Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 432 Luan Yiwei, Demon Suppressing Relic

"A mere child dares to make our Liu family lose face." Liu Yu looked at a small courtyard with a trace of distortion on his face.

After receiving the information given to him by the prefect, he quickly made a list.

He killed them all one by one. With his strength, he used spiritual techniques to carry out sneak attacks and killed every one of them accurately.

When all the people on the list are killed, he will leave Zhenhai City to obtain fame. After he becomes famous, the prefect and the aristocratic family will slowly prepare the plan.

Of course Liu Yu knew that there was a lot of cover-up in the information given by the prefect. It involved either side branches, insufficient background, or insufficient potential. The worst thing was that Wang Linchi had no connections at all.

But Liu Yu didn't care about this matter. For him, revenge was the focus, and it didn't matter who died.

After climbing over the courtyard wall, he came face to face with Wang Linchi.

"Thief?" Wang Linchi muttered quietly.

This made Liu Yu feel insulted, but he quickly adjusted his mentality. He looked at Wang Linchi with disdain and said, "You were the one who ruined my brother's plan to become famous?"

"Your brother? Oh, you are the remnant of the Liu family." Wang Linchi scolded the other party without hesitation.

He also used him as a stepping stone in order to gain fame. I really thought he had a good temper.

As soon as the words "die and remnant" came out, Liu Yue's face suddenly turned very ugly.

"I originally planned to give you a happy one, but now you have to pay the price for your outspoken words!" Liu Yu said coldly.

"Ah, you're going to kill me, and you don't allow me to scold you. The Liu family is so overbearing." Wang Linchi complained. This guy most likely has a brain disorder. He may have been too stimulated. Causing him to go crazy.

"You are like this. Your arrogant father and ungrateful brother are all like this."

"By the way, do you want to know how they died? Let me tell you, they were..." Wang Linchi kept talking, deliberately irritating Liu Yu.

This look is quite a villain.

"You deserve to die!!!" Liu Yu broke through his defense and used his spiritual magic to attack Wang Linchi without hesitation.

However, the Holy Master grasped the opponent's spiritual method immediately.

Liu Yu's expression was full of incredulity. Why didn't he notice the monster appeared from somewhere?

"Yes, your father had the same expression when he died, and then his spine and head were ripped out." Wang Linchi said sadly.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yu's eyes turned red.

"You did it!!!" Liu Yu wanted to break through the Holy Lord like crazy, but was easily suppressed by the Holy Lord.

He still wanted to speak, but his tongue was ripped out by the Holy Master and his teeth were smashed.

"Not only that, he was stuffed into a latrine after death." Wang Linchi walked over and whispered.

Liu Yu kept struggling, his eyes seemed to want to chop Wang Linchi alive.

"I don't like the look in your eyes, it makes me feel uncomfortable." Wang Linchi said, the Holy Master directly opened the other person's eyes, and then Wang Linchi continued: "By the way, I also killed your whole family."


The struggling Liu Yu became more and more crazy. He really didn't expect the truth to be like this.

"Ahem~ Your Majesty... will... avenge me!" Liu Yu was so angry that he spit out a large mouthful of blood from his mouth and said in a muffled voice. Because he had no tongue, his whole speech was a little distorted.

But it doesn't matter, Wang Linchi understood the meaning.

"It's a good idea, but who knows where you died." Wang Linchi didn't care at all.

How could a madman who came here for revenge tell people the steps and sequence of his murder?

The Holy Lord directly crushed Liu Yu's head, causing him to die on the spot.

"I've seen the arrogance of the aristocratic family this time." Wang Linchi really didn't have much favorable impression of the aristocratic family.

What's wrong with the mud legs? Counting up every household, there are no ordinary people.

Things that keep your bloodline noble are called pets.

After touching the body, a lot of things were found from Liu Yue's body.

"Luan Yiwei?" Wang Linchi found a special small object. Others may not know it, but he has seen it before.

Lao Li from the shop next door had one on him. This thing represented Luan Yiwei's identity and official position, but it was relatively secretive, and most people wouldn't know it even if they saw it.

"No wonder he is so arrogant. Co-author joined Luan Yiwei. It seems that he was specially trained by the current Emperor Jing. Otherwise, how could he dare to say that he would avenge him."

Wang Linchi casually kneaded the small object into a ball, then crushed it into pieces and then threw it away with the trash.

What's the use of keeping this kind of thing? He can't use it, but it will cause trouble.

In addition, a small brocade box was found on Liu Yue's body and sealed with beeswax.

"I still have a mission, can't it be a chance?" Wang Linchi thought about it and realized that it was really possible.

Otherwise, it is unlikely that someone would kill someone on purpose. The Liu family's opportunity will most likely come here.

Without hesitation, he opened the brocade box, and what he saw was a black bone ball. When he reached out and touched it, it looked a bit like burned bones.

Commonly known as relics.

"It seems to have been contaminated by something, but due to the catastrophe of the End of the Dharma, the pollution was annihilated, leaving only an empty shell."

Wang Linchi quickly identified some aspects of this unique relic.

"It's a little weird that it doesn't work."

Taking a closer look, there are many lines on it, which seem to be some kind of writing. Various classics come to mind and are translated.

"Tai, in the 31st year of the First Yuan Dynasty, Monk Jipu used his body to suppress the demon here."

Tai is the Tai Dynasty, the previous dynasty of the Jing Dynasty.

It means that a monk named Jipu uses his body to suppress the existence called demon here.

"Monk? Demon?" Wang Linchi was confused for a moment, what kind of ghost is this?

Because the fault was too serious, Wang Linchi didn't understand what was happening at all.

"Is the fault caused by demons?" Wang Linchi thought about this.

"Then does the monk mean that he is a spiritual scholar from the previous dynasty?"

"The demon is some kind of invasive species or enemy, but due to the advent of the Doomsday Tribulation, the demon couldn't adapt to the environment and disappeared.

"Then what is the use of this thing if the emperor wants it?"

Wang Linchi thought about this. This thing was definitely not what Liu Yu wanted. The current Emperor Dajing ordered him to collect it.

"Does he want to pursue the power of a demon or a monk?"

"If it's the former, it always feels like a way to die." Wang Linchi complained.

Wang Linchi knew that the current Emperor of Dajing was an unparalleled genius. He was young but capable. Before he ascended the throne, he had already obtained the title of Jinshi. What was even more extraordinary was that his spiritual bones were 360. Fifteen yuan, that is, the spiritual pulse is a little short, only nine feet and eight.

It is precisely because of this kind of qualifications and skills that he can secure the throne.

After nearly three months of debates over rituals, he successfully promoted his deceased biological father and mother to become the late emperor, and then started the reform of the entire Dajing Dynasty.

In order to enhance national power, Wang Linchi also felt some changes.

But it's just feelings, and it doesn't have much to do with him. The other party's reforms are aimed at the larger level, that is, the aristocratic family.

Wang Linchi belongs to the bottom, so there is no way to influence him.

As for reforming the spiritual men, Wang Linchi felt that Emperor Jing did not dare to dig up the root cause.

He put away the demon-suppressing relic. This thing should be a precursor to some subsequent opportunities. It might also be an opportunity itself, but Wang Linchi didn't see it.

When I go to Kyoto, I may be able to trigger it further.

If that doesn't work, you can go to Kyoto to look up information.

Even if it has no use, Wang Linchi can keep it as a souvenir.

"Speaking of demons, including this, there are already three varieties." Wang Linchi felt that there were too many varieties of this thing.

The heavenly demons in the first world, the abyss demons in the second world, plus the unknown demons that popped up in this world.

"Well, it should be the word demon."

On the other side, the Holy Lord came back slowly after taking care of Liu Yu's body.

After the one-stop funeral service, Liu Yu's final destination was the same as his father's.

At this point, the Liu family was completely dead.

The follow-up will definitely not be that simple. A Luan Yiwei has disappeared and is also serving as Emperor Jing. Kyoto will definitely send people to investigate again.

Of course, this is not to avenge Liu Yu, but most likely to get this demon-suppressing relic.

Wang Linchi wasn't worried. They couldn't find him, and they didn't have any motive to suspect him. It was possible to investigate, but no matter how much they did, they wouldn't be able to.

Even if there is, Wang Linchi is not afraid. If the other party can find it, he will be better.

If you use force, don't blame Wang Linchi for blowing up the palace.

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