Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 436: House arrest, three parties intimidated, working together to handle the case

The atmosphere in Baishan County seemed a bit dull.

Three thousand Qingtian cavalry crossed the border and headed towards Zhenhai City, accompanied by people from Luan Yiwei and Sanfasi. The battle this time was really too big.

Even the county guard was taken to Zhenhai City, seemingly to investigate something.

Wang Linchi was also interrogated. After all, he came out of Zhenhai City. In addition to him, all other people related to Zhenhai City were also interrogated.

And for the sake of follow-up protection, everyone with any connection was placed under house arrest in their own homes. They were unable to move freely until the truth came to light.

Although there are only three thousand cavalry, these three thousand are heavy armored cavalry. Together with auxiliary troops, logistics, etc., they are enough to fight a large battle.

With such a big commotion, both the aristocratic families and the various factions of the yamen stopped.

No matter how strong they are, they cannot withstand the anger of the imperial court.

You must know that these three thousand Qingtian Iron Cavalry are the direct troops of Emperor Jing. Each knight is a spiritual warrior with a distinguished name, which is equivalent to not only heavy armor, but also a first-class master in the world.

And this is only a medium strength among the trump cards in the hands of Emperor Jing. There is a bigger trump card in the opponent's hand.

Otherwise, how could the rebellious families in the world obey the various orders issued by Emperor Jing honestly? The other party not only had a pen in his hand, but also a gun, so they couldn't help but disobey.

The family can compete with Emperor Jing in the arena, but they can only lose, not win.

"Recall again, after you left the city that day..."

A Luan Yiwei Baihu sitting in front of Wang Linchi asked with a serious expression.

"Sir, you have asked this question at least fifty times, and I still give the same answer..." Wang Linchi said looking a little tired.

The other party's questioning never ended, but fortunately no violence was used.

When answering questions, Wang Linchi will naturally not answer the same questions every time. Occasionally, he will omit a few or change a few terms. Otherwise, if you answer the questions the same way every time, then there will be problems.

"I have to take the provincial examination in a while. Can you please be accommodating and let me continue my practice." Wang Linchi said this. In fact, he was not worried at all, but he still had to have the appropriate attitude.

"I know." The other party had already looked through Wang Linchi's files, and with the imperial power, he naturally knew that Wang Linchi was going to take part in the imperial examination. However, there was an order from above, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Do you have anything else to say?" The other party looked at the transcripts in his hand. He actually knew that these transcripts were of no use.

In such a high-intensity interrogation, the other party's answers did have flaws and omissions, but these are normal situations, and the overall content is actually very different.

Therefore, the person in front of me must not be suspicious, but he has to continue due to his responsibilities.

Furthermore, given the opponent's situation, how could he possibly kill Luan Yiwei? Any Luan Yiwei was carefully trained, and there was no way he could compare with this wild approach.

"No more." Wang Linchi answered honestly.

"Well, just wait, the ban should be lifted after a while." Luan Yiwei said.

The real focus is on Zhenhai City, so this side should be over soon.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir." Wang Linchi said, and hurriedly took out a piece of silver from his arms and handed it over quietly: "Sir, I hope you are so generous. If it affects the exam, I will miss it again. One year."

Wang Linchi saw that the other party was planning to let him go, so he would hand over the money, otherwise it would have the opposite effect.

The other party also put it away calmly, and said in a businesslike tone: "Study well at home, no one will bother you recently."

After giving the money, the attitude is different. This means that if there is no big order from above, your matter will be over.

"Yes, yes, I will follow your instructions." Wang Linchi responded.

"Well, not bad." After the other party finished speaking, he stood up and left.

Wang Linchi separated a mosquito-shaped memory and followed behind Luan Yiwei. Luan Yiwei's loyalty to Emperor Jing was still unknown, so Wang Linchi had to ensure that the other party would not write about the payment.

Who knows what the other person is thinking.

After the other party left, he quickly returned to the temporary office and started writing a report.

From beginning to end, there is no mention of money in the memory, and during the writing process, I was biased towards Wang Linchi. I can only say that money can make all the difference.

His ingot of silver was one hundred taels, a full ten kilograms. Fortunately, Luan Yiwei was a spiritual man, otherwise he might not have been able to take it away quietly.

After watching the other party hand in the report, Wang Linchi withdrew his gaze.

"He is a trustworthy person, but is Luan Yiwei's salary so low?" Wang Linchi thought about this.

It is indeed a bit strange that a Luan Yiwei is so interested in one hundred taels of silver.

"Maybe it's because of my values." Wang Linchi thought that he had been spending fake money. In the past, banknotes were hand-painted, but now the money is disguised with memory. No matter what kind it is, for For him, there is basically no cost, so he spends money lavishly.

What's more important is that neither silver nor banknotes are of much use to him. He can rob and steal whatever he can buy with money. Generally, he uses money to maintain his identity.

After getting it done, continue to improve and hang up your own semi-finished system.

This is a rather lengthy matter.

"After the system I have is completed, the upper limit should be further increased."

At this time, Wang Linchi had vaguely realized that his stage of growth had reached the upper limit. He would probably stagnate after his mental power reached 100 billion.

If you want to further improve, there are two ways. The first is to complete your own system, and then improve it through the complete system to balance the three treasures of your spirit, energy, and spirit, and finally improve yourself together.

The second is relatively simple. He simply consumes time to turn a world embryo like himself into a world prototype or a world cub. In this way, his upper limit will be increased accordingly.

Wang Linchi naturally used the former as a means of improvement. The development of a world would take at least hundreds of millions of years to achieve progress. How could he have so much time?

But the former is not that easy, because the soul phase and the game, the two systems that are turned into resources, are not simple things. They actually have upper limits and potentials. Therefore, if you want to improve his system, you need other system resources. The quantity of food is not lacking at all.

Therefore, the difficulty is actually relatively high.

"The upper limit is now close. It will take another three days at most." Wang Linchi felt a little aggrieved. He was obviously very powerful, but he couldn't use it.

He couldn't help but feel like he was walking at night in brocade clothes.

But he was aggrieved, and he didn't want to shout "break it for me" and then face the calamity of the end of the law head-on.

Even the complete world is no match for the Tribulation of the End of Law. Wang Linchi, an embryo of this world, dares to jump out so arrogantly, and only one of them will die.

It is true that he is the protagonist now, but the protagonist is not omnipotent. If he was really that powerful, how could Bai Changsheng die, how could Ye Tian sacrifice his life to mend the sky, and King Yama even had no resistance in front of the Great Ruins.

Don't cause trouble and don't be afraid of trouble. This is one of Wang Linchi's principles.

Of course, when encountering advantages and big benefits, Wang Linchi will invalidate this rule. He is still very flexible.

"It just so happens that after completing the level and completing the system by obtaining the title of Juren, the upper limit should be increased a little more." Wang Linchi has been making progress.

He actually made a very complete plan.

Although it is not as easy as taking one step and counting three steps, when it comes to your own future, wealth and life, you can also plan before you act, and rarely act impulsively. You can run away without hesitation at all.

"After the exam, go to the state capital as soon as possible to avoid getting involved again." Wang Linchi knew that the matter in Zhenhai City was definitely not over yet, so he naturally went as far as possible.

As for solving it? It's none of his business, so he can't just kill them all. Wouldn't that make the matter bigger?

Although he was harmed by Chi Yu, there was no actual loss, and Wang Linchi had no more ideas. After all, this incident was also caused by him.

"When I go to Kyoto, I should be able to get rid of the subsequent problems, especially if I win first place again, Luan Yiwei will be afraid of me."

"Unless there is really something wrong with me or Emperor Jing gives the order, there is a high probability that they will not come to trouble me."

Wang Linchi is still very confident about this.

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