Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 434: Heavenly Human Body and Relics, Demons Eliminated by the Environment

"Books, money, spiritual treasures..."

Wang Linchi took inventory of the things in the storage space. Regardless of whether they were useful or not, he plundered them all and got them into his hands. Whether they were useful or not would be discussed later, but Wang Linchi just wanted to disgust them and make them feel uncomfortable.

He was already very restrained when he didn't use laser to clean the floor. Compared to Baihe County, Zhenhai City was actually very bad for him.

The reason why there is no laser cleaning is because the massacre of the city is too big, and he will also be implicated by then. Although he went to Baishan County, he will definitely be found for such a big thing.

He still needs the help of Dajing Chao to send him to the imperial examination space. Seeing that there is only one chance left, he must bear it for a while.

After that, if the anger subsides, forget it. If the anger doesn't subside, it's not too late to come back and take revenge.

"Brother in front, wait a minute." Wang Linchi was riding on his horse, and a voice came from behind.

When he looked back, he saw an old man wearing linen clothes and a granddaughter...grandson.

The old man was nothing special, he looked like an old farmer, but the grandson brought by the other party had red lips and white teeth, and was wearing tulle.

Let's put it this way, if Liu Ling's children's skills of disguising themselves as men had been learned from this man disguising themselves as women, the flaws would have been reduced by half.

"Is something wrong?" Wang Linchi pulled the reins, stopped his horse, and asked.

"I have something to do. I want to invite you..." When the old man heard this, he also said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm not free." Wang Linchi refused before the other party could say his request: "Do I look like someone who has been taken advantage of?"

This made the old man's smile falter.

There is nothing wrong with the old man's dress, but there is a problem with the other party's grandson's dress at a glance.

That look is definitely pampered, but it turns out that you are doing well. Isn't it a bit wrong to follow you walking under the scorching sun?

After all, you have to take a carriage and have a servant waiting by your side.

"This little brother, you are talking about..."

"What I mean is that I am a spiritual man and I still have the reputation of being a scholar. Now don't play tricks on me and hand over the things that buy your life. Otherwise, you will be killed but not buried." Wang Linchi said directly.

As for whether it was a misunderstanding, it didn't matter. Anyway, he felt that after killing the protagonist, he should stand in the villain's camp. After killing and setting fire, it was not too late to block the road and rob him again.

The old man's smile froze for a moment, and then it calmed down: "Immediately, the Holy Emperor bowed his head and ruled. Aren't you afraid of going to the market entrance to bully others?"

"Don't be afraid. If I kill you, who knows I did it." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

The old man was extraordinary, the other party was also a spiritual warrior, he had just hidden his clumsiness before.

As for the purpose of looking for Wang Linchi, it was most likely because of his horse or identity.

"If the law is effective, there are so many injustices in this world. Others can do it, why can't I do it?"

Wang Linchi's words made the old man's eyes flash with a cold light.

The next moment, the short knife slipped from his sleeve, and he slashed towards Wang Linchi's throat like a swimming dragon.

The opponent used spiritual magic to greatly speed up his own speed, and he could also add a sharp evil wind to his attack.

Wang Linchi had already been prepared when launching a sneak attack. He was also very proficient in sneak attacks, so he would naturally guard against others sneaking up on him.

He stretched out his hand a little and grabbed the opponent's short sword, and the evil wind caused by the spiritual technique stopped abruptly.

"This... blocked it!" The old man's pupils shrank, and he never thought that Wang Linchi could easily hold him.

"Not only that, but I can also crush you to death." Wang Linchi easily broke the opponent's dagger, and a blaze of light emerged, and an angry giant ape appeared.

The giant ape came into view of the old man and exploded instantly.

What also exploded at the same time was his head.

"Tell me, what's so special about you?" Wang Linchi asked the young man with red lips and white teeth while searching him.

Before waiting for the other party to answer, Wang Linchi searched for Luan Yiwei's identity certificate, looked back at the young man, and was sure that the other party was wanted by the emperor.

Is it possible that Emperor Dajing had a habit of Longyang? Otherwise, why would you find such a person?

"He...he said that I was born with a celestial body and would be of great use to His Majesty." The young man had never seen anything so cruel and cruel, and he almost burst into tears.

"What use is it to Your Majesty?" Wang Linchi asked. This indeed touched upon his blind spot in knowledge.

However, he also checked it with the thinking force field, and then his eyes widened. He understood what it meant to be born with a celestial body.

He thought this guy was a man disguised as a woman, but in fact he was not. Instead, he had bisexual characteristics, both men and women.

It is a type of congenital malformation. As for whether it is a boy or a girl, this requires further genetic testing, rather than just relying on appearance.

"I...I don't know, he didn't say." The other party really cried this time.

Wang Linchi thought for a moment, then sent the other party on his way, and asked the Holy Master to come out to wash the ground.

Regardless of whether he was born or not, he was of little use to Wang Linchi. It would be better to kill him and save him from causing unnecessary trouble.

In the middle of the one-stop funeral service of the Holy Lord, the Holy Lord found a white bone from the ashes of the innate human body. This thing was left after being burned.

The Holy Master discovered something was wrong, so he took it out to Wang Linchi for a look.

"Isn't it just calcium... Why does this thing look like the demon-suppressing relic on his hand?" Wang Linchi did not take it seriously at first, but he noticed the clue after just one glance.

After taking it over, he took out the Demon Suppressing Relic and compared it.

"The material and feel are similar, but the color and completeness are different."

Wang Linchi compared them and tried to connect the demon-suppressing relic with this newly burned relic.

In front of his eyes, the words on the Demon-Suppressing Relic were coming to life little by little, while the ones that had just been burned on his hand were turning gray a little bit.

It seemed as if the energy was absorbed by the demon-suppressing relic.

As the absorption became deeper, the black surface of the entire demon-suppressing relic was like a pool of mud, and began to slowly squirm.

"Alive?" Wang Linchi had not been happy for two minutes when he saw the black sludge on the surface began to appear gray and white, as if it had been forcibly overdrawn and gradually became inactive.

"If you don't adapt to the environment, you can't survive."

Wang Linchi felt a little regretful when he saw this. After the new relic in his hand was completely broken, there was no energy supply, and the gray on the demon-suppressing relic quickly took over the mud.

Just three seconds later, it was completely shattered.

Even the original demon-suppressing relic turned into powder and fell into Wang Linchi's palm.

"A demon should be a kind of parasitic creature that can affect the thinking, behavior, etc. of the parasitized person to a certain extent."

"But the energy environment is extremely demanding and the adaptability is extremely poor. It is worse than the fish that landed on the beach." Wang Linchi quickly obtained part of the information through summary in just a few seconds.

"I can only say that it is a useless thing that has been eliminated..." Wang Linchi complained. This thing has no value at all. Fortunately, he did not look for it, otherwise, he would definitely be at a loss.

There is no way for the Demon Company to survive in this world, let alone go to other worlds.

He is not even qualified to be a plug-in for Wang Linchi.

"Then why did the emperor find the devil?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

The other party will definitely not be looking for demons for no reason.

This is already the second time. The old man is looking for the human body, Liu Yu’s demon-suppressing relic, and the old man appears around Zhenhai City. He must have known about Liu Yu’s death, so he robbed him. horses to return to Kyoto as quickly as possible.

As for revealing his identity, it is unlikely. There is a high probability that Liu Yu's death was attributed to some forces that sabotaged Dajing. Therefore, if he really revealed his identity, he might be intercepted and killed along the way.

It's a pity that he found the wrong person, or he was unlucky and met someone like Wang Linchi who was lucky.

It turned into an express package and was delivered to him.

"If you think about it this way, the devil should still have some chance, and it may be related to the protagonist's chance." Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this.

He took away Bai Changsheng's opportunity, so he obtained all kinds of opportunities from him in disguise, and they are currently stuffing them towards him little by little.

However, Wang Linchi was indeed not interested in these opportunities.

Opportunities are not something that can be picked up or taken. Some are pitfalls, and some are not suitable. If you really waste your time and costs in pursuit of opportunities, you are doing the best at the expense of others.

He is greedy, but he is not greedy for everything. He knows what he can be greedy for and what he cannot be greedy for. If he is too greedy, he will not be able to pay back even if he has to pay for it.

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