Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 444 Sensation from heaven and man, preparations before the Northern Expedition

"Emperor Jing always seems to feel that there is something wrong somewhere."

Wang Linchi always felt a little strange. Emperor Jing didn't seem to be that majestic or majestic to him.

It stands to reason that such people will have an extremely strong desire for power, and delegating power is not the way to go.

From the moment he came into contact, the feeling he gave him was akin to some kind of passionate feeling, rather than a feeling of being a hero.

But fortunately he is not the protagonist, and Wang Linchi is also a little regretful about this.

As for the capture of the northern barbarians in three months, Wang Linchi didn't care at all.

He didn't have to worry about the time on the road, so he went straight to the airship. Under normal circumstances, the airship was indeed not very practical, but this world was a low-martial world, and there were some mysterious beings.

Coupled with the steam engine as the core, Wang Linchi came up with a series of technologies that were very problematic at first glance.

However, with the title of Spiritual Master with three consecutive victories, no one stood up to object or question it. Coupled with Emperor Jing's support, Wang Linchi was confident that he would be able to create a modern and powerful army within a month.

When the time comes, he will directly rush into the Northern Royal Court, take the Khan and send it back, then take root and slowly collect all the systems related to demons, gods and shamans.

The speed of a normal airship is a bit slower, maybe only about 250 kilometers per hour. After being accelerated by the spiritual master's spiritual method, it can reach about 300 kilometers per hour. In this era, it is already very scary. , not to mention that the airship can ignore geographical factors. As long as there is no bad weather, it can go back and forth in two days.

He didn't plan to directly make guns. It was too late for him. Instead, he made steam cannons, which were very useful.

It is directly loaded on the airship and bombarded from a long distance. Under the impact and heat wave, it is guaranteed that only a group of debris will be left within ten meters of the impact point. Those who are close will be burned by the hot air escaping.

In short, just kill it, the rest is not important.

As for Khan's death due to accidental injury, it doesn't matter. The head can be taken back as a decoration.

"I thought that the system would be completed after becoming a Jinshi, but now it seems that it is still a little bit behind."

Wang Linchi's eyes returned to his last spiritual talent, which was a passive talent called Heavenly Sensation.

[Heavenly Sensation: Divine Compatibility +100%]

He wanted to ask what was the difference between affinity and compatibility?

Wenqi has also fully grown, it just needs time to balance.

In this regard, Wang Linchi suspected that it was due to the underdevelopment of the spiritual bones, spiritual veins and spiritual methods.

After all, in the age of the end of the Dharma, in this environment, it would be better if the qualifications of the Bone Pulse Technique are not that good, at least you will have less to eat.

I didn't feel it before because it wasn't perfect yet, so I couldn't see it. Now when I compare it, it's naturally very clear.

"The four innate substances of Anshou, Jieyuan, Huiyuan, and Zhuangyuan can only be used temporarily. Although they have been analyzed at present, they will not be used until they are completed."

Wang Linchi can also use experience points to convert into innate matter. However, this type of innate matter can only take effect once. He can provide a large amount of experience points for conversion, but once it is interrupted, it is over.

The second time I try it, it won’t be as effective as the first time.

Therefore, Wang Linchi must ensure that he is in the best condition to perform.

"There is also Emperor Jing. We must send him on his way as soon as possible." Wang Linchi thought about this matter.

No matter whether Emperor Jing is a great talent or a cunning one, as long as the other party is dead, everything will be easy to handle next.

The reason why he wanted to die was naturally because the other emperor, like the previous emperor, still had no heirs. As long as he died, Wang Linchi would be able to support another one.

He can control the north in three months, and the south in two months.

Therefore, Emperor Jing had better die within two years.

He needs the entire Jingguo to be his testing ground.

This requires a puppet emperor or a fool emperor to come out.

An emperor who is too powerful is beyond his control.

As an emperor, just stay in the harem and be a breeding pig and give birth to children.

"So I need to support a force to come out as a family that supports me."

"For example... the Donglin Party?"

An idea flashed in Wang Linchi's mind, and he felt like it could be done.

As for what will happen after Dajing, Wang Linchi doesn't care about these things.

He wanted to choose the eunuch, but the eunuch was naturally a vassal of the imperial power, and he was not a member of the royal family. Unless he sat on the throne, it would be impossible to succeed.

But he doesn't want to sit on the throne. If it were a world of high martial arts and high magic, he would be tempted. A world of low martial arts would be too troublesome.

It's better to be a traitorous minister who covers the sky with one hand.

Liquidation afterwards? That was an afterthought.

He might have left this world by then, so how could he continue to stay here.

To complete these plans, Emperor Jing must die.

"It is unrealistic to kill them immediately. The best way is to use chronic poison to make the other party die suddenly or die from overwork."

Wang Linchi knew that he could not act too fast or too slowly.

If it's too fast, it's easy to have flaws, if it's too slow, unnecessary changes will happen.

"Just let the memory come."

This kind of thing must be done by the memory, otherwise who else can use it.

He wouldn't worry about giving it to others.

As long as the memory is used to replace the eunuchs who tasted food and served as imperial chefs for Emperor Jing, they can basically conceal the truth.

It is definitely unrealistic to replace them all. The memory is inherently fake and will show flaws sooner or later.

Moreover, Emperor Jing seemed a bit strange, and Wang Linchi was not sure.

"We should be able to survive another month or so this time."

Wang Linchi looked at his level limit. He improved his strength very quickly.

After finishing his own affairs, he went to the Ministry of Industry.

"Sir, you are here." An official from the Ministry of Industry came to greet Wang Linchi immediately after seeing him arriving.

"How's the progress?" Wang Linchi asked.

The progress he asked about was naturally related to steam air cannons and airships.

"Seventy-two steam air cannons have been built using your drawings. The progress of the airship is a little slower, and only one of them has been completed. The test flight was successful yesterday." The official from the Ministry of Industry said with familiarity.

There was no fool among the people present. Wang Linchi was not responsible for killing them. Even the factions and aristocratic families behind them did not dare to protect them.

"The airships must be fast. There must be 300 of them within a month. With assembly line production and the conscripted civilians, we can succeed in half a month. But I will give you half a month more. If it ruins my business, I will peel off your skin when the time comes." Wang Linchi said calmly.

"Yes, yes, I promise to complete your instructions, sir." The official from the Ministry of Industry said quickly.

This time, nearly 50,000 civilians were recruited, regardless of gender, working day and night. If this was not completed, they would indeed be skinned. What Wang Linchi said was not a metaphor.

There is no need to worry about the peasants. All the expenses of the 50,000 people are supported by the Ministry of Household Affairs. They have one meal of meat a day, three meals a day, plus wages.

Naturally, everyone worked hard, mainly because the wages arranged by Wang Linchi were piece-rate, and the more you worked, the more you got.

However, he is not a fool. All parts and materials have quality inspection standards. If they are found to be of unqualified quality, they will be immediately executed.

Don't use the whole family's head to challenge quality issues.

And there are still people sitting there, including the officials responsible for supervision, who all have responsibilities.

There were complaints, but no one dared to say it in public. Firstly, Wang Linchi was really ruthless, and secondly, Wang Linchi also gave a lot. From top to bottom, as long as this task was completed, everyone would be able to eat. Mouth full of oil.

There is no problem with drawing cakes and coercing, but you have to give Tianzao something to eat. Otherwise, who would be willing to actually do things for you.

"Take out yesterday's report and show it to me." Wang Linchi said, naturally looking at the records first.

The officials have been prepared for a long time. Wang Linchi has been following this procedure these days, reading reports, inspecting workshops, and sampling samples.

So far, everyone has been working conscientiously and nothing has happened yet, so Wang Linchi has been amiable and not too violent.

If nothing happens, of course it's hello, I'm hello, everyone. If something happens, Wang Linchi will naturally fall out. This actually involves his personal interests.

Otherwise, everyone really thinks he is easy to talk to.

After taking the money, receiving the gifts, and being full of food, you have to obey him honestly, and those who are disobedient have to be eliminated.

"Yes, let's go to the workshop." Wang Linchi read the report. It was indeed very good. He had to see the actual situation on the spot.

"Please come here." The official from the Ministry of Industry immediately led the way. He was not afraid of finding problems. From the beginning to the end, the quality was very tight and he did not dare to relax for a moment.

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