Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 421 Are you sending something to me?

"The emperor is dead, and the other party has no heirs."

Wang Linchi was quite curious when he heard the news. There were many absurd emperors in the Jing Dynasty. This one was not the most absurd. He could only be fond of having fun, and of course, he was more playful.

After all, he is the emperor, and if he doesn't have fun, then there is a problem.

"What's really interesting is that the new emperor who succeeded to the throne actually started discussing rituals."

"It won't be Zhu Houcong, the Longevity Emperor again..."

Wang Linchi complained.

The content of the ceremony was naturally about who his biological father was.

If the other party is the vassal king and the successor is a brother, his biological father cannot be his biological father. He must adopt the father of the late emperor as an orthodoxy to express the inheritance of brother to brother.

But the new emperor doesn't want to. He has nothing to do with his biological father. He has become the emperor. How can his biological father let you replace him?

So the fight started.

However, this matter has little to do with Wang Linchi. He just listens to lectures, fishes, studies after class, and occasionally picks up some opportunities, and his life is very fulfilling.

It's just that the chance of picking it up is relatively average. Until now, there is no one that can compare with "Mingxin Baojian". This enlightenment book should be one of Bai Changsheng's golden fingers, which can develop his double bone veins to the greatest extent. When it fell into his hands, it was like a pearl covered in dust.

Over the past few days, he has also thought about replacing it with other enlightenment literature or useful things, but there is no good time or target at all.

The aristocratic families in Zhenhai City are not good at exchanging money with them. With their shrewdness, if Wang Linchi doesn't use force, he will be eaten to pieces, and the other party can still eat with a fig leaf. Above board.

So it must be a big loss.

"Speaking of which, Lao Li hasn't been here for a while. He won't run away again." Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter.

Wang Linchi suspected that Lao Li might be a member of Luan Yiwei, similar to the function of Jinyiwei.

He belongs to a special person in the entire Dajing Dynasty, so he can change his identity so easily. The other person is definitely a spiritual warrior, and the one with fame must at least be a scholar.

The reason for this guess is that after the second month, the guaranteed family tax disappeared, and a large number of officials in Zhenhai City were even implicated.

None of them were imprisoned or beheaded, except for the confiscation of homes and the extermination of clans.

This incident also caused quite a stir.

Therefore, it is possible for the other party to disappear suddenly.

Either go to work elsewhere, or die in the line of duty.

There is still a lot of danger in this job. The function is not only for officials, but also for famous families.

If the family becomes ruthless, it is possible to kill you directly.

What's more, these aristocratic families are intertwined. If they don't have enough means to move, it is likely that the whole body will be affected.

The Cheng family in Baihe County is like this. The county magistrate dares to suppress them to death, but they dare not kill them. The Cheng family can decline and die on its own, but it cannot be destroyed by the court.

This seems to be some kind of unspoken rule.

It should be to share the world with the aristocratic family. Of course, it is not strict enough not to kill the aristocratic family. If the public's resentment is too great, it will be killed if it is necessary. If it is done so excessively, other aristocratic families will not dare to say anything.

"Ignore him, I'm just a casual acquaintance with him anyway." Wang Linchi thought for a while, whether he had Lao Li or not, it actually didn't matter much to him.

In the Source Library, he had access to all kinds of information.

The admission fee of one thousand taels of silver is not something ordinary people can raise.

Therefore, the people who can enroll in the same class as Wang Linchi are at least rich.

Things like the emperor's affairs were also heard by Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi was also a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't show off his qualifications to enter the library. Otherwise, he would have been summoned to Kyoto, and it would have been uncomfortable to be involved in the discussion of etiquette.

Thinking about it this way, if Lao Li was transferred away, it might be possible that the emperor used his Luan Yiwei.

After all, it is the sharp knife in the emperor's hand.

"Dong dong dong~"

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Wang Linchi was a little helpless. The energy level of the world was too low, and coupled with the protection and isolation of the 'human skin', his thinking force field was a little difficult to spread out, and it was troublesome to leave the body, so he could not communicate with the outside world. Perception can only rely on the five senses.

"Here, who is it?"

Wang Linchi went to open the door. He originally thought it was Lao Li, but when he opened the door, he saw that it was Jin Cheng who was sitting next to him.

The other party was a young man, his family was rich, and he gave birth to a person with mediocre abilities. Therefore, in order for him to keep the family business or live a better life, his parents sent him to take the spiritual examination. If he passed the examination, he would not only be able to shine on his family , and it can also allow him to live without worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

"Brother Jin? What's the matter?" Wang Linchi asked.

"What's the matter? I had a quarrel with my father at home. I just came to stay with you for a few days." The other party walked towards his house with a carefree look.

He is not very capable, but his personality is more heroic. He is informal and the two have a good relationship.

"I remember you usually go to Brother Feng, why are you here?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

Jin Cheng was always scolded by his parents because of his poor grades, so after scolding him, he ran to his classmate's house to spend the night. Brother Feng, as Wang Linchi said, was his brother in trouble, but he was a little better than Jin Cheng and got B's more often.

Grades are divided into three grades, A, B and C.

A is excellent, B is qualified, and C is unqualified.

If you want to pass the assessment to qualify for the Mongolian Education Examination, you have to get a B grade at the minimum. Wang Linchi has this kind of grade. He is stuck with grades anyway.

If a person is well-behaved in the class, his grades will naturally be well-behaved in the class. He is not conspicuous and does not have bad grades.

Therefore, in the eyes of those lecturers, Wang Linchi was the kind of person who would definitely pass the assessment and take the Mengxue Examination, but the possibility of becoming a spiritual scholar was extremely slim.

"Brother Feng is also scolded at home." Jin Cheng was a little embarrassed.

Neither of them passed the test this time, so Jin Chengyi thought about it and came to Wang Linchi. Even if Wang Linchi failed, he would be fine. He only had one page in the entire household registration, so no one would scold him. .

"You came to my place to take refuge to calm down your anger." Wang Linchi felt that this guy was sincere.

Naturally, he didn't advise the other party to study hard and make progress every day. Jin Cheng was not in his first year at Yuanliu Library, but this year was already his fourth year. Anyway, he was just messing around.

It's actually quite good, at least you don't have to worry about cheating.

"I can't help it, I have nowhere to go." Jin Cheng was also sincere.

His ability to study and do business is not good, but he has one advantage, that is, he listens to arrangements. His father has told him which classmates he can contact and which ones he cannot.

For example, Wang Linchi was within reach, so he came to him.

"Okay, have you eaten? If not, I'll get you a bowl of Yangchun noodles." Wang Linchi asked.

"The relationship was so good. I was so busy being scolded at home that I didn't eat a single bite of the food on the big table. When I went to Brother Feng's house and listened to Brother Feng being scolded, I felt hungry and restless. In the end, I really had no choice. , I drank a cup of tea and hurried to your place, and now my stomach is so empty." Jin Cheng did not hesitate at all.

Wang Linchi was speechless after hearing this, and casually served him a bowl of noodles and sprinkled some chopped green onions.

Jin Cheng was also very hungry, so he rolled up a handful of noodles and put it in his mouth, just like drinking it, without fear of burning it at all.

After a few mouthfuls, the whole person became energetic.

"Huh~ I finally came to life. You are really good at making Yangchun noodles." Jin Chen couldn't help exhaling. After washing the dishes, he slumped down on the chair. If he looked like this again, Give him a cigarette, maybe he will be as happy as a god.

"On the way here, I spent some money to pick up something like this. It's a hundred taels of silver, which is just enough for you." Jin Cheng said and moved a big stone from outside the door.

"No, you have a hundred taels to go to a restaurant for a meal, and you even come to my place to have a bowl of Yangchun noodles." Wang Linchi couldn't laugh or cry, and then glanced at him: "Besides, this thing is just a stone, why? One hundred taels..."

"Hey, you don't understand. Have you ever heard of jade?" Jin Cheng didn't care about a hundred taels at all. He acted more casually and continued: "There are priceless gems that can be found here. , I am giving you a chance to become a rich man."

"Okay, let's put it aside. Forget about the chance of becoming a rich man, I think it's more practical to keep it as a stool." Wang Linchi understood instantly. He seemed to have a chance to cut off someone, and Jin Cheng specially sent it to him.

Since absorbing Bai Changsheng's complete luck, Wang Linchi's destiny luck has been able to bring some opportunities to his door, but it is relatively limited and he cannot get what he wants, and the value fluctuates greatly. The probability of coming to your door is less.

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