Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 428 I brought a gift this time, but as a son-in-law...

Liu Ling'er came to visit for the second time, and this time the other party brought gifts to win over Wang Linchi.

The main reason is that Wang Linchi is really outrageous.

It's not that no one can pass the entrance examination and the junior high school examination within one year, but these people are either from aristocratic families or talented people who have been cultivated by literary schools since childhood.

A person like Wang Linchi, whose resume looks like a mess at first glance, is simply too rare. What's more important is that Wang Linchi is not the type to accumulate a lot of experience, but can succeed by improvising.

"I never thought that after not seeing each other for more than a month, Brother Wang would now have the honor of being a child." Liu Ling'er looked a little complicated. If it weren't for the fact that the Liu family had great hands and eyes in Zhenhai City, she wouldn't have believed it was true.

"Lucky luck." Wang Linchi said modestly. Because he had become famous, the other party even changed his title. He used to call him Dr. Wang, but now he calls him Big Brother. In order to gain a closer relationship, he really sacrificed his face.

There are only a few dozen spiritual scholars in Zhenhaicheng and its surrounding areas who have passed the exams this year.

There are at least thousands of spiritual warriors in the entire Zhenhai City who have no reputation. As a result, only these few can succeed.

The higher you go up, the smaller the number of people will be.

Of course, over the years, the number of people will naturally increase.

Liu Linger also took the exam, but she still failed this year.

If you still don't get the meritorious status of a child after taking the exam for another three to five years, it will probably become more and more difficult in the future. The older you get, the slower your brain will naturally become.

There is no way that spiritual warriors can possess the ability to destroy heaven and earth. They are just a group of alternative low-level martial arts people. They have no ability to enhance their understanding, improve their IQ, or even extend their lifespan, let alone other things.

"Brother Wang is so humble. Those who can win a child are all outstanding people in Zhenhai City." How could Liu Ling'er fail to hear Wang Linchi's self-effacement.

"What's the point of being modest? It's true. You also know what's going on with me." Wang Linchi comforted him.

"Brother Wang must also know the purpose of my visit this time." Liu Ling'er's face straightened, and then said: "If Brother Wang is willing to marry into my Liu family and marry a concubine, my Liu family can go all out to support you, Brother Wang. In the next five years, I will be awarded the title of scholar."

"Ah?" Wang Linchi didn't expect Liu Ling'er to speak so straightforwardly.

That's the condition. It's really not good. She is a married woman and she is a concubine. This is bullying Wang Linchi because he has no background.

"The conditions are already very good. Brother Wang must have known how difficult the imperial examination is after going through the Tongsheng Examination. The next college examination will be a big wave of gold rush. There are less than ten people who can win the title of scholar in Zhenhai City a year. people."

"Without the support of the aristocratic family, it would be impossible to succeed." Liu Ling'er said with a serious face.

"Well... I still want to try it myself." Wang Linchi refused directly. He didn't really pass the exam. He cheated, cheated, and used force to coerce him. If he couldn't pass the exam, he would be a computer in the imperial examination system. I don’t want to live anymore.

This time he not only wanted to win the title of scholar, but also won the first place in the case.

There are no grades in the elementary school and children's examinations, but when it comes to scholarly examinations, there are grade rankings.

When Liu Ling'er heard this, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. She felt that Wang Linchi was deceived, why did he still want to try it.

"Okay, the Liu family will keep this condition for you. If it doesn't go well, you can come to the Liu family at any time." Liu Ling'er did not continue to persuade. In her opinion, Wang Linchi must experience cruelty before he can understand the truth. .

I will definitely come to the Liu family when the time comes.

"Then I'll be disrespectful." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

This time, Liu Ling'er didn't show any impatience after the failed recruitment. Instead, she chatted with Wang Linchi about other things before leaving his house.

Since our status is different, we naturally cannot use the same attitude.

"The Maison's monopoly is indeed powerful."

In fact, Liu Ling'er was right. If they didn't join the aristocratic family, most of the spiritual warriors would just achieve fame as children.

This aristocratic family naturally includes the imperial court, and the poor family can also be regarded as an aristocratic family. It belongs to a declining aristocratic family, and its heritage still exists.

Wang Linchi belongs to the class of Guizhou leaders, common people, and ordinary people, and represents the kind of people who cannot read a single Chinese character.

In addition to Liu Ling'er coming to solicit, other aristocratic families in Zhenhai City also came to solicit. The treatment was similar to that of the Liu family. They all married concubines. The difference was that the number of years they supported him in obtaining the title of scholar was that the Liu family was the most generous. It was given directly for five years, while for other aristocratic families it ranged from one to three years.

The imperial court's recruitment was the most direct and overbearing. Wang Linchi was given a ninth-grade official position. At this stage, it was a nominal position. He received some money every year plus daily necessities such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea.

When he officially joins the imperial court and becomes a member of the imperial court, he will become a ninth-rank official with real power, and his welfare benefits will also increase dramatically.

He also needs to bear corresponding responsibilities.

Wang Linchi didn't have much idea about this, as long as it didn't affect him.

As for the rest, after Wang Linchi is admitted to the scholar's examination, he will probably become famous.

In Zhenhai City, the spiritual scholars with the highest honors are just candidates, there are only seven of them in total. When they reach the level of scholar, they are actually the top officials of Zhenhai City.

However, after he was admitted as a scholar, he planned to sell his house and go to the next level of county promotion examination. How could he stay in Zhenhai City.

"The Liu family should have given up on Bai Changsheng, and this matter has been resolved." Wang Linchi felt relieved about this, and he was worried that something would happen again.

"The only pity is that the protagonist may no longer appear around me."

Wang Linchi felt a little regretful about this. The protagonist was really too good.

That value, if harvested again, might allow him to go one step further.

After all, spiritual warriors are also products of high energy levels. Even if the tiger is defeated, it is still a tiger.

After thinking about the future, Wang Linchi returned his attention to the improvements he had made so far.

He has successfully peeled it off, allowing the Wandering Horse to regain its active skills, and there are still two of them instead of one.

He split it into two abilities: Heart Ape and Ima.

The Heart Monkey is an attack type, which combines the first type of skills of the Saint Lord profession, making it high in damage and equipped with various debuffs and controls.

Yima is an auxiliary type. After being released, it can provide a full set of treatment, shield, purification, etc.

In addition, after integrating the Holy Lord's mobile professional skills, Xinyanyima can also obtain the effects of corresponding professional talents, equipment, pets, mounts, wings, etc.

These two skills are linked effects. After releasing the Heart Ape, you can carry the Ima. The strength depends on the consumption, and there is no cooling time, so it doesn't matter.

However, releasing Yi Ma will not synchronize the use of Heart Monkey, but will instead enhance the effect of Yi Ma.

If you cancel the linkage, it is also possible to only release the Heart Monkey.

"I didn't expect that the game characters and data rules should be reconciled, otherwise it would not be so easy to solve."

Wang Linchi discovered that the system of the game world did not directly increase Wang Linchi's combat power, but indirectly provided him with a large number of platforms.

In addition, there are two passive skills: Xin Yuan Wan De and Yima Si Chi. After he split Xin Yuanyima, he made certain improvements, turning them from reinforced materials into strengthened skills.

Its effect is to simply increase the two active effects of the monkey and horse, directly increasing the effect and power by 100%. In addition, when released, it can increase the impact and protection of the two phantoms of the monkey and horse, further improving the monkey and horse. Strength of.

Of course, it can also be turned off and used for sneak attacks.

If the phantom is not turned on, it will be the normal invisible and unsubstantial mode.

“It’s another step toward completing my system.”

"After I passively develop the soul seeds and soul seed page variants needed to increase cultural energy, I can further integrate the soul phase system."

Wang Linchi took a look at the messy situation in his body and had to take it step by step.

"Just change it directly to the Three Treasures System of Jing, Qi and Shen, and gradually balance it. Otherwise, something will happen to your legs and feet." After Wang Linchi thought about it for a while, he started his follow-up project.

"Don't agree?" After listening to Liu Ling'er's description, the head of the Liu family frowned: "It seems that he is sure to obtain the title of scholar."

"Isn't this... arrogant?" Liu Ling'er was a little confused.

"Let's see first, if he really passes the exam this time..." The head of the Liu family paused for a moment, and a glint appeared in his eyes: "Then he must have a lot of treasures in his body, and he will go out to recruit them."

"If you still don't want to, then kill him and seize the treasure."

Those who can control aristocratic families are not good people. If they are unable to recruit people and have no background, they will naturally kill them and take away the valuable treasures for their own clan's use.

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