Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 440 Praise? directly muddy the waters

Things went so smoothly that Wang Linchi was a little embarrassed. In three days and with solid evidence, as long as any of the aristocratic families in Baishan County were involved, all the nine tribes were pushed to the market entrance to play Xiaoxiaole.

This efficiency is indeed very fast.

Wang Linchi also received corresponding rewards in this process, which were probably some gold and cloth. It was useless for Wang Linchi to ask for them.

After watching the Nine Tribes Xiao Xiao Le, he naturally went to Lizhou Prefecture to continue preparing for the tribute examination.

During this period, Luan Yiwei also tried to win over Wang Linchi and wanted him to become a member of Luan Yiwei secretly, but Wang Linchi refused.

This is of no use at all. He has a good identity, but he has to wear the inner appearance of a gutter rat, and he will be sacrificed at any time. He is not a fool.

If they were aborigines, they might still have the mentality of loyalty to the emperor and the country, but Wang Linchi did not.

I didn't see him copying Confucian classics into it. As a result, the spiritual gifts that appeared had nothing to do with the Confucian view of imperial power. I can only say that the name was in vain.

With the escort of three Qingtian cavalry, Wang Linchi arrived at Lizhou Prefecture and settled down without any accidents.

If something happens again in the meantime, the Qingtian Iron Cavalry may really have to clean up the entire Lizhou. This means that the entire Emperor Jing cannot control Lizhou, otherwise how could so many things happen.

So nothing happened to Wang Linchi. Not only the state capital was relieved, but also the court. Emperor Jing was too strong. If this touched the opponent's nerves, there would be another bloody storm in the court.

After Wang Linchi settled down, even Zhou Mu came over to express his condolences.

This is not a big deal. Wang Linchi is a Jie Yuan, and it is worth his coming.

The aristocratic families in the state capital also stayed safe. Although they had received information that Wang Linchi was suspected of having a valuable treasure, they did not dare to cause trouble again.

No matter how good the treasure is, it is not as important as one's own wealth, life and family inheritance.

What's more, they also sneered at this. You must know that Wang Linchi was affected by the turmoil in Zhenhai City and was under house arrest for almost a month. During this period, there were constant censorships. If there was any valuable treasure, it would have fallen into Luan Yi's hands long ago. Wei's hands.

And even Luan Yiwei Qianhu proved that he was not, that is, he was really a monster.

What? Don’t believe what Luan Yiwei Qianhu said? If you don't want your life, you can continue to test the sharpness of the court's sword or the strength of your own neck in this powder keg that may explode at any time.

After this incident, all the aristocratic families in the counties, cities and counties under Lizhou became quiet and shrank tightly, for fear of being caught.

After the execution of the aristocratic families in Baishan City, things did not stop. Qingtian Iron Cavalry led the team and Luan Yiwei investigated, and all the aristocratic families, big and small, were searched.

The aristocratic families did not dare to act recklessly. They had knives on their bodies. If you dared to refuse, it would be because you were evil. The personnel of Dali Temple wrote a verdict on the spot and killed you on the spot.

Regardless of procedure or force, the entire process was incredibly fast.

At this time, the trapped troops went south to suppress the bandits. This was a major nationwide move, and your family was not allowed to cause trouble.

Wang Linchi didn't feel anything at all. Although he was the cause of this storm, and every family hated him so much, they didn't dare to kill him.

If he dies, the court will definitely conduct a thorough investigation, and the targets of the thorough investigation will only be noble families.

Because no matter whether it was done by aristocratic family or not, the imperial court would identify it as being done by aristocratic family, so the aristocratic family hated it but did not dare to take action.

Of course, the imperial court would not take action. Now various matters were entangled, and they did not want the situation to continue to escalate. The aristocratic families gave in and gave money and food to the people, and Emperor Jing turned the major issue into a trivial matter.

Therefore, the only ones who are most likely to take action are Hulu and rogue bandits, which will expand the situation and cause internal strife within Dajing.

There's just one problem, that is, it's not that easy to kill Wang Linchi.

After all, even a dozen well-trained spiritual warriors with armor, bows, and crossbows were easily killed by Wang Linchi, which showed that his spiritual power was so powerful that it was beyond the reach of Hulu and rogue bandits.

In the end, the opponent may just counterattack and fall short.

"Dong dong dong~"

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

"Is Wang Jieyuan at home?" After the knock on the door, it was the voice of a middle-aged man.

He, Wang Jieyuan, also became famous because of what happened before.

"Here, what can I do?" Wang Linchi opened the door. He was a spiritual man, not someone's servant.

The Dajing family is not yet powerful enough to use spiritual men as servants.

"I heard that Wang Jieyuan is the number one in Baishan County and I am not very talented, so I came here to ask for advice." The middle-aged spiritual man held up his hand with a polite tone.

"This is just a rumor. How dare I be the number one?" Wang Linchi also understood and came to play.

There is no one who is first in civility and no second in martial arts, and the spiritual master is a combination of civil and military. Some people are eyeing his reputation and want to use him as a stepping stone. There must be some people among them who deliberately praise him to kill him, otherwise he will keep a low profile in the state. How could he become number one if he didn't leave the house?

"Why is he not number one if he can win the title of Jieyuan in a county?" The middle-aged spiritual man said politely, but he did not want to let Wang Linchi go.

"This... is too much of a compliment. If you have Jie Yuan every year, wouldn't that mean you have to be ranked first every year?" Wang Linchi refused to let go.

"I heard that Wang Jieyuan's spiritual skills are powerful and changeable, and he can kill hundreds of heavy armored cavalry in a row. The other number one is naturally not as good as Wang Jieyuan." The other party said seriously.

When Wang Linchi heard this, everyone was a little bit confused. The news about hundreds of heavily armored cavalry was too exaggerated.

With these troops plus the auxiliary troops and other personnel, they can capture Baishan County without intercepting and killing him.

"It's rumored that I can kill hundreds of heavily armored cavalry. Isn't that humanly possible?" Wang Linchi complained, and then continued: "Besides, my spiritual skills are so powerful, you are not afraid to come to me to discuss them." I was so angry that I decided to kill him."

"How can Jieyuan be such a narrow-minded person?" The other party was very confident.

When Wang Linchi heard this, his face darkened: "So you think I'm easy to bully, and you're going to use me as a stepping stone to your reputation, right?"

"This...why did Jie Yuan say this? It was just a normal discussion." The other party's face changed slightly. He did not expect Wang Linchi to say this.

"Oh? In that case, which county are you from?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"I am not Jieyuan." The other party could only answer bravely.

"So you think I, Baishan County, have no real talent and learning, so you want to step on me, Baishan County Jieyuan, to promote the prestige of your county?"

"If I defeat you, I will only get a reputation as a bully. If you lose to me, you have nothing to lose. But if you lose, it will become your reputation."

"You benefit anyway, so why should I sacrifice my reputation in Baishan County to help you alone? How can you be so virtuous and capable that you can gain fame by stepping on Baishan County's top position?"

Wang Linchi's voice was very loud, and many people heard it.

If he only used his own reputation, it would definitely not have much influence. However, if he adds Baishan County, it would be interesting, directly elevating personal grudges to regional battles.

"I...that's not what I thought." The man also suppressed his blush. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to criticize him so much.

"Oh, then why did you come to challenge me instead of challenging others? You just want to step on my Baishan County. Why do you say it so high-sounding?" Wang Linchi is very good at moral kidnapping, slander, false accusations, etc.

As far as Dajing's atmosphere is concerned, if Wang Linchi emerges from the mud and remains unstained, then there will be a problem.

"No, I'm not..." These words made the other party's blood pressure rise. This time, it was really a waste of time.

"You didn't want to come? That means there is someone behind you who is instigating you." Wang Linchi's voice rose three times more: "I don't dare to come, I only dare to hide my head and tail behind my back, and let you come, not your wife, children and children It must have fallen into the hands of the other party, otherwise why would he do such a self-destructive thing?"

It doesn't matter if someone instigates the other party, Wang Linchi can frame him.

"I...I still have something to do. I'll come visit Wang Jieyuan next time." The other party could no longer bear Wang Linchi's nonsense and could only hide his face and flee.

"Don't leave. If you leave, what will happen to your wife, children, and children who are captured by the other party!!!" Wang Linchi directly added fuel to the fire.

Seeing that the people were gone, he closed the door and went back to the house. Then he left it to the rumors. There would be people who liked melons to help him with artistic processing. He killed more than a dozen sons of aristocratic families and it was spread into hundreds of heavy armored cavalry, which is enough to spread the news. The information has changed over time.

What's more, Wang Linchi is preparing to create some memories to help add fuel to the fire and ensure that the entire Lizhou Prefecture is in a state of chaos.

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