Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 431 Liu’s orphan went to mourning, intending to take revenge

The news that the Liu family was wiped out caused an uproar throughout Zhenhai City, directly surpassing Wang Linchi's previous troubles.

This incident naturally alarmed Kyoto. After all, a family was wiped out, and it was a large family with nearly a thousand people in total. No one escaped.

The only one who survived was the eldest son of the Liu family who went to the capital to participate in training. However, after hearing the bad news, he rushed back to Zhenhai City.

Liu Yu's expression was gloomy and sad. When he came back from the capital, the most common saying he heard in Zhenhai City was that the Liu family would die if they did many unjust things and suffered divine punishment, so that's why the red light fell from the sky.

But he didn't believe it. He wanted to believe that it was the spiritual method of a certain spiritual man.

He also knew that this was probably his imagination. After all, if the spiritual skills of the spiritual masters were so powerful, how could it be the turn of foreigners to offend the Jing Dynasty.

Bandits from the south and captives from the north have always been a major concern for the Dajing Dynasty.

"I just want to know what happened back then." Liu Yu asked. At this time, he was suppressing his madness. If something went wrong, he might really become a mad dog.

The governor of Zhenhai City is not afraid at all. He is just a lost dog. If he really messes up, he can just suppress him.

If the other party is smarter, he can endure it for the sake of continuing the Liu family. With a leader like him here, it will be possible for three or five generations to survive, and if the succession continues, it is possible to return to a small aristocratic family.

"As you heard, red light fell from the sky. All places in the Liu family shrouded in red light would either catch fire or explode, and if anyone was touched, they would turn into charcoal." The prefect said calmly.

"I'm asking if you know who did it?" Liu Yu didn't want to know this.

"Falling from the sky, do you think it was done by humans?" The prefect is not used to this kid. He really thinks you are the elder. If the Liu family was still there, he would have tolerated it for the sake of the balance in the city. Now he has no intention of caring about you at all. .

Liu Wei couldn't help but hesitated, and finally nodded: "Then I want to know who the suspects are, so that's okay."

The prefect immediately understood what Liu Yu meant. He just wanted some people to be buried with the Liu family. These people were all those who had recently had a grudge against the Liu family or had offended the Liu family.

Hearing this, the prefect couldn't help but have a sarcastic look on his face: "Where is the suspect? The whole city knows about the Liu family."

He is not stupid, why should I give it to him? If I really want to give it to him, what will happen if Liu Yu counterattacks him and lets him catch it.

Furthermore, after the Liu family is gone and the Liu family is gone, there is no value at all. Why should you help him? Not only will he not be able to eat mutton, but he will also be made to suffer from mutton.

It is true that Liu Yu was a spiritual scholar with a reputation as a scholar, but no one in Zhenhai City would recruit him.

The other party must be thinking of revenge. He is almost going crazy. Recruiting him will not only not be a help, but will be a hindrance.

As for going to other cities to accept recruitment, that should be no problem, but how could outsiders become the core so easily, let alone easily use the resources of the family.

This made Liu Yu's face darken, and then he nodded gloomily: "I understand."

He knew that he was defeated by everyone. Without the Liu family, no one would care about him.

Even though this prefect was once a head shorter than the Liu family, he still looks down on him now.

Only those with spiritual masters from aristocratic families can squeeze into the upper class circles. Those without spiritual masters from aristocratic families, at the very least, have to be from a poor family.

"After attending the funeral, you'd better go to Kyoto. That's where you should go. Zhenhai City is too small." The eunuch said.

This doesn't mean it's good for him, but it means that with the Liu family gone, there is no place for you in Zhenhai City. If you stay, don't blame them for being cruel.

Considering that we have worked together in the past, it would be very good just to drive you away.

Liu Yu, who had taken two steps, stopped immediately.

"If I go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs in Kyoto and report back to Zhenhaicheng to take up a post, how high an official position do you think I can get, Grand Administrator?" Liu Yu said calmly.

This is threatening the governor in turn. When the time comes, he will come back with the appointment from Kyoto. Not to mention other things, it will not be very difficult to take away a governor like him and harm the aristocratic families in the city. At worst, they will die together.

The prefect's face changed slightly.

"I will send you all the information related to the Liu family in the past month." The eunuch did not expect that the other party would dare to risk his own life to compete with his future.

If Liu Yu really wants to do this, the prefect will lose his black gauze hat because of his defiance, but Liu Yu will be dead.

So he could only take a step back to calm Liu Yu's madness.

Why should he let his future suffer setbacks because of such a trivial matter.

"I hope it can be delivered to me in the evening. It's better to be complete." Liu Yu compromised. There was no other way. He really couldn't collect enough information on his own.

And there are many secrets behind the scenes that he cannot find out even if he wants to.

"Okay." The prefect flicked his sleeves and turned to leave.

He didn't want to stay any longer. Liu Yu didn't know anything about it, and the family behind him was gone, so he dared to threaten him. It was simply unreasonable.

Liu Yu looked at the ruins of the Liu family with no trace of emotion in his eyes, and he didn't know what crazy things were thinking in his mind.

For him, with the Liu family gone, many things no longer have any meaning.

"Oh, there really are no tigers in the mountain, and the monkey is the king." Wang Linchi looked at the invitation on the table with a somewhat disdainful expression.

After the Liu family was wiped out by him, the fights between the aristocratic families in the city became more and more fierce, with all kinds of wooing, suppression, etc., even he was affected.

He is a spiritual man and has a great reputation, so naturally he cannot escape from this vortex.

"But then again, why hasn't the opportunity come yet? Isn't it in the Liu family?"

"But the Liu family was blown up by me, and even Lingbao couldn't bear it."

Lingbao is not a solid thing, it is just some special items, both in terms of material and quality, they are actually very average.

Just like the jade in his hand, it can be easily crushed by him.

"Forget it if you don't have it. I'm not bad at it anyway." Wang Linchi is very open to opportunities and doesn't really care about these things.

The main reason is that the energy level of this world is low, and the opportunities it can produce are of little use. The most useful thing is probably the imperial examination computer, and the others are younger brothers.

"Brother Wang, open the door!" Jin Cheng's voice came from outside the door.

Since he became a spiritual warrior, Jin Cheng has come to see him more and more often, probably because his father asked him to come.

"Come on, come on." Wang Linchi opened the door, and the other party was carrying large and small bags of things: "You come here as soon as you come, why do you spend so much money every time."

"Look at what you said, Brother Wang. This thing costs a lot of money. If you stand out with your status, I don't know how many people want to give it to you. They don't have the means yet." Jin Cheng agreed.

Unlike other spiritual warriors, Wang Linchi still lives a very simple life, with not even a single servant in his small house.

After Jin Cheng came in, he put the large and small bags aside and brought back the food box at the door.

"Try some of Tianxianglou's signature dishes." As he said that, Jin Cheng also started to put it on the table and poured himself another glass of wine. He knew that Wang Linchi didn't drink, and he wouldn't drink it if he poured it for him.

"Hey, you kid won't use my name to ask your father for money again recently." Wang Linchi saw this scene and thought about it. It was definitely not something he could afford.

"That's right. Anyway, Brother Wang, you eat the bulk, and I'll mix some wine with you." Jin Cheng said.

"If you had put your thoughts into reading, you would have become a spiritual man by now." Wang Linchi complained. Wang Linchi didn't have much ill feelings toward Jin Cheng. After all, he had given himself an opportunity, and his personality was also good. They're not the kind of people who don't know what's called and can be fair-weather friends.

It was also limited to fair-weather friends. He naturally knew that Jin Cheng wanted to curry favor with him, otherwise how could he be so diligent in coming.

"It's not that material anymore." Jin Cheng also shook his head. He had tried hard, and after receiving consecutive C scores in the follow-up assessment, he knew that Wang Linchi was comforting himself. After taking a sip of wine, he Said: "Liu Yu of the Liu family is back, Zhenhai City will not be peaceful again."

"Liu Yu? Where did he come from? Isn't the Liu family dead?" Wang Linchi was stunned. He didn't expect that one of them was missing.

"He is the only one left. He went to Kyoto for a trip to increase his knowledge and gain the honor of being a tribute. Unexpectedly, he did not get the honor and the Liu family was gone. He had to come back to attend the funeral and deal with the family affairs." Jin Cheng As he said this, he reminded him again: "Brother Wang, you have to be careful. He was originally a mad dog. Now that he has killed the whole family, he may involve many people."

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