Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 435 In Baishan County, Emperor Jing’s plan

The county government in Baishan County is very prosperous, but compared with it, Zhenhai City is still far behind.

Here, Wang Linchi asked about an old friend, the Cheng family.

It was the head of the Cheng family in Baihe County, and it was the Baishan Cheng family who took action and dealt with the Liu family, which allowed Cheng Xun to survive, otherwise he would have been tricked into a dog on the spot.

However, due to the disappearance of the "Ming Xin Bao Jian", Bai He and Cheng's family were also in a mess. In the end, after a lot of troubles, they still couldn't find it, so everyone had to go back to Baishan County.

Naturally, Cheng Xun was unlucky in the aftermath. Originally, he had a chance to return to his main family, the Baishan Cheng family. By then, he would recognize his ancestors and return to the clan, which would directly transcend his class.

It's a pity that Wang Linchi's face was so bloody that even the Baishan Cheng family didn't want to see him as a Baihe Cheng family, so he is still struggling in Baihe County.

However, the missing piece of "Ming Xin Bao Jian" actually does not cause much loss to the Baishan Cheng family. Only the complete version is useful.

After arriving, Wang Linchi naturally went directly to the government office to register and take the exam, preparing to obtain the title of Juren.

"Are you from Zhenhai City?" The clerk who was registering asked curiously, mainly because Zhenhai City has been too lively recently.

First, an aristocratic family was exterminated, and then even the case of a scholar's reputation was robbed by a mud-legged man. Not long ago, there was another case of theft, which can be said to make the court furious.

"Yeah." Wang Linchi said calmly.

The other party quickly reported the list for Wang Linchi and sealed it, and then said: "Okay, every year there are country people who come to take the exam, but only one or two out of thousands of people come out. It's better to do it here." I am a rich man in the countryside."

When saying this, the other person feels a sense of superiority.

"So, there are quite a lot of people from various aristocratic families in the county who are selected to be elected every year?" Wang Linchi asked in return.

"More than those from the countryside." The other party said vaguely.

Wang Linchi understood immediately that the number might not be much greater.

It is estimated that it will only be in double digits at most, and it will definitely not exceed 100.

When the county government came, the number of spiritual scholars with the title of scholar increased sharply. After all, Zhenhai City could not match it in terms of resources or population, not to mention that all the spiritual scholars in the cities below who wanted to obtain the title of scholar had to come. Since the county seat of Baishan County takes exams every year, a large number of spiritual scholars have settled here.

If it were Kyoto, the number of spiritual warriors would be greater and the quality would be higher.

The entire Jingguo has twelve states and one hundred and forty-four counties, and the number of spiritual warriors produced every year has never been small, but is still increasing year by year.

This also puts more pressure on the bottom layer.

The vast majority of spiritual scholars come from aristocratic and poor families. For example, Wang Linchi, a spiritual scholar who rose from the ranks of the common people, may not even have more than one palm in the twelve states combined.

It is difficult to read, let alone need channels to take the elementary school entrance examination.

Therefore, a very serious thing happened. With the expansion of the aristocratic family and the re-emergence of the poor family, the situation of land annexation began to show its ferocity.

However, Wang Linchi estimates that as long as there are no natural or man-made disasters, there will be no problem in surviving for a hundred years or so.

A hundred years later, it will naturally be the end of the dynasty and war will begin.

The premise is that you are not killed by the calamity of the end of the law.

"There are many talents in the county, and naturally there are more talents than in cities and towns." Wang Linchi responded with a smile, without exposing the other party's lies.

When the official heard this, he couldn't help but puff up his chest and said, "That's natural. Within the county, country people are inherently inferior. Even if a spiritual man comes here, he will be treated like ordinary people."

"Oh? Then don't people like me have to be treated the same as Tong Sheng?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile. This must be the other party's boasting.

"Um..." The officials did not expect Wang Linchi to say this. This boy is different from a scholar. This is a serious eighth-grade official. Even if it is a false position, they are not allowed to say nonsense: "Don't dare, don't dare, It’s me who talks too much.”

"There is still something wrong with what you said. According to your statement, the beggars from Kyoto are all a bit taller than the spiritual men in your county. You are not allowed to kneel down in front of them." Wang Linchi joked again.

You think your location is superior, but this is just a county town, and there are state capitals and Kyoto above, so there is nothing superior about it.

The official's face looked a little ugly, and his lips wriggled a few times, but he finally did not dare to refute Wang Linchi.

"Okay, think about the logic of this slowly and see if there is anything wrong." Seeing this scene, Wang Linchi also laughed, turned around and left.

Wang Linchi didn't care if the other party had a sense of superiority, as long as the sense of superiority didn't apply to him, it wouldn't matter.

Since it was used on him, don't blame Wang Linchi for fighting back. An ordinary person would dare to show any sense of superiority to an extraordinary person. He was the only one who was in a good mood when he robbed Zhenhai City. If he met him, he would be in a bad mood. Make sure you understand what cruelty is.

After Wang Linchi left, the official couldn't help but spit: "Another one comes to the county government to beg for food, bah."

"Isn't it just a scholar? There aren't many in the family."

He was cursing a lot, but he didn't dare to stop moving his hands. He didn't dare to really offend a spiritual man.

As for manipulating the other party's directory?

I'm afraid this is not seeking death.

When the time comes, he will be the first person to look for problems. If he is chopped alive by him, no one will stand up for him, and even the family behind him will not be able to protect him.

If you can attack Wang Linchi today, can you do the same to others tomorrow?

Not to mention that he has no spiritual bones and spiritual veins, he is just an ordinary person. As soon as something happens, the family behind him will hand him over to atone for his sins.

Venting your anger is worthless in front of your life.

Wang Linchi is not worried that the other party will cause trouble. With his luck, if he really dares to target him, it might be another opportunity.

He found a dental shop and asked the dentist to find a yard for him. Wang Linchi planned to rent it but not buy it this time. If everything went well, he would go to the state capital in a few months.

With his methods, Baishan County Jieyuan is none other than him.

The knife is placed on the neck of the imperial examination system computer, and it is not Wang Linchi's final decision on how to change it.

The work in the yard was quickly completed. This time, the Ya people did not have the same sense of superiority as the officials, but instead felt numb.

Thinking about it, the official came from a noble family and worked in the yamen, while the Yaren simply did it to support his family.

The greater the power of the family, the more severe the oppression will be.

The prosperity of Baishan County belongs to the aristocratic families, not to the people at the bottom, because they are part of providing prosperity to the aristocratic families.

"Yes, it's here." Wang Linchi signed the contract smoothly. The man's eyes lighted up after seeing the money, and then he left after saying several good words to Wang Linchi.

"Missing near Zhenhai City?" Emperor Jing looked at the information reported by Luan Yiwei and said that two people were missing, and more importantly, they were still performing important tasks.

This made Emperor Jing's face immediately darken.

"Check it out for me. You have to dig three feet into the ground to find out the traces." Emperor Jing said while suppressing his anger.

What he wanted to do must not fail, and he did not believe that there was such a coincidence that two Luan Yiwei who were entrusted with important tasks would disappear at the same time.

It’s not that there are no Luan Yi guards in Zhenhai City, but most of their duties are surveillance, so even if they die, it’s not a big deal. However, the loss of the innate human body and a former demon-suppressing relic this time is very big. It's serious.

"Arrangements have been made for Luan Yiwei to go over," Commander Li said with some fear.

"It's not enough. Let Zhou Xuan take Qingtian Iron Cavalry over there. Then let Luan Yiwei's people who are good at tracking and tracking people and let the Three Law Departments jointly send people over. If you want to see the person alive, you want to see the corpse."

Emperor Jing was really angry this time.

Commander Li's pupils shrank. He didn't expect such a big battle.

He didn't know what this man was doing. He was the commander of the Luan Yi Guards, but he had no rights for a long time. All the Luan Yi Guards were directly under the control of Emperor Jing, and he was more like an errand messenger. personnel.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Commander Li agreed bravely, and then left decisively.

If he stayed any longer, he was afraid something would happen to him.

After Commander Li left, Emperor Jing's eyes were deep and he felt a little irritable.

'There is only the last number of simulations that the medium can provide. The reputation and influence of this heroic spirit must be maximized. Otherwise, even if it is summoned back, it will not be able to achieve unparalleled quality. ’ Emperor Jing thought to himself that he could have such a method because he had experienced it through simulation dozens of times before.

However, I didn't expect that there would be another accident this time.

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