Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 438 The bombing of the county government, the army went south to suppress the bandits

In the end, he did not attend the Chunyuan Banquet.

It wasn't that Wang Linchi didn't go, but that the county mansion was bombed.

Seeing this scene, he was really too fucked up. After all, this county can be exploded. Where did the thief come from to be so arrogant?

The county guard was killed on the spot, and a large number of officials died with him.

Because of this incident, Luan Yiwei, Qingtian Cavalry and Sanfa Division in Zhenhai City were all alerted. They brought people over overnight and sealed off the entire Baishan County to forcefully take over all situations.

From the information Wang Linchi got, it was a rogue bandit.

The Dajing court was not the only dynasty in the world. There were various kingdoms in the surrounding areas, large and small. It was just because Dajing was so powerful that it was able to intimidate its surroundings.

However, it is inevitable to be invaded.

The Hulu in the north and the rogue bandits in the south have always been a headache for the Jing Dynasty.

The barbarians serve the demon gods, while the rogues serve as good gunpowder.

Compared with the spiritual warriors, they are far behind. Hulu's demon gods need to feed on blood, and the power they can impart is too weak. At most, they can only reach the level of a scholar, and whether it is military armor or people's livelihood, Far inferior to Dajing, it is already good to be full.

As for the gunpowder used by the bandits, their development was not very good. For example, they blew up the county government, which was probably due to the internal and external cooperation.

Gunpowder can threaten spiritual warriors, but its development is too poor. It is still used like fireworks and has not developed to the artillery level.

As for how the county government was bombed, Wang Linchi didn't know. It had been bombed before he came.

"I always feel that the country's fortunes are in bad shape."

If the calamity of the End of Dharma continues, the decline of the Spiritual Scholars is inevitable, and the Hulu are likely to rise by then.

The spiritual warrior is at level 30, the shaman in Hululi makes offerings to the demon god at level 20, and the gunpowder of the bandit is not to mention, it is the lowest level, it all relies on large quantity, and it does not have a transcendent system. The existence belongs to ordinary people.

He also knew why the development of gunpowder was so slow. Because the bandits themselves were in a remote location, it was simply impossible to develop them.

Even if Dajing was destroyed by barbarians, it would not be the bandits' turn to take advantage.

But if the calamity of the end of the law is lower than level 10, the spiritual warriors and shamans will not be able to survive, and maybe the rogues will be able to take the stage.

The premise is that the gunpowder method has not been obtained by Dajing.

Emperor Jing of the past dynasties actually looked down upon gunpowder at all. To them, gunpowder was nothing more than a trail.

"But having said that, is it possible that it was directed and acted by oneself?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter.

It was Emperor Jing who wanted to use this gunpowder case to completely eliminate the hidden danger of rogue bandits in the south and north.

The court had always disagreed with the previous clearing of rogue bandits and Hulu.

Suppressing bandits requires money, let alone slaying bandits. As soon as the army moves, it starts a money-burning machine. Naturally, the princes in the court cannot bear it anymore. This is taking money out of their pockets.

Things are different now. People even dare to blow up the county government and kill the county guards. No matter how much the princes object, then one day if you high-ranking gentlemen will follow suit, even if you don’t die, you can guarantee that The family members won’t die either?

When he thought of this, Wang Linchi suddenly became clear.

If it weren't for Luan Yiwei, who else would have the ability to quietly transport a large amount of gunpowder into the county government.

What matters more is the timing.

There is Zhenhai City in the front, and there is the Spring Festival Banquet in the back. It is impossible not to make a big fuss.

Next, we only need a simple guide from public opinion, even if the princes of the court disagree.

If there is someone who really goes against Emperor Jing, then he can completely recreate the bombing in the county mansion.

In this case, everyone will agree.

"Maybe it was planned from before." Wang Linchi thought of the original blockade of Baishan County.

"Next, the two missing Luan Yi guards will probably frame the rogue bandits."

Wang Linchi just needs to wait for the news. If the development is completely in line with his ideas, then it can be determined that it will be directed and acted by himself.

Just to be honest.

"It is actually not difficult for Emperor Jing to defeat the Southern invaders and Northern invaders in his lifetime..."

"Wait a minute, I thought wrong. How to deal with the southern invaders and the northern invaders? With Dajing's current national strength, we should need more."

"Like a great unification!"

In Wang Linchi's mind, this idea came to mind.

"Opening up new territories and expanding territory is the goal of all emperors. Only in this way can we be remembered in history."

No matter whether they are spiritual warriors or shamans, they are actually unable to live forever, so an emperor like Emperor Jing who has iron-blooded methods and corresponding abilities at the top wants nothing more than a positive evaluation from future generations.

After another half month, Baishan County finally lifted the blockade.

Naturally, the Spring Festival Banquet will not be held.

Wang Linchi also planned to clean up and leave Baishan County. Many people did this. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Baishan County and Zhenhai City had now become a huge whirlpool.

Correspondingly, Wang Linchi also confirmed that the bombing of the county government was indeed directed and acted by Emperor Jing, sacrificing a county government in exchange for a great cause.

The pot was firmly pinned on the rogue bandits, and the death of Liu Yu and another Ruan Yiwei were pinned on the rogue bandits.

Next, the order to surrender the bandits was issued directly from the court.

A hundred thousand troops were mobilized and went south together with Emperor Jing's ace army called the Trap Army.

No one in the court turned a blind eye and jumped out to oppose Emperor Jing after the bombing of Baishan County Mansion. On the contrary, everyone was extremely supportive. The disadvantage was that he didn't have any money, food or people.

All the princes in the court are members of aristocratic families, and most of them adhere to the idea that the country can be destroyed but the family cannot be destroyed.

Thanks to Emperor Jing's ability, it doesn't matter if he doesn't give it to him. He can take it and directly cut off the flesh and blood of the family under a series of decrees.

They are simply enemies of the family.

The aristocratic family did not dare to resist and could only try their best to stop the losses.

Because people can really make it difficult for you to live. When the time comes to support the concubine from the sidelines to rise to power, the family will not be cut off, but your lineage will be cut off.

Doing this will not cause a backlash from the aristocratic family, after all, they did not kill them all.

The direct descendants of the eldest family represent the aristocratic family but may not necessarily be able to completely control the aristocratic family.

Even if you don't do it so brilliantly and support the concubine all of a sudden, the eldest family's direct lineage can't handle it. The two sides are fighting internally and there is external pressure. They will either fail or surrender.

Of course, these things had nothing to do with Wang Linchi. He was not from a noble family, so he packed up his things, picked up his horse, and was about to leave.

At the gate of the city, there was a group of soldiers in armor guarding it.

Although the blockade is over, it does not mean that all protective measures are gone. Pretending must be done to the end, rather than being exposed halfway.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" A soldier stopped Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi replied: "Go to the state capital to take the spiritual examination."

With that said, Wang Linchi took out the directory and handed it over to Lu Yinchi.

The other party checked it carefully, compared it with Wang Linchi, and then asked: "Why are you the only one?"

It stands to reason that Wang Linchi has already had the honor of being a civil servant, and is also a fifth-rank official. It is very suspicious for him to be alone.

It would be normal if there were big cars and small cars with servants and concubines.

"My name is Wang Linchi, and I am a doctor from Baihe County." Wang Linchi said calmly.

At this point, the other party finally realized: "It turns out to be Wang Jieyuan, disrespectful and disrespectful."

The soldier immediately understood why, because he was rejected by the noble family.

Wang Linchi is also a celebrity in this area. He was born as a commoner, but he became a judge and he has not yet joined a noble family. It is understandable that he is in a state of decline.

The aristocratic family did not dare to make big moves, but small moves were still possible, such as making it impossible for Wang Linchi to buy servants or rent things.

But this is just the imagination of the soldiers. In fact, Wang Linchi is too lazy to do these things.

"You're welcome, can I go?" Wang Linchi said modestly.

"Wang Jieyuan please!" The other party made way for Wang Linchi to get out.

"Thank you." After Wang Linchi thanked him, he led the horse out of the city. After leaving the city, he rode away.

The other party watched Wang Linchi leave and couldn't help but sigh: "Alas, even if we are born in the common people, even if we become successful and famous, we are far inferior to those from a noble family."

Those who can join the army cannot be from aristocratic families. If a family joins the army, the lowest level is an official. How can they be trained at the bottom?

In the Dajing Dynasty, there was no distinction between civil and military officials, only official positions.

Even if ordinary people join the army, if they do not become spiritual warriors, they will not be able to become officials in their lifetime. They can only serve as soldiers. Even as the years of service in the army increase or the accumulation of military exploits, the highest level will only be officials, not officials.

The class formed by the innate gap cannot transcend the past.

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