lit up. He reached out and took it and put it into his pocket. His attitude obviously changed: "Well, it doesn't count as a reminder, just a little attention."

Soon, the other party explained to Wang Linchi in great detail the lecture time, the habits of some lecturers, the unspoken rules and taboos in the library, etc.

"Thank you for reminding me, brother. If it weren't for me, I would be really sad this time." Wang Linchi naturally complimented him.

Although this man is a bit greedy for money, he is really willing to speak.

"I don't dare to take it seriously. I see, out of so many people this year, you are the only one who can make it." The other party was not stingy with compliments, but it doesn't matter how many people he has said this to.

After all, if you give me money, you can change your attitude, and you are not afraid of being ridiculed. There is indeed something unique about your face.

The two chatted for a while, and then Wang Linchi said goodbye and left, carrying his things back to the small yard he bought before.

When you come to Zhenhai City, you will definitely stay for a long time, so you need a place to stay. Otherwise, you can't stay in an inn, because you can't hide any secrets.

The accommodation and meals at Yuanliu Library are not open to this group of people, but are only open to students who have been trained since childhood. They can only solve it by themselves.

One is a biological son, and the other is a so-called migrant. How can he enjoy the same treatment as his biological son?

After Wang Linchi bought the yard, he naturally built an underground laboratory underground using his recording ability to provide for his daily experiments.

After returning, I checked my clothes and books.

There are three enlightenment books, namely "The Book of Filial Piety", "Chen Jie" and "Guo Yi". Wang Linchi read the contents and found that the degree of brainwashing is very high. If they can control it properly from elementary school to high school, it can indeed be done. Cultivate a group of people who are loyal to the emperor and the country, and even the next generation may have this kind of thinking.

"In terms of content, it is much worse than "Mingxin Baojian"."

""Mingxin Baojian" feels more like the superior of these three enlightenment books to me." Wang Linchi knew that the three enlightenment books were more to make the students cultivated by the library loyal to the court. As for whether they could pass It is actually not important to take the Mengxue Examination to become a spiritual scholar.

Based on the huge base, only ten students from a literary school would pass the Mengxue Examination to become spiritual scholars every year, and the number would increase throughout the entire dynasty.

What's more important is that these students who have been trained since childhood are not like those who joined halfway. If they fail the entrance examination, they will be expelled from the literary school, and they can continue to participate.

"So what's going on in the Mengxue Examination?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

It’s not that these books are bad, but if the spiritual masters practice the contents of these books, then the world will really be harmonious and prosperous.

A group of people with extraordinary powers, including the ruling class, all use truth, goodness and beauty as a way to work hard and become stronger. Where can there be such a messy situation?

So the real situation is that there must be corresponding hidden secrets in the Montessori Examination.

It's just that he can't know.

"We have to collect the corresponding information." Wang Linchi will also participate next year. Naturally, he plans to pass it all at once and use this opportunity to peek into the truth of the world.

Otherwise, he would have nothing to do to take the entrance examination.

Dong dong dong~

"Open the door~"

Around evening time, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Linchi thought the voice sounded familiar.

When they opened the door, they looked at each other.

"Boss Li, are you tumbling ashore from the sea of ​​commerce and entering the Yamen?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

No wonder it sounds familiar. This is not the shop owner next door to his medical clinic who has been missing for several months. He has actually become a government official.

When the other party saw Wang Linchi, he was also a little surprised.

"Doctor Wang, if you didn't open a medical clinic in Baihe County, why did you go to Zhenhai City to become a student at the Yuanliu Literary School???" Boss Li also didn't expect it.

"As you know, after my master died, the medical center went from bad to worse. Later, the Cheng family made troubles several times. It couldn't continue, so we had to sell it and come to Zhenhai City."

"The competition in Zhenhai City is even more intense. After looking at the market situation of the medical clinic, I could only think about whether I could become a spiritual scholar and then join the government office to earn a living. I didn't expect you, Boss Li, to walk in front of me." Wang Linchi also gave a brief summary.

Wang Linchi didn't know what Boss Li's name was, and the other party didn't reveal it. When customers came to the door, they also called Boss Li. It can only be said that this guy is really hiding something deep.

"It's really a fate. Since we are acquaintances, I will exempt you from the household tax, but please don't make it public." Boss Li did not ask for it, and then whispered: "Don't call me Boss Li in the future, call me Old Li or Mr. Li will be fine."

"Hahaha, you're welcome then." Wang Linchi also smiled. It's easy to do things if you have acquaintances, and then asked: "Come in for a drink?"

"Next time, next time I come back, I still have a few houses that I haven't paid the tax for." Lao Li said immediately.

Judging from this situation, the so-called family protection tax should not be a tax, but similar to protection fees and belongs to a gray industry.

"Don't leave. If you don't accept this, wouldn't it be embarrassing for you, Lao Li? How much does it cost?" Wang Linchi asked.

He didn't want to do anything special. Anyway, the money was just memory and would be gone after a few months.

"What's the matter? After all, I'm a fellow countryman, so I don't need to give it to you." Lao Li definitely wouldn't accept it.

"You really don't accept it? Don't go back and be criticized." Wang Linchi complained.

"Don't worry, we only scrape the poor people's money." Old Li chuckled.

"This is so immoral." Wang Linchi joked. He became more and more certain that Lao Li must have come with some kind of mission, and it was also related to the so-called guaranteed family tax.

"Anyway, this guaranteed family tax cannot fall into my hands, and I am not the one who is evil." Lao Li didn't care about Wang Linchi's teasing, and then said: "Okay, let's go ahead and see you for a drink when I have time."

After that, he turned around and left, going to the next house.

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