Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 429 At Wen Tong’s banquet, why is fame and wealth only available to you?

"Wen Tong Banquet?" Wang Linchi was a little confused. He had an invitation in his hand, which was a bit strange.

Logically speaking, no one would look for him if nothing happened.

"It is jointly organized by the city's big families, aristocratic families, wealthy gentry, etc. Every year, spiritual men who have won the title of childbirth will participate."

"There are many seniors who have been here for many years. If you go, you can also get a lot of teachings." The servant who sent the invitation said respectfully.

When Wang Linchi looked at the invitation time, it was tonight.

"Yes, I understand. I will arrive on time." Wang Linchi accepted the invitation as soon as he put it away.

He just wanted to see what opportunity was prepared for him this time.

Otherwise, why would you specially invite him for no reason?

Originally, everyone was not on the same path, so there was no need for this.

No one would be comfortable if a mud-legged person got into a noble family.

The person who sent the invitation naturally left after receiving the reply.

After closing the door and going back to the house, Wang Linchi was also confused.

"Did you send it so late to show me off, or was it really too late?" Wang Linchi muttered softly.

It was already past the afternoon and it was already evening. When it was delivered at this time, Wang Linchi felt as if he was afraid that he would rush over.

This will make him late and lose face.

"No matter which one it is, let's wait until we get there. If it's really beneficial, I can give it to them as a face." Wang Linchi is a very realistic person.

In terms of actual benefits and superficial appearance, he would choose the former without hesitation.

Self-esteem doesn't matter, why bother worrying so much about life in a world that is about to perish.

"Yeah, it's really stuck like that." Wang Linchi shook his head, then simply packed up and left, heading towards the Zuihua Building where Wen Tong's banquet was held.

Don't mention it, the other party was really willing to spend money and booked the Zuihua Building directly. This place was not something ordinary people could go to. A meal would cost at least ten taels of silver, and there were only a few dishes without drinking.

But thinking about it again, this Zuihua Building is indeed expensive in front of ordinary people, but it is really average in front of spiritual people. After becoming a spiritual person, even the lowest one can get a social status, let alone this group of spiritual people who have the reputation of being born in childhood. All the scholars are ninth-grade officials. Even if they are serving falsely, they are not something Zuihualou can afford to offend.

After arriving at the place, he was given an invitation and a servant led him to his seat.

"Did you let me sit this time or did the host arrange the seat?" Wang Linchi asked with a raised brow.

When the boy heard this, he naturally knew that Wang Linchi was dissatisfied. After all, who could sit comfortably in the corner.

"Sir, this is arranged by the master's family. How can I dare to arrange the seats for you adults?" the boy replied immediately.

"Well, I understand, you can go down." Wang Linchi was now sure that the invitation was sent so late, which was to intimidate him, rather than to say that it was too late.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to arrange for this position.

As time passed, people naturally arrived one after another.

After several people around Wang Linchi sat down, all of them had expressionless faces. They must have felt unhappy, but they didn't say anything.

‘It seems that he is planning to praise someone. ’

‘Am I the one being compared? ’ Wang Linchi met other students in the same class as him. Most of them were seated in the front, and a few were in the middle.

However, these people are all from aristocratic and humble families. They are one of their own by nature, and they have connections.

As for Wang Linchi, who is old and has weak legs, it is best to use it to establish his authority.

He doesn't mind being used to establish his authority, provided that the benefit is sufficient and does not harm his own interests. If not, then don't blame him for getting angry.

As a foil to the protagonist for so many years, I have experienced a lot, and I still have some professional ethics. Whether it is a slap in the face script, a clown script, or a dog-licking script... Well, this script is more difficult, and he has never experienced it. So there may be flaws, but the rest of the script is masterful.

‘From the Liu family? ’

The banquet started to warm up, and according to the procedure, the candidate who was going to create momentum this time had already jumped out. The other party was also capable, not a playboy, and soon became the central figure of the banquet.

If things go well next, find another clown to come out and compare, then the opponent's momentum will be even higher, and he will become famous in Zhenhai City and even the entire county in a very short period of time.

"Brother Liu Keng is really a great talent, but to be considered a great talent, he has to be someone in our same class. He just passed the Tongsheng Examination and then applied for the Academy Examination. I don't know if he is arrogant or arrogant. ." A sinister voice rang out, and everyone in Zuihua Tower heard the sarcastic words.

Wang Linchi knew that this was definitely for him. The others had connections and backgrounds, but he didn't. If you didn't choose him to be the clown, who would you choose?

But he didn't react at all, but looked like he didn't know anything.

Seeing that Wang Linchi didn't answer, the other party's face became a little ugly, and then he shouted to Wang Linchi: "Wang Linchi, do you know who this person is?"

"I don't know." Wang Linchi shook his head, looking like he didn't know anything about this.

"Hey, you really pretend to be confused because you understand. This person is you." The other party came over and said arm in arm with Wang Linchi, but his voice was not quiet at all. Everyone looked over. Some sympathize and some disdain.

"You know it's me?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"How can I not know this?" The other party has not realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Oh, you know, can I ask where you knew it?" Wang Linchi continued to dig holes.

"Don't let others know unless you do it yourself. It's not easy to know. But compared with you, I don't have..." The other party seemed to want to ridicule and belittle, and next he would lead to the descendant of the Liu family. When used as a contrast.

Wang Linchi reached out and pressed him down, and also caught him, interrupting his words.

Seeing this, everyone stood up immediately. Some people wanted to scold them, but were interrupted by Wang Linchi.

"Article 95 of the Dajing Lulu Lingzi Chapter, the list of merits and honors of spiritual scholars, is a state secret. Those who are not subordinate to officials will be imprisoned for three years, those who pass it on in private will be imprisoned for ten years, and those who pass it on to the public will be executed."

"Spiritists are available."

"You've done something wrong!" Wang Linchi shouted loudly, and for a moment, everyone's expressions changed.

"You...you are talking nonsense!" The spiritual warrior who was held down by Wang Linchi was stuttering when he spoke. He didn't know this at all.

"Brother Wang, why bother going online? This is just a misunderstanding." Someone came out to smooth things over.

"Could the imperial law be a misunderstanding? Are you colluding with him? Otherwise, why would you be so eager to jump out and exonerate him?" Wang Linchi exuded a power that made the other party speechless.

"This...this...isn't this an escape from guilt? It's just a trivial matter." The other party was also flustered at this time.

The other party was conveniently held down by Wang Linchi.

"A trivial matter? Stealing state secrets is a trivial matter. It seems that you are indeed an accomplice."

"The list of scholars is kept sealed in the Yamen Mansion and cannot be seen by non-officials. Even if subordinate officials see it, they are not allowed to spread it privately, let alone advertise it in public. You two are not officials, how do you know it? Such a matter of state secrets?" Wang Linchi sneered.

"I wonder who else is willing to speak out for these two people?"

Wang Linchi glanced at everyone, and those he looked at couldn't help but lower their heads.

Even the Liu family disciple didn't dare to speak.

He is also afraid of causing trouble to his family.

There is indeed such a clause in the Dajing Law, but because there is already a connection between the aristocratic family and the Yamen, and because they are both members of the same family, they just read it, so everyone tacitly forgot about it.

Who would have thought that Wang Linchi would be so unruly and dare to use this law as a means of counterattacking them to suppress him.

There is nothing we can do now, we can only protect ourselves wisely.

"Everyone, I have already written it down. Next, I will take the thief to the Yamen. I hope you can cooperate with the Yamen and investigate carefully what the intention of these two people is to leak state secrets in public."

"So I invite you all to go together and let the Yamen punish the traitors to set the record straight." Wang Linchi forced everyone to go together.

This means that either everyone is tainted, or two people die to save the majority.

The people present naturally understood what Wang Linchi meant, and their faces turned a little green. They were left with a choice.

In the friendship between the two plastic friends and their own reputation, everyone would sacrifice the two plastic friends without hesitation. What does the death of the other plastic friend have to do with themselves? It's not like they did it. If you want to blame, just blame Wang Linchi.

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