Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 445 Blood Curse, the Fate of Emperor Dajing

Emperor Jing looked at the flying airships, steam-air cannons, hand-held air cannons, steam-powered crossbows and a series of other things, and he was a little confused.

Did Dajing go astray?

According to the records, didn't the King of Tianqi use artillery, blunderbuss and the like based on the gunpowder of the bandits? How did this become like this?

'Sure enough, after becoming a spiritual warrior, King Tianqi directly transformed into an even more outrageous version. ’ Emperor Jing couldn’t help but feel a little lucky at this time. It was thanks to his efforts to reorganize the court and the family, otherwise how could he meet the enhanced version of King Tianqi.

The other party did not follow the gunpowder school, but mutated the steam school. It should be related to the other party's spiritual method. It is said that the spiritual method should be of the fire type. Nowadays, it should be the combination of water and fire, so steam is formed.

As for gunpowder, Emperor Jing thought about it for a moment and could give him a reminder later.

"Your Majesty, do you have any concerns?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Wang Aiqing trained this Iron Wing Army in just one month. It's really amazing. If Aiqing had 10,000 people at the beginning, wouldn't he be able to sweep across all directions?" Emperor Jing had a good idea, that is, the South invaders and the North invaders His grade seems a bit unworthy of the King of Tianqi.

Then we have to unify the world.

"This method is too laborious and wastes money. It should not be used more often. If you want to establish it again, you need funding from the Northern Royal Court." Wang Linchi expressed opposition to Emperor Jing's statement.

He secretly rolled his eyes, this guy has no skills at all.

If there are more, with Dajing's national strength, logistics will simply not be able to keep up.

The battle was all about logistics. Two hundred of Wang Linchi's 300 airships were used to transport supplies. The daily consumption of fuel alone was a huge expense.

There are hundreds of steam-air cannons on an airship, covering and releasing them, and during this process, the burning fuel cannot stop for a moment.

Including regular soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, logistics, etc., there are tens of thousands of people in total.

Three thousand people are soldiers, and if they go to fight for their lives, others will definitely be needed to take charge of various matters.

You can't just kill 3,000 people and then kill them back. They are not NPCs or players. They don't need anything. They are living people.

Emperor Jing also reacted, and then said: "What Aiqing said makes sense. If that's the case, please ask Aiqing to go on an expedition."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Wang Linchi said and turned and left.

One hundred airships set off first, and the remaining airships needed to make a time lag for replenishment.

Naturally, the first batch of airships will not advance at full speed, but at 200 kilometers per hour. The following airships will move at full speed and form a full line of supplies.

After the people left, an official came out.

"Your Majesty, with such a powerful army and no supervisory troops accompanying them, if Mr. Wang has evil intentions when he goes here..." The other party was interrupted by Emperor Jing before he could finish his words.

"Don't doubt the people you employ, and don't doubt the people you doubt." Emperor Jing knew the loyalty of King Tianqi, so how could he doubt it without any trouble.

Between a person who didn't even have a name in the history books, and a heroic spirit who had a name in history, Emperor Jing certainly chose to believe in the latter.

Among them, there were even political opponents and enemies who had worked with King Tianqi for many years, and they all praised King Tianqi. This man did not delegate power to the other party, but was also wary of the other party to restrict the other party. Then how could he make Emperor Jing, a heroic spirit, unparalleled? quality improvement?

The other party was still a little unwilling, but after seeing Emperor Jing's face, he finally didn't dare to speak anymore.

"If you have nothing to do, let's get going." After Emperor Jing said that, he turned around and left.

Only a group of courtiers were left, and they couldn't help but look at me and me at him.

"Jane is in the emperor's heart."

"This kid has become a mature man. I'm afraid we are no match for him."

"What's the weakness of such a lonely minister?"

Disturbing voices came and went, and finally they calmed down helplessly.

Start to frame him and ruin his reputation? I'm afraid it will be counterattacked by the other party.

As long as Wang Linchi defeated the barbarians and then turned around to eliminate the rogue bandits, his reputation would be the same.

If Emperor Jing had not given Wang Linchi such trust, he could have succeeded in killing him through instigation. Unfortunately, Emperor Jing had such trust that there was no way to sow discord.

There is really no way around this.

After listening to Luan Yiwei's retelling, Emperor Jing couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Write it down and deal with it together when the time comes." Emperor Jing sneered. He really thought he was the original mediocre Emperor Jing. He didn't even know how to use a trump card that would go down in history. He just lost it by playing with it. .

He finally understood why King Tianqi died back then. It must have been caused by the instigation of discord and deliberate oppression by these aristocratic families.

The original King Tianqi naturally did not have such good conditions.

Luan Yiwei silently wrote down the list. This group of people is definitely dead. If we talked about it before, Emperor Jing really didn't care, but now Emperor Jing wants to prosper Dajing, and there are still candidates. If you keep talking like this, That is committing an offense against scale.

"Your Majesty, this involves Nan Zhang Beikong and Wu Xing Qi Wang, is it..." Luan Yiwei reminded.

"Let's write it down first." Emperor Jing had a headache when he heard this.

He is not a Hulu, and most of his foundation is already entangled with aristocratic families, so there is no way to kill directly like Huru when he enters the pass, killing these aristocratic families to their knees.

If he really moved, Dajing would be seriously injured.

Although he already has the trump card of King Tianqi, he has just obtained this trump card. If he wants to use it, he needs to take root in the court.

Moreover, the current King Tianqi is still too young. If he can fight, he may not be able to engage in politics.

He needs enough time to make this trump card become Dajing's Dinghai Shenzhen.

"Go down." Emperor Jing said and asked Luan Yiwei to leave.

After Luan Yiwei left, Emperor Jing was the only one left in the entire imperial study.


When no one was around, he coughed up a mouthful of black blood.

"The bloodline problem of the Dajing royal family still cannot be solved." Emperor Jing looked helpless.

In his previous simulations, he died due to bloodline problems.

When Dajing established the country, Taizu started from a young age and later used his status as an emperor to ban the last demon. Unfortunately, it left troubles for the future.

The more talented emperors have shorter life spans, it is a curse similar to that of blood.

Therefore, during the two hundred years of the Dajing Dynasty, there were twenty-one emperors. The only emperor who lived a long life was the mediocre king he replaced before.

"It's a bit difficult to solve the devil's troubles. I only have one year at most." Emperor Jing quickly analyzed his lifespan.

He once wanted to find the power of monks to further suppress it.

However, there has been no trace. The only time there was one was in Zhenhai City. In the end, it disappeared for no reason. There is no news yet.

The demon's curse spread on Emperor Dajing, making them short-lived. Other members of the royal family will not bear this curse as long as they do not ascend the throne.

In future generations, this curse will naturally disappear.

Because Dajing died when the barbarians entered the Pass, no one could become emperor, so naturally there was no longer a curse.

The curse was thus broken.

"It is necessary to adopt an heir as soon as possible and establish a heir. It is best to be a mediocre royal member who is willing to delegate power. Only in this way can he cooperate with King Tianqi to the greatest extent." Emperor Jing was ready to start plotting a way out.

"Still not willing to give in."

Emperor Jing sighed helplessly. If it weren't for the curse, he would of course want to take this glory for himself.

"Commander Li, I didn't expect you to be so powerful." Wang Linchi looked at Old Li jokingly.

The other party couldn't help but smile bitterly: "If you want to say that you have a high and powerful position, it is not as good as Mr. Wang. The owner of my shop has a fake identity, but Mr. Wang is a doctor, so you can't fake it."

"In just over a year, you have become a first-class official. When I see you, I have to salute you and say hello."

Commander Li's real name was Li Zheng. He had never paid attention to Wang Linchi before. After all, Wang Linchi was just a small person, but he accidentally became his immediate boss.

Of course, this had something to do with him being sidelined by Emperor Jing. A large amount of information fell directly into Emperor Jing's hands without going through his hands, so naturally he didn't know about Wang Linchi's situation.

It was not until he became the number one scholar later and learned that he had won three prizes in a row that he recognized Wang Linchi.

"It doesn't matter, you and I will work together from now on. You have to do a good job in disseminating intelligence from Luan Yiwei. There will be good news every day." Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile.

"When it comes to marching and fighting, I, Luan Yiwei, cannot compare to your Excellency's Iron Wing Army, but when it comes to delivering information, no one dares to claim to be number two, but no one dares to say number one." Li Zheng said without hesitation.

Because he had no real power, he became an errand deliverer, but his subordinate Luan Yiwei was quite capable.

"That's good." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, he looked into the distance. The speed of the airship, in this era of low martial arts, was very fast, several times faster than those BMWs that traveled thousands of miles a day.

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