Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 423 The calamity of the end of the law that has already existed

"It came just in time. The entrance examination is just three days away."

Wang Linchi saw that his game character level reached level 31, and all functions were unlocked at this moment.

There are also shortcomings. They have all been reduced from level 1,000 to level 31 in the same proportion, which is not as good as in the heyday.

Touching the small gilded evil-proof beast pet in his hand, he put away his main and secondary weapons.

Then he tried to use his mental power and thinking force field to come out of his body to restore his perception and strength to normal.

As a result, the next moment, he discovered something that made him at a loss.

The mental power and thinking force field he had poked out were gone, as if they were annihilated as soon as he came out of the body.

"What's going on? Nothing happened before?" This is not the first time for Wang Linchi. He has released a small amount of mental power and thinking force field to investigate, but in fact this did not happen.

But now, something incredible happened.

He began to compare the differences in his mind, and soon, Wang Linchi released his thinking force field again, but this time it was not at the normal intensity, but only at the level 31 intensity of the game character.

This time nothing happened to the thinking force field and mental force, and then he increased his intensity.

The thinking force field and mental power were instantly annihilated.

"Only 31 levels of strength can be allowed. If it is any higher, it will be annihilated!"

Wang Linchi had a look on his face, he never expected this kind of development.

The world does not allow strength higher than level 31 to appear.

Wang Linchi directly summoned the Holy Master.

When the Holy Lord appeared, his body began to collapse. Within a second, the Holy Lord died directly.

Next, Wang Linchi limited the Holy Lord's strength to level 31, and there would be no problems when he reappeared.

"The world doesn't allow it, the environment is incompatible..."

"This situation is a bit too outrageous."

He really didn't expect that the world would be like this. The world was extremely strict in controlling all aspects of the body.

"In other words, I can only rely on technology if I want to cheat this time."

Judging from the battle armor he built before, this world only limits the development of extraordinary things. However, technological development will not change unless the world changes the rules of physics.

"Wait a minute, will the world's energy level continue to decline?"

"If it continues to fall, won't it become a demon-free era?"

Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of the Tribulation of the End of Law, but now the game level has not changed, and Wang Linchi has not officially become a spiritual warrior, so he can't notice it for a while.

But when he thought about it again, he couldn't help but become more and more certain when it matched up with the protagonist of the Eternal Life style.

Otherwise, Bai Changsheng, in the name of immortality, also has an innate spiritual gift called immortality, in order to allow him to live for a long time, and wait until the end of the law to set off major events such as spiritual energy recovery again. Escape from the tribulation of the end of law.

It is said to be put to death and reborn later.

The world obviously cannot withstand the catastrophe of Dharma Ending, so this situation occurs.

The normal Age of Ending is when the energy environment declines, but the Age of Ending in this world is different. Not only is the energy environment declining, but those that exceed the upper limit of the environment will be cut off directly. Those who are lucky can still survive, while those who are unlucky will directly perish. .

Of course, there is no way to reach the upper limit. After all, the imperial examination system limits the upper limit of spiritual scholars. Even if you are a Jinshi, it may only be level 30, so there is no way to go up.

That's a bit interesting. Who is the level 31 person?

"It's a pity that all kinds of historical books and ancient books of the previous dynasty were destroyed. After the Dajing Taizu uprising, he also deliberately blurred the past dynasties, making it difficult to trace the previous dynasty now." Wang Linchi naturally looked for history books, but what he could see , only this dynasty is recorded in more detail. It is not so easy to find the previous dynasties.

Someone did it on purpose.

Otherwise, it is impossible that there would be no records. Generally speaking, this dynasty will compile the history of the previous dynasty.

The Dajing Dynasty was different. They did not compile history books for the previous dynasty, but compiled history books for the current emperor.

"The dynasty fault is trying to cover up some secrets, right?" Wang Linchi thought about this matter.

He could understand that it was lost, but no matter how lost it was, it would not mean that it had not been passed down at all.

"Maybe it has something to do with the calamity of the end of the law."

"Forget it, it's none of my business whether it's relevant or not." Wang Linchi quickly realized that the calamity of the end of the law would not have a great impact on him. At most, it would be the destruction of the world.

Unlike Daxu and Abyss, who could really kill him.

There is a game character here, plus he is the embryo of the world, and now he has become an entity of his own. As long as the game character is not broken, the level will be reduced at most, which will not affect him.

Coupled with the human skin project, I will be safer in the future.

Furthermore, the Son of Destiny is an immortal stream, which means that the world will not perish in the short term. It will take at least a thousand years. Otherwise, how can it be called the immortal stream.

"No, I killed the protagonist, can it really last so long?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but fell silent when he thought about this.

Bai Changsheng is alive, and indeed he can live at least a thousand years.

Now that he's dead, that's not necessarily the case. Who knows what will happen.

For a moment, Wang Linchi was a little helpless. Sure enough, touching the protagonist would have unknown consequences.

"I hope there will be another immortal-style protagonist." Wang Linchi sighed. He knew that the protagonist was not the only one. As long as he was not near death, he could reappear after death.

But in this way, the origin of the world will inevitably be lost.

Naturally, the protagonist cannot be spawned casually. Otherwise, without any cost, wouldn't it be possible to directly solve the crisis by recruiting all the protagonists?

The reason why it is rare is because it is precious.

After putting the gilded evil-bending beast into his pocket, he made the Holy Lord disappear, and then he got up and went out. With his luck, he would definitely There will be gains.

Don't worry about the danger.

Although his current level is limited to level 31, he has a bug, that is, his whole body, whether it is pets, equipment or skills, is all level 31. When added up, his strength is not only level 31, but also Not to mention the Holy Lord and the battle armor stored in the storage space.

At least in this world, except for the calamity of the end of the law, he has been able to activate Wushuang.

It was precisely because of this that he was uncharacteristically prepared to go out and use his luck.

If someone really dares to make trouble with him next, Wang Linchi will let him ascend to heaven.

It's true that he stayed in seclusion and didn't cause trouble when his strength was not restored. Now that he has strength and is still feeling aggrieved, why would he become stronger?

"Your Majesty, the Grand Scholar has been killed with a stick." Old Li, or Commander Li, stood respectfully in front of a young man and said.

The young man was reviewing the memorial. He looked up at the commander whom he trusted deeply and said, "Yes, I understand. How is the ceremony?"

"Once the Grand Scholar is dead, no one will dare to refute His Majesty." In order to get rid of the Grand Scholar for Emperor Jing, Commander Li personally went to a remote place to lie dormant, and collected all kinds of criminal evidence and evidence of the Grand Scholar, and then he pulled the plug in one fell swoop. Down the opponent.

The young emperor had only been on the throne for a few months, and the battle for the throne had begun long ago. After all, the previous emperor had no heirs and there were many people who coveted him.

Of course, the young emperor was supported by the bachelor, but he was not willing to be controlled by the bachelor, so he made arrangements in advance and finally reaped the rewards.

"Okay, in another half-quarter of an hour, notify the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Rites to come over." The young emperor lowered his head and continued to review the memorial.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The eunuch on the side also responded immediately, and then left quietly.

Half an hour is right, but the official must leave early, otherwise how will he get to the imperial study in time.

"One more thing, you have to pay attention to the entrance examination in three days to avoid any accidents." The young emperor spoke to Commander Li again: "Although the Grand Scholar has been eliminated, even if his gang members are removed, the court will The prestige is not small, lest someone secretly make small moves."

The young emperor naturally knew that he had not been on the throne for a long time and his prestige was not enough.

Not to mention that he was born as a vassal king and his team was not enough. He could only use his power to balance the court. It would take some time to control the court.

"Your Majesty, don't worry." Commander Li responded.

"Go down and do some business." The young emperor waved his hand, signaling that he could leave.

Commander Li naturally bowed respectfully and left. When he left the royal study, he felt a chill in his heart. This new emperor was young and mature, and had ruthless methods. If he hadn't surrendered quickly, he wouldn't even have the chance to be a sword now. , the end will only be the same as that of the great bachelor who was killed with a stick.

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