Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 424: Imperial Examination System Computer? I will directly act as a transporter of classics!

The entrance examination started smoothly, and Wang Linchi was naturally among them.

However, Jin Cheng didn't go. With his unreliable grades, it was not surprising that he failed the exam when he wanted to obtain the qualification. He paid another year's tuition to stay, and he didn't know if he would be able to pass the exam next year.

At this time, Wang Linchi was sitting in a room. There was only a table and a chair in the room, and the other ones were pen, ink, paper and inkstones.

The head of the gold-plated evil-bending beast poked out from his cuffs. This thing was a bit intelligent. It might have been affected by the data rules. Wang Linchi pushed its head back.

When I walked to the seat, there was only a stack of white paper.

The content of the assessment is very simple. It is to compile everything you have learned, seen, and known into an article. Whether this article can make your spiritual bones and spiritual veins give birth to spiritual methods depends on you. .

The time is twelve hours, and you can hand in the paper in advance. When the time is up, whether you have finished writing or not, we will hand it in directly for you.

The number of pens, inks, paper and inkstones is also limited. If you make a mistake in the middle, whether it is due to lack of time or insufficient ink or paper later, that is also your problem.

Wang Linchi was thinking about what to copy.

Don't think that the broader and more empty the better, you have to combine it with your own spiritual bones and spiritual veins, rather than just bragging or talking on paper.

If you have limited abilities and are unable to practice them, you will ultimately fail to pass the assessment.

It doesn't mean that you can possess the spiritual method only if you pass the test, but that you can pass the test only if the spiritual method is born.

Many candidates get the key points wrong at the beginning and fail directly in the end.

Various classics began to appear in his mind, and soon, Wang Linchi found something he could copy.

"The absence of good and evil is the essence of the heart. The existence of good and evil is the movement of the will. Knowing good and evil is conscience. Doing good and eliminating evil is the investigation of things."

When he put down his pen on the white paper, Wang Linchi felt that his spiritual bones and spiritual veins were receiving something, and Wang Linchi immediately took control of it.

"Is this a mainframe computer?"

Wang Linchi couldn't help but narrow his eyes. What he wrote, combined with his own bone veins and a large computer, will eventually form a unique data for them. However, this data has a very serious problem, that is, the operation and The deduction depends on the data being put down.

"The real body is just Taixu. In Taixu, what are the sun, moon, stars, celestial bodies, wind, dew, thunder, lightning, haze, and suffocation? And what can be an obstacle to Taixu? The human heart The same goes for the original body."

"As soon as you realize your true nature, you will see the kung fu, and everything inside and outside you will be fully understood."

"Principle. There are things outside the heart in the world. Is there any reason beyond the heart?"

“In knowing there is action, in doing there is knowledge.”

“Knowing leads to action, knowing determines action.”

"There is nothing outside the heart, nothing outside the heart, and no reason outside the heart."


Lines of text were copied by Wang Linchi, and he continued to use his spiritual bones and spiritual veins to crazily pick up the wool of this large computer suspected to be called the imperial examination system.

The spiritual method Wang Linchi deduced with the help of it was extremely high-end, at least in his eyes.

Normally, this is bound to fail.

After all, he is not Wang Yangming, the last sage of Confucianism, and his ideological realm will definitely not reach that level.

So for him, he couldn't support this spiritual method, but he was cheating. It didn't matter if he couldn't support it. As long as the large computer of the imperial examination system could handle it, he forced the computer to deduce this spiritual method. come out.

Needless to say, this effect is really good. Even if the derived spiritual method cannot be used, Wang Linchi can use it as a reference to re-evolve a spiritual method.


Cracks were visible to the naked eye on the wall.

As he wrote, the words on the white paper became more and more confusing.

But it doesn't matter, the words on the white paper are just a load, and the information Wang Linchi received through his own spiritual bones and spiritual veins is not missing at all.

The more he wrote, the more energetic he became. After a few minutes, he sewed in the core of Gongyang Chunqiu that Dong Zhongshu had used.

"Great unity!"

"In the whole world, everything is the land of the king; on the shore of the land, there is nothing but the king's ministers."

"Great revenge!"

"The revenge of the ninth life can still be avenged."

Everyone only saw Dong Zhongshu deposing hundreds of schools of thought and respecting Confucianism alone, but no one saw the achievements of the empire's double walls in being able to seal the wolf and Xu. The environment was created by the Confucianism of the Gongyang School of the Spring and Autumn Period. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wanted to attack the Xiongnu. , that is a barbaric act of militarism.

The Han Dynasty was harassed by the Xiongnu. It just so happened that the ideas of the Gongyang School were very consistent with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, so they used it. Otherwise, without this situation, it would have been impossible to fight with hundreds of houses. The universal love of Mohism Non-attack is a problem, not to mention that there are schools such as Gu Liang within Confucianism.

Gong Yangru seems to have inherited the martial virtues of Confucius when he traveled around the world. The other party really dared to kill people with a knife, rather than just talking.

Of course, the decline of Gongyang Ru also came from the impact of all parties in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and finally declined and disappeared.

After Wang Linchi finished copying it, he felt that it was not enough, so he simply copied Dong Zhongshu's theory of the induction of heaven and man. He wanted to see if the large computer of the imperial examination system could handle it.

"Fire-stemmed wood, where wild insects come out early, and thunder travels early; earth-stem wood, where the embryos and eggs are young, birds and insects will cause many injuries; gold-stem wood, there are soldiers..."

As he copied more and more, the paper could no longer bear the words, and a large number of words floated into the air, floating randomly.

Wang Linchi thought this thing seemed interesting, and thought about it again. Anyway, he copied them all, and the text happened to float away, so he stuffed all the Four Books and Five Classics in.

This suddenly lit a powder keg.

There are many differences within Confucianism, and it is these differences that have created various schools of thought.

Wang Linchi forced his way in, which created a big problem.


After he finished copying "Spring and Autumn", the table exploded and the white paper was torn into pieces.

"It's a pity, I haven't finished copying it yet." Wang Linchi said with some regret.

Obviously the mainframe computer can't handle it.

Generally speaking, he had been judged to have failed long ago, but he was forcibly suppressed by Wang Linchi, so he couldn't force the deduction, otherwise Wang Linchi would have been kicked out long ago.

Wang Linchi stopped copying, which stabilized the entire space.

"The problem seems a bit big?" Wang Linchi suddenly discovered something. His spiritual bones and spiritual veins had been receiving the content of the spiritual method, but the spiritual method was scattered everywhere.

It felt to him like he was halfway through the deduction and found that he couldn't continue the deduction, and then changed the direction to continue the deduction. As a result, halfway, the road was blocked again, and he had to change another direction.

"No, please work harder." Wang Linchi also followed suit, but the content of his deduction was not spiritual magic, but the connection and essence between bones, pulses, and magic.

That's right, he didn't plan to use the spiritual method obtained from the Mengxue Examination from the beginning, even if he wanted to, he couldn't use it.

You must know that his spiritual bones and spiritual veins possess two innate spiritual gifts that are not of this world, including an uncertain mind and a wild mind. Not to mention that the raw materials for his spiritual bones and spiritual veins come from his clone. There is simply no way to succeed.

So he was essentially just going through the motions, but he didn't expect to confuse the computer of the imperial examination system.

But fortunately, these contents are indeed very good for Wang Linchi.

Time passed little by little, but Wang Linchi remained motionless.

A spiritual method composed of a large amount of content is being formed, and his spiritual bones and spiritual veins are also constantly growing and transforming.

Especially the spiritual veins, which were just a small part of the nerves before, are also growing as the spiritual method takes shape.

Wang Linchi estimated that as long as the spiritual method takes shape, the spiritual veins will completely form a neural network and be completely integrated with the spiritual bones.

And the spiritual method is naturally carried by the spiritual bones.

"The world must have had an extremely high energy level before. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the extraordinary means of such a high energy level, but in the end it would only have the manifestation of a low energy level."

Wang Linchi looked solemn.

There is only the last hour left, and Wang Linchi's spiritual skills are still a little bit behind. The main reason is that the imperial examination system computer seems to have run out of power and is getting slower and slower.

It's also possible that all roads are dead.

Just like the descendants of Duke Yansheng and the Confucian family, they had only this way to go.

At the last moment, a spiritual method full of confusion emerged, but was forcibly intercepted by Wang Linchi. Wang Linchi's transformation was also stuck in the last step.

If this really happened, he would have to sort it out again, which would take at least a year. He didn't have this time. Next, he would have to take the boy student exam.

He plans to directly upgrade the level of Lingshi to Jinshi within a year. This is not a problem. He can take the exams in order without worrying about missing time.

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