Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 439 Nine Tribes Xiaoxiaole

"Leave the things behind, we can keep your whole body, otherwise we will let you die without a burial place."

Several men in black armor who wrapped themselves tightly blocked Wang Linchi's way.

Wearing iron armor, holding a crossbow and a long knife, if this suit is found, the house will be ransacked and the family will be exterminated.

It's useless even if you are from a noble family, especially when the crossbows and armors are all complete, it's almost like a rebellion, and it's not just one set, but dozens of people have them.

If the family abides by the rules, then the court will play a game of rules with you. You have directly rebelled, so why should they tell you the rules?

Therefore, generally speaking, aristocratic families rarely touch these two. Even if they do, there are only one or two pairs, and they are extremely well hidden.

"You've handed over everything and you still want my life, so why should I hand it over?" Wang Linchi sneered.

He was definitely going to die, but the other party came out with armor and a crossbow. This secret must not be exposed.

Of course, if they don't use these things, they will not be able to keep Wang Linchi. After all, Wang Linchi is also a spiritual scholar with a reputation as a scholar. He is a rare existence in Baishan County and belongs to the top group.

If you are not cautious, how can you plot?

"If you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty, take action!" The leader of the black-armored man snorted coldly, and the people behind him all raised their crossbows and prepared to fire a volley.

But before the opponent could take action, Wang Linchi struck first. He took out part of the combat armor from the storage space, which was a laser gun.

He started shooting directly and easily hit the hole in his visor that was left for vision. It penetrated the skin and skull on the spot and burned his brain into coke.

The remaining men in black armor also reacted, thinking it was Wang Linchi's spiritual magic, and then raised their bows and crossbows to shoot at Wang Linchi without hesitation.

This little trick couldn't do anything to Wang Linchi. None of the crossbow arrows hit him, but he shot them all to death with his laser gun.

"Tsk, use a cold weapon against a hot weapon like mine. Do you think you are worthy of being in a world of high martial arts and fantasy where you can't even release a sword energy?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but sneered.

If in those worlds of high martial arts, powerful extraordinary beings could change the mountains and rivers with a wave of their hands, then Wang Linchi would not dare to say that his hot weapons could win, but this low martial arts really couldn't win.

"These aristocratic families are really desperate for their lives, and they dare to intercept and kill me here."

Wang Linchi didn't know who did it, but he knew it was from a noble family.

"Everyone of them really covets my non-existent spiritual treasure." Wang Linchi was very angry now. He had obviously let the other party go, but in the end, he had to do this with him.

Obviously, the aristocratic families felt that something that could make a person with muddy legs become a leader should fall into the hands of their aristocratic family, not in the hands of a person with no background like Wang Linchi.

As for what to do after killing Wang Linchi?

It's very simple, just destroy the corpse and eliminate the traces. Anyway, Wang Linchi has no connections, so no one will come looking for him.

If someone really inquired or reported it to the officials, it would be a long time later. They could just blame it on the gangsters who were responsible for the bombing of the county government.

However, they had made countless calculations, but they missed one thing, that is, Wang Linchi was not dead, and he killed these people instead.

"In that case, don't blame me for sending you nine tribes to have fun."

At this juncture, Wang Linchi, the newly promoted Jieyuan, was attacked on the road, and his attackers had armor and crossbows. This simply stirred Emperor Jing's nerves.

It's actually not that difficult to find out.

If they dare to do this, it means that this group of people is completely sure, and the person they sent is still the core figure of the clan. Otherwise, how dare they give the secret of secretly hiding armor, bows and crossbows to the other party? , so that you can rest assured.

They tied all the dozen people together with ropes and found the horses they came with. They dragged them all behind the horses and prepared to return to Baishan County.

What Wang Linchi has to do is very simple. He just needs to drag these armored corpses back to Baishan County. He doesn't have to worry about the rest. By then, Qingtian Iron Cavalry, Sanfa Division, Luan Yiwei will come again, and they will investigate directly without Wang Linchi's guidance.

At least it's a charge of rebellion.

If you are not lucky, maybe all the aristocratic families in Baishan County will be purged.

It was still useless to ask for mercy. Of course, no one dared to ask for mercy.

Emperor Jing will investigate anyone who pleads for mercy.

As an aristocratic family, who has a clean bottom? In order to maintain balance, Emperor Jing usually turns a blind eye. Now if you want his dominance, no matter how hard he endures, he will kill your whole family.

When they returned, it naturally caused a huge sensation. When the soldiers guarding the city gate saw this scene, they didn't even need Wang Linchi to explain.

"Inform the adults in charge in the city to come over. I was attacked on the way to the state capital by these people." Wang Linchi pointed at the corpse behind him and said.

Wang Linchi had only been away for a long time, so the soldiers guarding the city were still the same, so they naturally knew him, Jieyuan.

In about fifteen minutes, people arrived one after another.

There are Luan Yiwei Qianhu, Sanfa Si Dali Temple Judge, Qingtian Cavalry School Captain and others.

These people are die-hard loyalists of Emperor Jing. Even though they come from aristocratic families, they are impressed by Emperor Jing's charisma.

"Wang Jieyuan, are there any suspects?" The Dali Temple judge handed over his hand and asked Wang Linchi.

What? I suspect that there is something wrong with Wang Linchi. How stupid would he be to ask the victim, "It's not your fault, how could the other party intercept and kill you."

"No, when we met, they told me that if I handed over the Lingbao, they would leave a whole body for me. When I said no, they took action and scolded me for not eating the toast and giving me a fine." Wang Linchi replied.

The expressions of the three people did not change, but they also knew the cause and effect. Luan Yiwei Qianhu asked: "Wang Jieyuan really has a spiritual treasure?"

"You think I have it too?" Wang Linchi asked back.

"No, Wang Jieyuan is truly talented and knowledgeable." Of course Luan Yiwei Qianhu knew that there was no such thing. When all Zhenhai City related personnel were placed under house arrest, Wang Linchi was one of them, and the Luan Yiwei personnel under his command had already investigated him It's all over the place, if it really was there, it would have been discovered long ago.

Therefore, the words of Luan Yiwei Qianhu are still very important, which directly proves that Wang Linchi does not have

"But some people think that I have it. Who do the three adults think?" Wang Linchi was trying to get angry.

Of course, without his support, the three of them were already very excited.

If something like this happens at this critical moment, they will not be able to escape the blame and will definitely be held accountable.

Captain Qingtian Iron Cavalry did not speak, but waved, and several soldiers beside him rushed over and skillfully removed their visors.

Then several local Luan Yiwei came over and began to identify the people.

Wang Linchi's laser beam was very small and only destroyed the corpse's eyes without affecting the face.

"Cheng family, the generation with the character of fish, Cheng Kun."

"Li family, generation with the character "Mu", Li Chai."

"The Xu family..."

The names were announced one by one by Luan Yi Guardian, and everyone present was frightened.

Wang Linchi originally thought there was only one family, but now it seems that there are several people from the same family. This is indeed too strange.

However, the faces of the three principals became increasingly ugly.

It would be okay if it was one family, but now it is multiple families, which means they are connected.

"Master Judge, how are you doing?" Captain Qingtian Cavalry looked at the roll call and then asked the Judge of Dali Temple.

"Assassinating a court official is a capital crime."

"He also hid armor, bows and crossbows secretly from the Yi tribe."

"The two crimes are added together, and the crime is increased to one level. It is rebellion and the execution of the nine clans."

Dali Temple's judge suppressed his anger and said.

"Please ask the captain to put him in prison for the time being. I will prepare a memorial to report to His Majesty in Kyoto before he can be interrogated and executed." Luan Yiwei Qianhu also spoke at this time.

Anti-terrorism requires evidence, but anti-terrorism only requires a list.

Now that the list has been obtained, the remaining Luan Yi guards can only assist, and it is the army that takes action.

"Okay." After that, Captain Qingtian Iron Cavalry turned around and left with his soldiers. Also accompanying him was Luan Yiwei Qianhu, who left with these armored corpses.

"We also ask Wang Jieyuan to rest in the city for a few days. After this matter is over, we will ask the cavalry to escort Jieyuan to the state capital." Dali Temple commented on the matter.

Wang Linchi must not leave, after all, he is a key witness.

"I'm willing to serve the imperial court." Wang Linchi naturally couldn't leave. He still had to see how these people died.

If I leave now, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

This matter won't take long. This is a rebellion and not another case. If we hurry up, we may see the other party beheading him at the market in three to five days.

No matter how slow it is, it will not exceed a month, and Wang Linchi will not miss the time.

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