Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 433: The leader of the court examination case, a gentleman does nothing

Wang Linchi did not wait for Luan Yiwei's investigation, but the imperial examination began first.

Thinking about it, Liu Yue was originally a secret guard, and his identity was not clear. In addition, it would take time for the news of his disappearance to spread. After many rounds, maybe Ruan Yiwei's side was not aware of Liu Yue's affairs. Just think of it as him carrying out the mission.

But the imperial examination is different. There is a fixed time, and it is there when it arrives. It is impossible to delay. If you are late, it is your business, not the imperial examination's business.

“The decoration is much better.”

Wang Linchi looked at the exam space this time and saw that it was better than the last Tongsheng exam.

"It's just a bit flashy. The decoration is so pretty but useless. It's all fake." Wang Linchi complained.

The decoration and furnishings are good, but the only things used for exams are tables, chairs, paper, ink, pens and inkstones, and the other things have not grown at all.

When I looked at the two articles on the table, they were still garbled. Fortunately, Wang Linchi was used to it. Anyway, he was just here for a formality. He plagiarized the whole process and used force to force it. Talent didn't matter, fists were the reason. .

"Hopefully it will be stronger this time."

Wang Linchi actually wanted to move all the computers in the imperial examination system and turn the buses into private cars. Then he could use them however he wanted.

However, the idea was good, but the actual situation was that he couldn't move away, otherwise there wouldn't even be a hair left for them.

Moreover, he suspected that after his disaster, the computers of the imperial examination system may have been irreversibly damaged, commonly known as being damaged.

I don’t know if he can be raised well if he takes it back. It’s better to be more rough when he uses it and let others take over when the time comes.

The great cause of copying books started again, this time it was much stronger than the previous two times, but it didn't last long, and soon it began to be unbearable.

Wang Linchi is still using force, but the difference is that this time he is also tampering with the results to make himself the leader of this college examination, that is, the first place.

This first place is actually relatively limited. It is only the first place in Zhenhai City. After all, it is impossible to gather all spiritual scholars together by dividing the area. The entire Dajing Kingdom is not small and there are many cities. As a result, the ranking of scholars is based on cities. The main one is the county, and when it comes to Juren, the county is the region.

The Gongshi at the back is the state, and the Jinshi is naturally the entire Dajing Kingdom.

While he was correcting his grades, Wang Linchi saw a large piece of the wall fall off, apparently because his behavior went too far.

The reason why Wang Linchi focused on the head of the case was naturally because the first place was rewarded, which could further improve his spiritual bones, spiritual veins and spiritual methods. The former two increased his qualifications, while the latter increased his power.

Although he said that the spiritual method had not yet produced an effect, Wang Linchi was able to intercept it and then analyze it, and then it could be unified and strengthened.

"Fortunately, it's a scholar-level one. If it were a child-level one before, it might not be able to withstand such a disaster like me."

Wang Linchi watched the time return to zero. He successfully passed the assessment and directly obtained the superior score of the head of the case through special means.

After leaving the examination space, all the Spiritual Masters present fell silent.

Many spiritual men knew about Wang Linchi, a special person, but they couldn't accept it at all.

In their minds, how could Wang Linchi, who had a weak leg and had not studied for long, pass the college examination? What was even more ridiculous was that he could beat all of them and become the leader of the case.

The reason why we know Wang Linchi is the leader of the case is very simple, because he had special effects when he came out.

Wang Linchi didn't even look at this group of people. So many people came to take the college exam, but only a few passed it, and most of them failed.

"It's really ridiculous. How can people like this get the title of scholar." A student who failed the exam couldn't help but murmured to himself. He was from a distinguished family background and couldn't pass the exam. How could a poor guy who had only studied for a long time pass the exam? , it’s simply cheating!

However, he did not dare to say this loudly, because they all knew that it was impossible to cheat in the imperial examination. If you really could cheat, why would you bother taking this exam?

After Wang Linchi left, he began to sort out the harvest, and this time he obtained four spiritual gifts.

He finally figured it out. The further he went up the exams, the less and less his spiritual gifts became.

According to this rule, there are only three imperial scholars, two tribute scholars, and only one top imperial scholar.

"Six Arts, Five Virtues, Four Impartments..."

[Do not act rashly: When attacked, it will cause physical damage to the attacker simultaneously]

[Bu Tuyu: When attacked, it will cause energy damage to the attacker simultaneously]

[Not demanding: When attacked, it will cause a negative status to the attacker simultaneously]

[Not in vain: Causes counter-injury damage to the attacker when attacked]

After Wang Linchi read it, he wanted to complain that the effect had nothing to do with the name. The first three were synchronized, and the last one was directly counterattacked.

When the enemy attacks him, he takes damage along with it and has to bear the counter-injury.

However, there are limitations. Wenqi is still required. Whether it is synchronized damage or counter-injury, the intensity depends on Wang Linchi's strength. The stronger Wang Linchi is, the higher the damage caused.

The good news is that the thinking force field, the heart light shield, and the soul barrier can also be triggered. As he sorts out, the soul seeds and soul seed pages and other derivatives are integrated into one, and the cultural energy also becomes a part, so the opponent does not have to attack the king. Linchi can be triggered as long as the protective layer on Wang Linchi is attacked.

At the same time, Wen Qi has been further improved and has the corresponding energy enhancement effect. In other words, if Wang Linchi uses Wen Qi, he can further improve his body, spirit, soul and other all-round qualities.

There was a slight conflict, that is, Wang Linchi's mental power was too great, and his literary energy was too weak, which resulted in his weak literary energy and his inability to further strengthen Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi's plan is to take a back seat to mental strength, because growing too fast can easily lead to imbalance, which is not as good as a fully developed literary spirit, and it also has many special effects.

Unfortunately, Wenqi has not been perfected yet, and the cost of using it at this stage is too high, so Wang Linchi can only put it on hold for the time being, and then further develop and utilize it after Wenqi is perfected.

"As for the reward for the head of the case." Wang Linchi looked at the mass of matter that was restrained in his thinking force field. It was somewhat similar to the innate matter that he had used to increase his potential, but the difference was that this innate matter had limitations. sex.

It can only be used to enhance spiritual bones, spiritual veins and spiritual gifts, and the quantity is relatively small.

This is just the beginning of the case. There are also the follow-up Jieyuan, Huiyuan, and Zhuangyuan, and the rewards are more generous. They can not only strengthen the bone vein method, but also strengthen the spiritual gifts, including the innate spiritual gifts. If you win three yuan in a row, you can even Trigger the highest reward.

As for what the rewards are, Wang Linchi doesn't know. There are very few spiritual scholars who can win the first prize, Jieyuan, Huiyuan, and Zhuangyuan. There are only two people in the Dajing Dynasty for so many years.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to tell this secret to the public. Even if they do tell it, people who can know the news will not talk about it with big mouths.

And these two people left a strong mark in Dajing and brought Dajing to a higher level.

"Pack up, it's time to go to the county government." Wang Linchi first went to the government office to change his name. After returning, he planned to pack his things and go to the county government office in Baishan County to sign up for the provincial examination to obtain the title of Juren.

As for the house in Zhenhai City, it was sold immediately, and he didn't really want to continue living here.

In fact, he could see that the aristocratic families in Zhenhai City could no longer accommodate him.

After passing the Lingshi merit examination so smoothly and getting the first case, Wang Linchi rejected their solicitation again, and his vigilance towards him had reached its highest peak.

If Wang Linchi married into a noble family, he would be suppressed at best.

But Wang Linchi not only did not join any aristocratic family, but also rose up as a mud-legged man, which threatened the status of the local aristocratic family.

No one wants to see the birth of a new mud-legged family. This is dividing their interests.

If Wang Linchi takes root in Zhenhai City and obtains the title of Juren at the same time, then he is likely to encounter unruly methods such as assassination and poisoning.

He sold the house and went to the county government again, indicating that he did not plan to come back. The aristocratic family could not pursue him fiercely. As long as he did not compete with them for the interests of this three-quarter acre of land, they did not need to take the risk and attack.

Wang Linchi is not afraid of these aristocratic families. They are just low-level warriors. How can they compare to his combat armor?

It was just that there was not much need for a conflict, so after the others left, he quietly came back at night to search for the wealth of the aristocratic family and the Yamen.

They didn't give him a parting gift, so Wang Linchi could take it himself without worrying about being suspected by them. After all, everyone else had left, so it was naturally impossible for him to do such a bad thing.

Then there might be a dog-eat-dog situation again, which is funny to think about.

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